Animals are fed, now going out to do storm clean up, then I have to work!! Hardly got any rain, just wind, dust, and small hail.
Yes, they are fire ants. We don't have much else around here. The fire ants ate them all.Ifitaintbroke, Yikes. I hope they aren't fire ants in your bed.
made it back okGood luck, let us know when you are back home!!
We live here in montana and realy enjoy our half basement (the whole basement is half depth), cooler in the summer and warmer when the temps go down to -30.My in-laws have a rancher in Montana. They had a basement put in, not sure how that worked...seem happy with it.
we use Diatomacous earth, non toxic for people and pets. it will kill ants. We have ants that will swarm trees and use aphids as tiny milk cows or something.... sprinkle some of the white powder and it gets in their exoskeletons and causes dehydration and they die.Fighting ants.There were hundreds coming in through kitchen door last night. Vacuumed up and sprayed vinegar and sprinkled cinnamon over threshold. Left work this morning and went to Ace. Got some Demon WP and mixed it up. Sprayed outside perimeter of house and looked for ant mounds in yard. Couldn't find any. We have never had problems with ants in the past. Might be the heat. It was right at a 100 at 10am. Probably took 70 phone calls today, it sucks to be in insurance right now. Premiums increases and reduction of coverage.
I'm curious about how long you have lived in S.C. and why you want to move? It seemed to me for a while, that many people that I knew were heading to the Carolina's, but many are moving away from them now. I'm curious about what is causing this.Today, I took a trip to the flea market and came home with a ladder and a wooden stove. How exciting! Then, we gathered as a family to discuss our future plans, which include the big move out of South Carolina. The plan is to make our move after my daughter graduates high school this coming May. Until then, we're busy doing all our research on which state to call our new home.
Tis the season for pork butts! In Colorado, people will cook them up and use them in green chili. I know someone who spends a few weekends this time of year making tamales and green chili for the upcoming year. We are talking about dozens of tamales for the freezer and gallons of green chili.Went to town to grab a few things and get out of the house. I found pork butts on sale so I made off with one of those. It will get smoked next Friday or sat.
I have lived in South Carolina for 20 years after retiring from the Navy.I'm curious about how long you have lived in S.C. and why you want to move? It seemed to me for a while, that many people that I knew were heading to the Carolina's, but many are moving away from them now. I'm curious about what is causing this.
Tis the season for pork butts! In Colorado, people will cook them up and use them in green chili. I know someone who spends a few weekends this time of year making tamales and green chili for the upcoming year. We are talking about dozens of tamales for the freezer and gallons of green chili.
Now I'm going to go look for pork butts, because the roadside Hatch green chili stands are open. Daughter is unavailable for a couple weeks, but when she is, we will likely do a purchase together and make up some batches.