So, I had a little trouble falling asleep last night---must have been the full moon---and I woke to some knee trouble, the same knee I banged up 6 or 7 years ago while dirt biking. Thing was giving me grief, so I put some lidocaine ointment on it before I watered the trees & plants in the yard. Thing was still stiff afterward, so I made some "weed tea" with a bunch of shake and some broken-down buds I've been meaning to use in kitchen cooking, lol. All I did was boil some water, cut the heat, dump in the weed and put the lid on the pot... er, I mean cooking vessel, lol. Well, actually, I could go with the first option, I DID put the lid on the pot, lol. Here's that whole operation...
That mug is from my brother Chris who served in the USA Engineers... I'm talking Combat Engineers with rifles & sidearms, lol. Anyway, the tea turned out great, I only drank HALF that mug and my knee trouble is GONE, lol. I'm also feeling rather euphoric and I've been laughing at the antics of the cats, those crazy fools! I cracked a cold beer to make sure that knee pain (or discomfort) goes away... the cartilage in that knee is all torn up, I banged it pretty hard on the stony trail of Rim Road 300 in the White Mountains of Arizona. Meh, the riding there was SO GOOD, it was worth the injury, lol. Anyway, after drinking that tea, my spirit feels like THIS...
Cats have settled down, here's Black Diamond sleeping next to me as I bang the laptop keyboard on the dining room table... I reckon she's had enough excitement for one morning, lol.
Ah, I feel comfortable just sitting in this chair, I'm probably gonna move to the leather sofa and watch a movie here in a bit, maybe another surfing or skateboarding flick, lol. That half-mug of tea got me pretty stoned, and I plan on taking it easy anyway due to the knee, I'm just gonna water trees & plants later and knock out regular household chores. I have a good stack of Westerns from the library to read as well, might do that this afternoon. Planning on making some good dinner tonight too, last night's steak & potatoes were delicious with cole slaw on the side!
P.S. While cleaning up, some of that residual weed went down the kitchen sink drain, so there will probably be some stoned bacteria in my septic tank, lol... meh, it's not like their job is "safety-sensitive" when those bacteria are chowing down on headless brown trout 24/7, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I mean seriously, if you're one of those bacteria with a job like that, you WANT to be stoned, lol... the only beer they get has already been through the horse, so to speak. Well, wait, sometimes I do pour the dregs of canned or bottled beer down the drain, so the bacteria get THAT, and it's relatively fresh, lol. Fresher than what has gone through the horse, that's for sure!