What's everybody doing today?

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Well, I was up late (after midnight) reading a Western, then I had a little trouble falling asleep... so I slept in this morning after waking to feed the cats. Got a late start on everything, and I noticed that the bees & wasps are waging fierce war over the hummingbird feeders... I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have put the feeders out yet, lol. The mixture was a strong blend of sugar water too, since I was down toward the last of the bag o' sugar... sugar is something I hardly ever use, except for the hummingbird feeders. Anyway, I actually saw bees & wasps fighting over access to the feeder ports! That was a new one, how would ya like to be caught in the middle of that scrap? Get stung from both sides & all angles, lol... :oops:

I should mention that the ants have also been bad this summer... maybe the extra heat ramps things up in the insect world? I mean ALL the ants: the big ones, the mid-sized ones, the little ones which pull huge columnar marches on the hummingbird feeders... seems like every ant within 100 miles has heard that there's a party at my house, or at least on my property! Reminds me of those keggers we used to attend as high school students... everybody would be there, lol. Oh, well, this IS 'bug season' and it won't last forever, I'm just wondering if I should leave the hummer feeders up or not... sometimes the stinging insects are absent and the birds have free access, other times it's a friggin' war zone out there! :eek:

Anyway, today is already shot for any home rehab plans, too late to get started (high noon), so I'm hereby designating the rest of the afternoon as a PARTY DAY, WOOHOO!!! In fact, I think I'm gonna make like Sonya and pull a little bud off one of the plants in my yard and cure it in the bowl of my glass bong, lol. I might even watch a movie, just to relax and enjoy life for a while. Fall is approaching, and all this summer heat will soon be nothing but a bad memory... it's actually not too bad today, I'm referring to the heller heat we had during that long run of triple-digit temps. Meh, I reckon the worst is over and done, thank goodness, and now we'll have nice fall weather... boy, it'll be appreciated this time around, lol. :cool:

Went to pick up my curbside order at HD. Filled the litterboxes. The box of new litter was in the front room & yesterday my back hurt too much to lift it. Got it lugged over and was out of breath. One of the cats immediately used the first litterbox I filled while I was filling the others. One of the older cats protested the lack of litter by peeing on some new clothes that I bought to replace stuff that got holes. I hadn't put them away yet so that was my fault. Can't really blame him since I didn't refill the litterboxes.

Got some feed for the cows so they are happy. A nice man saw me about to load the feed into my truck and offered to put it in for me. Since my back was bugging me I let him & thanked him.

Yesterday when my friend was out, my cat Gravy Jones was on the cat tree. He was looking at my friend and meowing at him. My friend asked "What do you want, kitty?" and I said "He wants to head-bump your head" So my friend leaned down and the cat headbutted him. Friend laughed and did it again. Got headbutted and said "I like this cat!"
Worked, came home and got a canner of tomatoes processed, did dishes and made sloppy Joe’s for lunch tomorrow. Last night made a batch of oatmeal monsters for Hubby to take hunting. So trying to get things ready.
Wow, our house is quiet now. The three daughters left this afternoon...I drove them the hour to the airport. Before that, we all went to my favorite cousin's place for a visit. MIL just called and she had a good time. SIL's were in total culture shock, and I think they'll have to think about all of it for awhile. One in particular, works from home (has an ESG rating on line company you sign up for, for woke people), and she lives in a tiny condo in Marin (San Fran). She was almost scared to leave the airbnb...needed to sleep lots, do her yoga, do her on line stuff. She'd come around late afternoon and look a bit nervous, but she survived. Was dismayed there wasn't much in the way of her vegetarian diet served around here except salad. But they went to the store so they had avocado toast every morning. The ladies lectured MIL about having too much coffee and too much sugar. Poor MIL. So lots and lots of laundry (sheets and towels) awaits me tomorrow and the next day, and husband has a doc appt of some sort the next three days.
Have to go to town today, second son is starting his placement for college so I'm dropping him as the buses aren't running that far.
A friend started a new job last year as something- not sure of title but shes in charge of a few premises- she has been inviting me to visit to show me around for ages, so I'm going for a free coffee :D and dropping stuff off to a charity place for their sale. Did some late-night shopping and bought a small few Christmas gifts; they've been in my basket for ages and finally on sale! Broke again but organised 😂 Hoping everyone in the south stays safe in the storm, best wishes to you all
Worked, came home and got a canner of tomatoes processed, did dishes and made sloppy Joe’s for lunch tomorrow. Last night made a batch of oatmeal monsters for Hubby to take hunting. So trying to get things ready.
Wait. What’re you getting ready for? A baby!? No. Hunting season!?
Pulled a muscle on top of my thigh ( quadricep probably) and it hurts. I think I did it cleaning the goat barn the past few days ( stepping on the pitchfork to get the muck up)
So not much walking for me today. Always something.
Trying to think of how to move forward without the last batch of animals being processed in time for the festival. We do have a little meat left but not much and not all cuts.
Trying to think of how to prevent this next year. There are other meat processing places but much further away ( like in the next State) and we don't have a good enough truck to drive there. But we could rent one. At this point I am debating if it is just not economical to sell lamb and goat at the farmers market. We could just sell the live animals like most farmers do around here and just sell chickens ( don't need inspections) ( and our other stuff)
Or we could just quit and sell everything and move to some cheap third world country and sit on the beach.....
It's cold this morning, mid 40's jacket weather. We'll probably start burning the wood stove in the mornings already. Fall seems to coming a little early this year.
After chores I'll start working on the new solar panels. Then have some fencing that needs to be patched before they start bringing the cattle up later today. Need to check all the gates too. Yesterday that GD dog pulled the wiring out of my boat trailer trying to get a chipmunk. So now I need to rewire the trailer.
Walked first.
Picked up my friend and went to Aldi, Walmart and local grocery for monthly stock up and sales.
Got every thing put away and I'm done. All the shopping just exhausts me!

husband has a doc appt
Our appt. yesterday, with copd doc did not go as planned.
We sat there for 2 hours because he was running late, then just before he came in the room, we were told that the consult had expired and they hadn't renewed it. Now, waiting on them to do their job and get back to us.
Just got our first load of cows about an hour ago. Should be getting another load today and a few more loads tomorrow.
Got some more fence posts in for the new chicken run. Only have 3 more to go, then I'll start putting up the wire. The new run will be 100'×100' and it'll have an 8' dia stock tank for the ducks to play in.
Town run: half a dozen stops to pay bills, bag 150 lbs. of cracked corn, exchange library books & stock up on supplies. Spent nearly $500, and that's WITH my frugal buying habits, buying stuff on sale, etc. Can't wait for these fraudulent scumbag politicians to get OUSTED from office, these prices & bills just keep rising... the dirty swine. :mad:

Meh, now I'm chillaxin' at the ol' hacienda, I put everything away and took a second shower so I'm "totally cool" for the afternoon & evening. Cats are happy, wild birds are happy, I'm happy (but would be happier without having to fork over so much money for bills & supplies). Makes me wonder how much cheaper things would be if Trump were president... 🤔

Whenever I go on one of these "big runs" to town, I like to tally up all the costs & receipts to make sure nobody is ripping me off, aye? I kept me beloved mum's calculator with the large display, and I use it to check receipts, especially those long receipts from Walmart. Dunno why the calculator has a U.S. flag on it, since it was made in China, PFFFFFFT. 😒



Stupid dinks should've put a Chinese commie flag on the calculator... truth in advertising, yeah? ;)

Maybe a shot of that Biden greaseball, the one where he's staring into space like a complete f#%ng moron, lol... :oops:
Bummer, Snappy, waiting in the doc's office that long. That wears you down, for sure.
Husband had his shoulder appt, got a shot in his left one. Booking PT for it for next week, but we'll see if he can make it to PT. Went to pick up all his RXs. First day of amish school today, so I picked up neighbor girl Andrea, and she was very excited. Some come by amish schoolbus (tractor and horse trailer), some come by horse and buggy, and some of the older girls bring their pony cart. That is always so cute to see. So neighbor girl comes by my Challenger. The 8th grade boys give me a thumbs up. Ha. Picked three buckets of cherry tomatoes, and found a recipe to try for a pasta sauce with them. Maybe tomorrow. Lots of more peppers, too, and a few squash. Freeze dryer filled with tomatoes. The washing machine has been going non stop, and the clothes drying racks. I have three guest rooms to clean up and put clean sheets on the beds.
Still exhausted… since it was a sunny day I laid my sleeping bag out to bake in the sun. I took my big bag last weekend, it has a flannel lining. After a day in the sun and fresh air it’ll smell great the next time I use it. Oh, the big bag is extra large in size, plenty of padding, comfy but hot since It’s rated to -20. I use it in hot weather as a pad.

Been fighting off a virus that hit on the way to the mtn. The night in the camper didn’t help. Had to have the a/c running but… it was blowing right on my head all night. My tinctures have been keeping it at bay. Just have to ride it out but it’s prolonging recovery from the trip. Well, for a day of music, I’ll gladly make that trade. ;)
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Still exhausted… since it was a sunny day I laid my sleeping bag out to bake in the sun. I took my big bag last weekend, it has a flannel lining. After a day in the sun and fresh air it’ll smell great the next time I use it. Oh, the big bag is extra large in size, plenty of padding, comfy but hot since It’s rated to -20. I use it in hot weather as a pad.

Been fighting off a virus that hit on the way to the mtn. The night in the camper didn’t help. Had to have the a/c running but… it was blowing right on my head all night. My tinctures have been keeping it at bay. Just have to ride it out but it’s prolonging recovery from the trip. We’ll, for a day of music, I’ll gladly make that trade. ;)
I’m still glad you went- good for your soul.
I got a "class Action" notice in the mail for something that used a ukrainian flag as a symbol. I deleted it.
If emailed a class action notice, definitely delete it (regardless of which political or emotional tug they have in it). They don't send those by email as far as I know.

If regular mail, take a close look at it. I didn't return the paperwork for one of the class action suits years ago until after the deadline, and I lost out on a pretty decent chunk of change.
Today is "Substitute Cat Uber driver" the new driver can't make it.
After that, mix some more roundup and spray all the stuff I don't like :p

The new place now has internet, gigabyte fiber and the wirelessrouter is reachable from every room.
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Are you all moved and unpacked, Dade?
It's been three years and I still have boxes in an outbuilding that I have not gone through.
I need to be the driver for school this morning, then animal chores, and then husband has a late morning eye doc appt. Hoping to have time to fill a cart at Aldi today. And to make some pasta sauce with my tomatoes.
So, I had a little trouble falling asleep last night---must have been the full moon---and I woke to some knee trouble, the same knee I banged up 6 or 7 years ago while dirt biking. Thing was giving me grief, so I put some lidocaine ointment on it before I watered the trees & plants in the yard. Thing was still stiff afterward, so I made some "weed tea" with a bunch of shake and some broken-down buds I've been meaning to use in kitchen cooking, lol. All I did was boil some water, cut the heat, dump in the weed and put the lid on the pot... er, I mean cooking vessel, lol. Well, actually, I could go with the first option, I DID put the lid on the pot, lol. Here's that whole operation... ;)




That mug is from my brother Chris who served in the USA Engineers... I'm talking Combat Engineers with rifles & sidearms, lol. Anyway, the tea turned out great, I only drank HALF that mug and my knee trouble is GONE, lol. I'm also feeling rather euphoric and I've been laughing at the antics of the cats, those crazy fools! I cracked a cold beer to make sure that knee pain (or discomfort) goes away... the cartilage in that knee is all torn up, I banged it pretty hard on the stony trail of Rim Road 300 in the White Mountains of Arizona. Meh, the riding there was SO GOOD, it was worth the injury, lol. Anyway, after drinking that tea, my spirit feels like THIS... :cool:


Cats have settled down, here's Black Diamond sleeping next to me as I bang the laptop keyboard on the dining room table... I reckon she's had enough excitement for one morning, lol. 😴


Ah, I feel comfortable just sitting in this chair, I'm probably gonna move to the leather sofa and watch a movie here in a bit, maybe another surfing or skateboarding flick, lol. That half-mug of tea got me pretty stoned, and I plan on taking it easy anyway due to the knee, I'm just gonna water trees & plants later and knock out regular household chores. I have a good stack of Westerns from the library to read as well, might do that this afternoon. Planning on making some good dinner tonight too, last night's steak & potatoes were delicious with cole slaw on the side! :D

P.S. While cleaning up, some of that residual weed went down the kitchen sink drain, so there will probably be some stoned bacteria in my septic tank, lol... meh, it's not like their job is "safety-sensitive" when those bacteria are chowing down on headless brown trout 24/7, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I mean seriously, if you're one of those bacteria with a job like that, you WANT to be stoned, lol... the only beer they get has already been through the horse, so to speak. Well, wait, sometimes I do pour the dregs of canned or bottled beer down the drain, so the bacteria get THAT, and it's relatively fresh, lol. Fresher than what has gone through the horse, that's for sure! 😬
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