What's everybody doing today?

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Watering, household chores including laundry... probably just take it easy later, my knee is much better today but I don't wanna push my luck. Dunno why it went off, at my age things get riled for no apparent reason, especially those joints and other anatomical parts or areas which have taken a beating in the past. Just the way it is... 😒

Meh, this cold beer I already cracked tastes pretty good... it might only be 0900 here, but it's noon somewhere out over the Atlantic Ocean! Cheers! 🍺
Post office, and amish grocery store this morning. Animal chores and garden picking. Two more buckets of tomatoes, and the rest of the small sweet pumpkins. Need to cook those for pies later. My kitchen is a mess, looks like a bomb exploded in there. Little granddaughter helped me move 19 older chicks to the baby area in the chicken houses. Not so hard to clean up after them now. Taking her to the roller skating birthday party soon, and I'll stop in at Walmart or Dollar Tree while I'm waiting on her.
Not today, yesterday. Busy day! I took that flat tire that I had on Sunday in to get it replaced. Got the tire, and went home for them to call me when it was finished. Drove the car it was from over, not the car I use for hauling dogs around in so they could replace the spare and I wouldn't have to get dirty again while changing it. Then I drove to the car dealership to see about getting a full size wheel for the spare. The car has alloys, which I have had in the past. In order to get a spare alloy, you have to purchase them is sets of 4. I already knew I didn't want to do that, that they would probably cost more. I just want a full sized spare. I can live without matching wheels for the day or two it takes me to get the tire repaired or replaced. They didn't have any wheels that would fit in stock, but they could order ONE for $800 (no rubber)!! When I caught my breath, I said, "Oh no thank you. I'll go look at junkyards." I have been to junkyards and replace a few previous donut spares with used wheels. I'm not that vain, but I know people who are!

The parts guy told me that it is getting more and more common for people to come in and get full sized wheels to replace the spare. You are only supposed to drive 50 miles on the donut, and at 50 mph. If you are driving into the country, like I do sometimes, this can be such a problem. Get really stuck once without a decent spare and miles to go, and you will really want one!
Had a great day at the market Sold everything except...some tomatoes. So tomorrow I will can more sauce.
Some couple bought ALL my goat cheese ( over a pound) and then some woman waiting in line wanted some so they felt guilty buying it all and sold her a piece LOL
I think we really need to have 2 milk goats again.
Sold all my bread in the first couple of hours, people looking for more. I have an order for some German bread from a Ukrainian couple they want to pick up this week sometime. I suppose I should open a bakery
But now I feel a little bit sick like I am getting a cold. Maybe it's covid. Making chicken noodle soup for dinner today and taking vitamins . I felt a little dragging yesterday but it's worse today.
Not today, yesterday. Busy day! I took that flat tire that I had on Sunday in to get it replaced. Got the tire, and went home for them to call me when it was finished. Drove the car it was from over, not the car I use for hauling dogs around in so they could replace the spare and I wouldn't have to get dirty again while changing it. Then I drove to the car dealership to see about getting a full size wheel for the spare. The car has alloys, which I have had in the past. In order to get a spare alloy, you have to purchase them is sets of 4. I already knew I didn't want to do that, that they would probably cost more. I just want a full sized spare. I can live without matching wheels for the day or two it takes me to get the tire repaired or replaced. They didn't have any wheels that would fit in stock, but they could order ONE for $800 (no rubber)!! When I caught my breath, I said, "Oh no thank you. I'll go look at junkyards." I have been to junkyards and replace a few previous donut spares with used wheels. I'm not that vain, but I know people who are!

The parts guy told me that it is getting more and more common for people to come in and get full sized wheels to replace the spare. You are only supposed to drive 50 miles on the donut, and at 50 mph. If you are driving into the country, like I do sometimes, this can be such a problem. Get really stuck once without a decent spare and miles to go, and you will really want one!
I have a full size spare and the donut in my car! Yep, junkyard! Great idea Weedy!
I have a full size spare and the donut in my car! Yep, junkyard! Great idea Weedy!
Thank you. I have thrown a couple donut wheel/tires into the dumpster, but I will keep this one. It is better than nothing. I have considered getting another 4 alloys and getting a set of new tires. No idea what the alloys cost, but that one replaced tire cost me $240, so it would be pretty close to $1,000 just for the rubber. Alloys cost for the car are between $155 to $170 a piece. $600 minimum plus tax, $1600 to have a spare set.
I got talked into buying a NIB 10/22 that has been sitting in a gun safe since the mid-90s.
4X9 variable and green laminated stock, and yes, ALUMINUM trigger group. too good a deal to pass up, I'd better not need any emergency money or I'm boned!
I spent a few hours working outside, got the hedges by the front door all trimmed up nice, cut down some woody weed type growth and cleaned up my mess.. started mowing, got the front and side done, started on the back and slung my deck belt, so I am done for today, I will get the belt on tomorrow and pick up where I left off.
I went for a drive over the mountain. Got a gift certificate from a little place my folks like to eat. Ma’s Bday is next month. The real reason was to get some elderberries which I did. They don’t look as plentiful as usual- maybe a milder winter 🤷🏽‍♀️
Also stopped at a yard sale which was right next to the place I got the certificate. Got a “new” square shovel 😁
A nice trip but am sitting for a few.
Put a Cornish hen in the oven with rice, carrots, onions, peas, and some kale before I left. I will eat here shortly.
Need to get some tomatoes on the dehydrator before I go out and pick more. Then I can get to cleaning up the elderberries.
Had two card board boxes from Amazon, one full of brown paper backing. If I throw them in the trash the wife will take them and store them with her hoard of empty boxes.

Put the boxes outside on the ground beside a brush pile. Used hand snips to cut some of the smaller brush in to short lengths for on top of the Amazon boxes. Piled the rest of the brush from the pile on top of the Amazon boxes. One match and a few hours later no brush pile, no Amazon boxes.
Went back to the U pick. It's a 1.5 hr drive one way. Another 100 ears of corn, 20 lbs snap beans, a mess of zucchini, 10 lbs little baby carrots and a free box of kohlrabi cause no one wants them. People don't like beans either. No shortage of those. I would have gotten more but I wouldn't be able to get everything processed while it's fresh.

Tomorrow is going to suck.
Both brothers spent the day helping me with both houses. New house got repair sleeves over the plumbing stacks on the roof, and a lot of discussion of my plans for the place. Went for a bit of a walk, found four apple trees, two pear trees, and a crabapple, all loaded with fruit.
Old house got more work on the basement, more stuff hauled out, and the gutters cleaned.
Spent the day on Table Rock. Just guessing Jake will be sore in the morning.

Thank you. I have thrown a couple donut wheel/tires into the dumpster, but I will keep this one. It is better than nothing. I have considered getting another 4 alloys and getting a set of new tires. No idea what the alloys cost, but that one replaced tire cost me $240, so it would be pretty close to $1,000 just for the rubber. Alloys cost for the car are between $155 to $170 a piece. $600 minimum plus tax, $1600 to have a spare set.
My donut sits under the floor of the trunk, why not have two spares?? Been there, done that. Two flats!
Went back to the U pick. It's a 1.5 hr drive one way. Another 100 ears of corn, 20 lbs snap beans, a mess of zucchini, 10 lbs little baby carrots and a free box of kohlrabi cause no one wants them. People don't like beans either. No shortage of those. I would have gotten more but I wouldn't be able to get everything processed while it's fresh.

Tomorrow is going to suck.
You went back for more!?! Oy! That’s a lot of food and work. I’m happy you are getting it but exhausted at the thought of it 🤪. (Says she who has been dehydrating eggs and tomatoes and juicing berries and). Who’s your dr.? We should have pills for this 😂
OK, I'd need the pills, too. I have a little "nook" area in my kitchen near the wood burning stove. It's lately been filled with something to deal with. We finished the second box of peaches, and then husband asked for peaches, so I checked today, and a new shipment will come in next week, so I'll get another bushel. Right now there's 3 massive bowls of cherry tomatoes, a big bowl of yellow crookneck summer squash, two big flats of acorn and butternut squash that need to go downstairs. A box of small pumpkins that need to be cooked. A large crock of sauerkraut brewing, and a big bucket of squash seconds that I'll steam up for the chicken feed. It's always something. I had a big basket of green onion that I just dealt with...cut it up and put it in the dehydrator, so that's done. The freezer has a ton of sweet corn in it already, but I could do with more greenbeans. I did two bushels of red beets, so no more. Apples should be coming in soon. I did grape juice, but the rest of the grapes went for feed. I know it's alot of work, but I'm always on the lookout for something good.
I went to a farmers market this morning. Actually 2 in different towns. Was able to buy pork fat at one. Got home and finished prepping pears and canned 12 pints and made a pear crisp. May start cutting pork fat up to render into lard. I have beef fat to do as well. Massive fire about 45 miles south. Wind changed and humidity rose so now 20 percent contained
WORK! At Le Parts Store today. Customers being customers as usual. Cars being cars as usual. Put oil in a Bummer-excuse me-Bmmer today. It didn't have a dipstick...
I had one with a coat hangar crammed in it. LOL
Happy Anniversary Baclash and Backpac !

Clem: people like green beans, I bet they just don't want to pick them and most people don't know what to do with a Kohlrabi. I grew them last year and sold very few and people asked "what is that?" they don't sell them at the store so they don't know.

Cold is better or gone, just left with a cold sore eeeewwwwwww....

Today I am going to deworm the milk goat so no more milk for us for a week. Then can more tomato sauce. I also plan on trying out my new pasta machine I got , been wanting to have one of those and got a relatively cheap one . Going to make pesto with some of the basil from the garden to go with it
Turned into a busy weekend- away for a concert with sister on Friday night, came back yesterday then got dragged along to a blues festival. This morning at a charity poker run- pics of bikes to follow- then back to the blues fest this evening after dinner. Free music, so I'll take it :clapping:
Gotta go put some birdseed out!! ASAP!! I thought a Woodpecker was around, turns out a Chickadee is tapping on one of the feeders!!😮🐦 Like hurry up and get some breakfast out here!! Cleaned my building Friday so I am home finishing my to do list!! Already ready for a nap!! 😮🛌 Actually having a second cup of coffee ☕☕, I rarely do that!! Bacon sandwiches happening soon!!
You went back for more!?! Oy! That’s a lot of food and work. I’m happy you are getting it but exhausted at the thought of it 🤪. (Says she who has been dehydrating eggs and tomatoes and juicing berries and). Who’s your dr.? We should have pills for this 😂

It sounds like a lot of food but it really isn't. If you figure out how often you want to eat a certain food per week and multiply it out for a years worth, it isn't enough.There is a reason Amish fills so many carts.

Also, there is next to no veggies in the stores and what few there is, is very poor quality and very high priced.

Three years ago at this time of year, you could get 10 lb bags of beets, carrots and onions for $3. Now, its $1 for just one single beet, carrot or onion. I drool over Amishs stash of beets.

It's why, with my failed garden, I was all over that u pick. I found it too late, by accident, but got what I could.
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Lot of stuff happening around here. I managed to finish up that air return vent for our front porch. Did so without distressing the ceiling.


I processed the experimental heirloom onions which The Princess tried out in our favorite onion casserole. We also collected 5 gallons of pears which are ripening now.


Our renter has moved out and we are scrambling to get ready for the next tennant. Replacing the deck, painting the bathroom and general clean up.


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