Worked in the garden, there was major attrition from the heat of summer, but I'm salvaging what plants are still alive. Cleaned and refilled all the hummer feeders, now they're covered in honeybees! There must be a colony nearby, had the wasps earlier this year, now the bees are going off... but I don't mind, the hummers will just have to zip in there when there's an opening, lol. I wonder if one of my neighbors has taken up beekeeping? No big deal, I like honeybees, they're not quite as aggressive as wasps (unless they're killer bees or hybrids), and usually we get along alright... haven't seen this many in a while, hopefully they don't become problematic. I don't mind working around 'em when I'm in the yard, but I don't wanna be bothered by 'em either, 10-4?