What's everybody doing today?

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Are you all moved and unpacked, Dade?
It's been three years and I still have boxes in an outbuilding that I have not gone through.
I need to be the driver for school this morning, then animal chores, and then husband has a late morning eye doc appt. Hoping to have time to fill a cart at Aldi today. And to make some pasta sauce with my tomatoes.
We have not even begun the process. Maybe by Christmas? Like eating an elephant, one bite at a time.

Washer/dryer and recliner come on the 7th of sept.

The new couch is still in a giant box. Lori put together the dining room chairs and breakfast bar chairs.

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We have not even begun the process. Maybe by Christmas? Like eating an elephant, one bite at a time.

Washer/dryer and recliner come on the 7th of sept.

The new couch is still in a giant box. Lori put together the dining room chairs and breakfast bar chairs.

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Are you still living at the old house? Or are y'all moved but not upacked? Inquiring minds want to know!!
Well, I never made it to the couch to watch TV, lol... I ate a big ol' bowl of cold cereal topped with fresh raspberries, blackberries & banana, then I figured I'd read for awhile. Never made it past the first page, I was out like a light and I had the best 2-hour nap I've had in recent memory... very deep slumber. Woke in time to field a call from my friend Tommy, then exchanged water and added ice to all the birdbaths. Threw down some extra cracked corn too... the birds are all out there enjoying the afternoon, which is pretty warm. Forecast says mid-90s, but my porch thermometer reads 100* F. The last gasp of summer, in another week or two the temps should start dropping significantly... but for now, those wild birds are lovin' the ice water in the birdbaths, lol. I think I'll start that chicken here in a bit, I want it cooked before I go out to water this evening. Otherwise, a quiet and restful day! :cool:
Are you still living at the old house? Or are y'all moved but not upacked? Inquiring minds want to know!!
We are both still at the "old" house. I wanted to declutter then look at houses, but .... We don't get to choose timing in life events. Lori loved the new house the minute she walked in. It's open , airy, nice layout, and I will admit it hit every box on my retirement home criteria. Lori has cleaned the new place, just a few niggles till she is happy (Tub spouts, level the fridge, program the roomba) Eventually we will be temporarily apart, her and the cats and maybe the dog at the new place while we finish cleaning this one out. I hope she takes the Teddy, he will guard his pack to the death.

It is an interesting loan, but not too uncommon. The Current house is "downpayment" on the loan, so we have double payments on stuff like electric, water, internet, property taxes, etc etc. Till the current house sells.

Lori is "project manager" on this. I did the current house, she gets the new one :)
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Some gentle cleaning up today, can't do much more- I've been hit with an exhaustion that feels like I'm dragging a bus around. I'm taking the bus to the city later to meet my sister, along with my two eldest. My daughter had bought tickets to a Bon Jovi tribute concert for my sis for her birthday and got extra for us, and will travel back tomorrow. But it's a late gig, and I can't back out because I missed the last one. Youngest has friends staying as it's a Blues Festival weekend here; I'm already looking forward to early bedtime on Sunday :D no I'm not old lol
Baking bread today, just took some dough out of the fridge to warm up. But it's still dark out and it's COLD out. Sure doesn't feel like summer anymore already.
Dog got sick after the vet visit. So I had to clean the floor yesterday. My leg still hurt from the pulled muscle but not as much. I need to make some of Wingnut's tea...

Today our inspection sticker on the truck is officially expired. But we are afraid to take it, because it will be gone for weeks and cost a small fortune, plus we need it if the stupid meat processor ever reschedules our appointment. I wonder how much a ticket for an expired inspection sticker costs here. But we have never been pulled over in the truck, always go below the speed limit anyways in it, and try to stay off the interstate as much as possible. There is this one guy at the market that drives with only a farm use tag from the store , no insurance, no sticker at all ( he told us) and he's been doing it for many years. We are not even totally sure we need the inspection on a farm truck. Husband is supposed to call DMV and find out.

I need to start baking and it's still dark out , my ovens are not where we have lights. I guess I can use a headlight
Supposed to be a day off, but I'm going to work. Going to clean my building since several Tennant's are on vacation. I can slip in and out and not be in anyone's way!! Hubby is off today and will meet me in town. Going to hit a couple of garage sales, the dollar ($1.25🙄) store, the bank, and Walmart (just for milk and canned cat food)!! Hoping to get lunch out of him!!😉😃
We have not even begun the process. Maybe by Christmas? Like eating an elephant, one bite at a time.

Washer/dryer and recliner come on the 7th of sept.

The new couch is still in a giant box. Lori put together the dining room chairs and breakfast bar chairs.

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I fully understand. We bought our new house last July and didn’t spend our first night there until February. 🤣
Knee has been giving me trouble lately, I hope this is just a passing thing... I'm gonna go easy on it until it improves, I must have aggravated it somehow and now it's going off. Watering & household chores only today, otherwise I'll probably be reading a Western. Plenty of food & beer in the fridge, no need to go anywhere. 😐
Going to split some firewood this morning then change oil in the splitter. I'll finish the new gate for the chicken run then start wiring up the new solar panels. Need to dig a trench across the road for the conduit, and put in the last of the fence posts for the new chicken run. That should get me to lunch time. It's really cold this morning, hope it warms up some today.
Took the day off. Daughter and grandsons coming in from Missouri. I should have just worked today. Have already talked to five different employees. Went to pick up a few things from Walking Mart. Between people on motorized carts and the the grocery pickers couldn't even move through the store.Glad I only need a couple of things.
It’s my day off from work. But I’ll still be working — in the kitchen downstairs. Dad brought home about 50 pounds of Roma tomatoes from the Amish farm upstate. They’re all ground and cooking down in the electric turkey roaster. Hopefully I’ll be counting after dinner tonight.
Finished a pretty horrific work stretch on Monday. One of our own lost her son in a tragic accident. Its really hard to take care of people you know.
Off now for a few weeks, working on getting the cabin foundation built and hopefully some framing as well. Culvert for the road should go in too, we FINALLY got our permit from the county. Only took a year and a half
My gut working on me this past week. Just this feeling. . Decided to listen. Bought new tires and put on cube buggy this morning. Original tires were about 15-20 years old. Showed signs of dry rot. Been putting 1 sack of cubes out every other day. 100 pounds is about 30 dollars. Needed to use cuber. Put 1200 pounds bulk cubes in for $283.00 and felt confident in the new tires. Gifted with pears so starting to process them today
Today I have a pre-operative MRI on my right knee. Knee replacement surgery is scheduled for October 2. I’ll ride my exercise bike for as long as I can tolerate to try to strengthen my legs to help recovery go smoothly post op.
Hope it all goes smooth and easy!!
Today is the wife and mines 39th anniversary. Both had to work, so no plans tonight. Tomorrow we'll watch UT play Virginia then going to one of our favorite places for the freshest seafood in town.
Work is getting more and more hectic. Enough said or ill go on a rant. I am greatful to have a good job. But WOW
Today I have a pre-operative MRI on my right knee. Knee replacement surgery is scheduled for October 2. I’ll ride my exercise bike for as long as I can tolerate to try to strengthen my legs to help recovery go smoothly post op.
Glad you get to have your surgery. :) Prayers for it to be boring for the doc. and easy and speedy for you and your recovery.
Today is the wife and mines 39th anniversary. Both had to work, so no plans tonight. Tomorrow we'll watch UT play Virginia then going to one of our favorite places for the freshest seafood in town.
Work is getting more and more hectic. Enough said or ill go on a rant. I am greatful to have a good job. But WOW
As my friend Bacpacker would say, "Happy gettin' hitched day." ;)
Today is the wife and mines 39th anniversary. Both had to work, so no plans tonight. Tomorrow we'll watch UT play Virginia then going to one of our favorite places for the freshest seafood in town.
Work is getting more and more hectic. Enough said or ill go on a rant. I am greatful to have a good job. But WOW
Happy Anniversary, 39 years....... WOW
then going to one of our favorite places for the freshest seafood in town.

Have some for me, Crab legs sound good, lol. I bought a bag of rock crab claws today for a snack
Today is the wife and mines 39th anniversary. Both had to work, so no plans tonight. Tomorrow we'll watch UT play Virginia then going to one of our favorite places for the freshest seafood in town.
Work is getting more and more hectic. Enough said or ill go on a rant. I am greatful to have a good job. But WOW
Happy Anniversary :heart:
Ikea for more furniture, then drove it to the new house. On the bright side I got to fill the car again with gas at 3.359 a gallon. Giant Battery for the mower came today, the old one is getting tired. It's still a toss up between gas or electric, My old honda cut better but was a pain to prep spring and fall. The Ego mower is lighter and easier to maneuver.

Went to post office in Clarksville. No line, no people and the lady was pleasant and cheerful. A bell on the counter to ring when you need somebody. I may still be in shock :p