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Good luck tomorrow Snappy. Hope all goes well

15 hours fasting: does that include night time? If yes, that's not all that long. I do this every day pretty much. We eat during the day around lunchtime, I have a smoothie or something around 5 or 6 and then I don't generally eat again until the next day lunchtime, so that would be about 18 hours or so? Well, I do have tea in the morning

Crappy day. Talked to the meat processor finally and got so upset I actually cried on the phone and he agreed to let me bring a few animals in a week. I cried some more after I got off the phone for having done that :(
It's not their fault they can't get anyone to work there. But we might as well just quit if we can't get our animals processed. I was hoping to do this at least until we get social security but it is looking more and more like that will not happen. New plan is needed

On top of that we discovered a rather large spot of brake fluid where the truck was parked so despite having a new caliper, and taking it back once already , it is still leaking.

I really am trying to think of something positive but coming up short and having a shot of Vodka

How do you all deal with stress? I am not very good at it
It can be challenging at times. We had to change processors after using the same guy for several years. He was so undependable about coming up to our place with his kill truck. The last straw was when he kept delaying coming until we had too much snow and he couldn't make it in. I ended up shooting the beef and hauling them down to the road with the tractor. He butchered them in the middle of the county road. After that I told him to **** off.
About 2 years ago a local girl opened up a shop in town. We've been using her ever sense and have been very happy with her service. We still have to take our chickens to a processor about 100 miles away, we plan to start processing our own chickens next year.
All those things I would not enjoy doing one bit....
What I used to do when stressed was run, or do step aerobics, but I had an accident a few years ago plus too old now. Oh well, smoking some weed on top of the vodka, that helped.
While weed and vodka will work short term I have to ask what it would take to process your own according to regulation ?

If you do your own you could contract out for others since there seems to be a market for that service.

During the various gold rushes few got rich on gold. Those that did get rich sold shovels and picks.

Food for thought that may distract you from the stress and maybe open a door when other doors close.

Was more speaking of Le Grass. My best advice regarding stress habits is: stay away from razor blades...
I have a medical permit for anxiety issues, plus it's legal in our State, not worried about that. Been doing it for several years and it has only had good benefits, nothing bad. Going to try to make my own gummies as soon as my ingredients I ordered arrive ( gummie molds and stuff)
It can be challenging at times. We had to change processors after using the same guy for several years. He was so undependable about coming up to our place with his kill truck. The last straw was when he kept delaying coming until we had too much snow and he couldn't make it in. I ended up shooting the beef and hauling them down to the road with the tractor. He butchered them in the middle of the county road. After that I told him to **** off.
About 2 years ago a local girl opened up a shop in town. We've been using her ever sense and have been very happy with her service. We still have to take our chickens to a processor about 100 miles away, we plan to start processing our own chickens next year.

How much do you pay for processing one beef? ( average size)
While weed and vodka will work short term I have to ask what it would take to process your own according to regulation ?

If you do your own you could contract out for others since there seems to be a market for that service.

During the various gold rushes few got rich on gold. Those that did get rich sold shovels and picks.

Food for thought that may distract you from the stress and maybe open a door when other doors close.

That was before government regulations and overreach.
Now days if you intend to sell any meat products that you butcher yourself you need to have a facility that meets USDA regs, plus you need to have a USDA inspector at your facility to inspect every cut of meat. What I do is raise the beef and sell it live on the hoof. Then I make arraignments with the processor and the buyer pays for the processing too.
While weed and vodka will work short term I have to ask what it would take to process your own according to regulation ?
We do process our own chickens, but for selling , you have to have USDA inspected meat. There is only 1 processor left in this area ( the other one quit in 2020 over covid regulations) . It's not a problem getting meat processed , there are at least 5 in our area, but they don't do inspections which means we can't sell the meat. If we just want to use it for us, we could do it ourselves....
Make sense now?

We could rent a large truck and drive our animals further away but then it gets to the point where we are loosing money to do this.
All those things I would not enjoy doing one bit....
What I used to do when stressed was run, or do step aerobics, but I had an accident a few years ago plus too old now. Oh well, smoking some weed on top of the vodka, that helped.
Buy a punching bag. You might not be able to run or do step aerobics, but sometimes hitting something feels good.
Finish digging out stumps where the dog kennel is going. Broke a chain yesterday trying to pull stumps out with the tractor. Then digging more post holes. Need to put a fence around the new solar panels to keep the cows from rubbing on them. Continue digging about 40' of trench to bury the conduit under the road.
I found out I was the proud owner of Left and Right holsters for "the twins". I'd been looking for ages. Now for more speed-loader pouches! wo0o0ot!
Well I finally got to the point I can workout so today was my first day at the gym, all went well. I have been putting it off until my balance and what not improved.
Took down a couple trees in the back yard where the kennel is going. They'll make good firewood for next year. Had a little problem digging the stumps out though. Just started digging the trench to bury the conduit. I'll dig about 40' or so by hand then I've got an excavator coming out in a couple weeks to dig the other 200'. After lunch I'll start putting in more fence posts. Then I'll finish the day by splitting firewood. At least that's the plans right now.
Well I finally got to the point I can workout so today was my first day at the gym, all went well. I have been putting it off until my balance and what not improved.
Balance is super important for a variety of reasons. Keep yourself conditioned by walking on the seam in the concrete (where it's still flat) or on a painted line in the parking lot. Things like that - by "exercising" your balance/equilibrium, it will keep it in better condition as you age and help you more than you know. Well, I'm guessing you probably get it.
Who, me? Yeah, just had a hard several months and needed to take a long break from too many commitments. Back now though! How ‘bout you?
Chillin' like a villain. I'm going to drop a book in a few weeks.
Glad you're back home, Snappy. I hope the pain is gone.

My brother actually did well on helping to take care of the dog last night. He got her some ice chips to make sure she stayed hydrated. I had to give her stuff from a syringe (the kind you deworm horses with). Supposed to be every 8hrs but I slept in a little so her next dose will be at 5:30pm. Vet said I could go to 6hrs if I need to go to sleep. I'll probably keep it at 8 since I'm a night owl.

She already seems to be doing better.

Went to pick up mail. Got all my computer parts (but waiting for price drop on the processor to buy it). Thinking of taking it all over to my friend's house so he can assemble what we already have and then he can pop in parts from the old PC once I get the new processor.

Picked up brother's RX from Walmart (he came along with me) and we got groceries. He got some stuff to make a homemade beard softener mix with avocado oil and mint oil. He now has 10 bottles of stuff in my shower. LOL.

I'm about to go eat a sammich.
I can now use my wife's favorite four letter word.


The air return duct project is DONE.


Vent into train room has been installed and is doing a job pulling hot air from the second floor of other side of the house. That part of the house only had one cold air return duct near the floor. Not effective for dealing with hot air near the ceiling.


The ducts were routed in the back corners of my closet which allows for most of the closet to be used.

So that amounts to 3 6-inch return ducts the house didn't have previously. Finally right.

The house is 100 years old and had fireplaces in every room. Later a coal fired convection furnace which was later replaced by a forced air gas fired furnace. That furnace was 50 years old when we bought the place. I had a contractor upgrade to a gas powered heat pump for HVAC. I ran supply ducts through the house myself to save costs. I didn't give any thought to enhancing the return duct for the AC.


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So glad you're done, Snappy, and hope you get lots of good rest!!
Husband's doc appt was rescheduled for next week because the doc was sick. So we went into the bigger town anyway. Picked up his Walmart order he did online, picked up his prescriptions, and filled a cart at Aldi. Just got everything put away and dated. Yesterday I got 50 lbs of hard white wheat, and got that binned, too. Getting takeout from the amish restaurant tonight, it's bison night, and husband loves it.