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Seeing the quarterly dividend on my evil power company stock got paid on 9-6-23.
$1,439.93 :woo hoo: Yes, I know how to cheer myself up😀:thumbs:.
Edit: Oh, and this:)...
Qualified Dividend

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We received the meat slicer today, it is much bigger than we expected. I think I will have to clear a shelf off in the canning closet for it. Now we are gathering Recipes for lunch meats... What the wife would like is a good Italian roast beef recipe. I found ones for regular roast beef and pork loin, need to find something for turkey too. The goal is to make our own low sodium lunch meats.

Sunday was a range day and I was able to give away some parts that I had for the old truck along with a couple gallons of oil. I also had 2 spare inverters (1,000 & 1,500 watt) that I was able to get off the shelf. They did not work out for my needs and I figured I'd be better off giving them to someone who could use them in an emergency. I still have a 2,500 watt modified sine inverter that I need to get rid of. It worked well when all I needed something to run my irrigation water pump, but now my primary pure sine unit can cover the pump and the medical equipment. Plus the pure sine is better for electronics. Over a period of 8 years I had collected a half dozen extras and I just don't need that many extras filling up my shelves.
Took little granddaughter to the state fair this afternoon, and had a great time. But a wet time. It was a steady light rain all day long. Fun looking at exhibits, riding rides, and eating junk. Came home to find husband on the floor. Nothing broken, but had a bruised and bloody arm from hitting something. He had gone into the kitchen for a snack, and slipped from his walker somehow. So, being on the floor for an hour, he said he still got a snack...a peach from the box of peaches on the floor, and reaching up to grab a brownie from the counter. Poor guy, but we got him scooted to the recliner, and up off the floor.
We received the meat slicer today, it is much bigger than we expected. I think I will have to clear a shelf off in the canning closet for it. Now we are gathering Recipes for lunch meats... What the wife would like is a good Italian roast beef recipe. I found ones for regular roast beef and pork loin, need to find something for turkey too. The goal is to make our own low sodium lunch meats.

Sunday was a range day and I was able to give away some parts that I had for the old truck along with a couple gallons of oil. I also had 2 spare inverters (1,000 & 1,500 watt) that I was able to get off the shelf. They did not work out for my needs and I figured I'd be better off giving them to someone who could use them in an emergency. I still have a 2,500 watt modified sine inverter that I need to get rid of. It worked well when all I needed something to run my irrigation water pump, but now my primary pure sine unit can cover the pump and the medical equipment. Plus the pure sine is better for electronics. Over a period of 8 years I had collected a half dozen extras and I just don't need that many extras filling up my shelves.
Spare inverters would be move valuable than gold in an extended TEOTWAKI scenario as barter items. Even as rentals.

Re: meat slicer

We have one that I used to slice bologna to freeze for sandwiches. I liked using it but cleaning it was a bigger dangerous project.


Plan to do a lot at a time and clean up once. Careful with the blade!

Took little granddaughter to the state fair this afternoon, and had a great time. But a wet time. It was a steady light rain all day long. Fun looking at exhibits, riding rides, and eating junk. Came home to find husband on the floor. Nothing broken, but had a bruised and bloody arm from hitting something. He had gone into the kitchen for a snack, and slipped from his walker somehow. So, being on the floor for an hour, he said he still got a snack...a peach from the box of peaches on the floor, and reaching up to grab a brownie from the counter. Poor guy, but we got him scooted to the recliner, and up off the floor.
Good to read he was resourceful enough to achieve his goal of snacks.

Tell him to behave!

Spare inverters would be move valuable than gold in an extended TEOTWAKI scenario as barter items. Even as rentals.

Re: meat slicer

We have one that I used to slice bologna to freeze for sandwiches. I liked using it but cleaning it was a bigger dangerous project.


Plan to do a lot at a time and clean up once. Careful with the blade!

I kept 3 backups, up to 3,000 watts. I just didn't need to have that much space taken up with inverters.
I am concerned about the meat slicer (I'm mostly meat) getting the best of me. We just need to be able to control what's in our diet better.
I've thought about it. Our place was built in 1908, and it leans 4 inches down. A problem in my kitchen, if you spill on the counter, it will roll. One time my aunt came in for supper with her walker and sat down. We laughed so hard when her walker rolled across the floor. Mostly it's in our kitchen and dining room where it's noticeable. But it's a ton of money to have done, and a year waiting list for the guy. Someday. Maybe. Plus she had to clear out her entire basement and that would be a problem for sure for me.
When I was little, we would put our roller skates on in my aunt and uncle’s house and see who could roll the fastest without moving our feet 😂
Today, I took a trip to the flea market and came home with a ladder and a wooden stove. How exciting! Then, we gathered as a family to discuss our future plans, which include the big move out of South Carolina. The plan is to make our move after my daughter graduates high school this coming May. Until then, we're busy doing all our research on which state to call our new home.
A wooden stove? Do you mean a wood stove or is this a thing I don’t know about?
(I’m not being ornery- just confused)
Day three of my three day weekend. Coincidentally it’s also day three of thunder lightning and heavy downpours. Just means I’m getting the inside stuff done. Also playing more with the fleece that I’ve been spinning up for that sweater project.
I asked my pastor one time if he knew why God made it rain periodically when it wasn’t spring. He looked at me and thought and said he didn’t know. I told him it was God telling me I needed to stay inside and clean my house 😂. (He laughed too)
I kept 3 backups, up to 3,000 watts. I just didn't need to have that much space taken up with inverters.
I am concerned about the meat slicer (I'm mostly meat) getting the best of me. We just need to be able to control what's in our diet better.
We love ours. Like Ben said, just do a lot of slicing at once so less washing (blade handling) and moving the big lug around.
Got groceries in the big town, then several stops for hydraulic/transmission oil, 10g for the tractors, chicken feed and charging cable. Splurged a little, got a pound of my favorite roast beef and a fresh loaf of italian bread at the good deli, even got red potato salad. Guess I’ll be eating sandwiches for a few days. Ate supper in town, haven’t done that in a while, nothing fancy, shrimp basket.

On the way down I stopped to check on the tractor with the leaking pto seal. Guy wasn’t home from town yet (day job). Stopped again on the way back, about 8pm. The shop was open so checked the tractor myself. It was apart, pto shaft and seal pulled. That’s a good sign, at least he’s working on it. He’s had it 3+ weeks and didn’t touch it except pressure wash the grease off the rear end. Took dad down there last week to light a fire under that guy’s butt. Me, subtle as a brick, dad’s a pastor with a knack for getting to the heart of a matter in a way that can’t be debated… politely but intimidating at the same time. It worked… don’t mess with the preacher! 🤣
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Went to the store, stashed a couple of deer guns that I finally finished detailing, threw my back out going to the head, here I sit. its the wrong time of night to sleep anyway. Los Brujas are out.
Early morning start today....I need to get the animal chores done before I take the girls to their schools...then off for the long drive to Wichita for husband's doc appt, and then another one after lunch in another town. I think it'll be a takeout night for supper.
Hope your Hubby is ok after his fall!! Usually feels worse a day or two afterwards!!
Had been feeling poorly since Sunday, I had noticed a rash on my right arm, today I realized that completely out of sight there was a bite on my arm and the "rash" was the red, swelled area going all the way around the arm, today the red area is down to the size of a quarter and I am feeling much better.

Last night we had a beef stew "quick meal" (Home canned meals that just need to be reheated) that really hit the spot. Tonight we are planning on a meat gravy over rice dish, this will be the first starch dish that we have tried since the 1st of August, I hope it does not mess with our blood sugar too much.

Tonight I will be cleaning off a shelf in our canning cupboard to make room for the meat slicer. I figured it was easier to move the rings and lids to a tote that I can carry downstairs to where I keep the big canning equipment that trying to lug a big bladed beast down the stairs.....
Had been feeling poorly since Sunday, I had noticed a rash on my right arm, today I realized that completely out of sight there was a bite on my arm and the "rash" was the red, swelled area going all the way around the arm, today the red area is down to the size of a quarter and I am feeling much better.

Last night we had a beef stew "quick meal" (Home canned meals that just need to be reheated) that really hit the spot. Tonight we are planning on a meat gravy over rice dish, this will be the first starch dish that we have tried since the 1st of August, I hope it does not mess with our blood sugar too much.

Tonight I will be cleaning off a shelf in our canning cupboard to make room for the meat slicer. I figured it was easier to move the rings and lids to a tote that I can carry downstairs to where I keep the big canning equipment that trying to lug a big bladed beast down the stairs.....
Wow on the bite, hope it's nothing serious!! Bites and stings happen a lot here, watch it for a few days.
Wow on the bite, hope it's nothing serious!! Bites and stings happen a lot here, watch it for a few days.
It was mostly over by the time I realized what is was, the rash was very painful, I felt queezy and chilled, I just didn't connect them all together until I saw it (the bite) in the mirror while I was shaving. I'm pretty sure it was a spider of some sort...
This morning I as I was leaving the house I stopped and talked to a neighbor "Lee" who was walking his dog. I wanted to let him know that the people across the street had their car stolen last night (they left the car running while they ran back into the house).... Now "Lee" walks his dog every morning between 04:00 and 06:30, so we are on the same schedule, anyway after I told him about the car, he gave me a rundown on all the trouble spots in the subdivision. Then he told me that for the last year he has been carrying "Rosco" as part of his regular kit when walking.... It's sad, no one feels safe anymore.
I need to get started, husband is already outside. It's cold and foggy out.
No major plans today, going to take care of the animals and probably pull up the rest of the weeds in one garden so we can put rye grass seed in. Already pulled up the beans , and dug up all the potatoes and onions. Only thing left is the tomatoes. Oh harvested the weed plant also.
We still have the other garden with greens in it, plus pumpkins and winter squash growing
Today, I took a trip to the flea market and came home with a ladder and a wooden stove. How exciting! Then, we gathered as a family to discuss our future plans, which include the big move out of South Carolina. The plan is to make our move after my daughter graduates high school this coming May. Until then, we're busy doing all our research on which state to call our new home.

Are you from a different country? Just asking....English is my second language also ( but I lived here most my life and went to college here)

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