What's everybody doing today?

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Just rest today, sooo tired. Got a package, ordered a watch last week. Haven’t worn one in years. 95% of the time I don’t need one. But, 4 times this year I’ve gone to play music, events lasting hours, days in one case. I needed to keep track of time. It was a royal pain in the butt to a) find my phone then b) unlock the darn thing just to see the time. Thought, a quick glance at my wrist would be much simpler.

Didn’t buy anything expensive, just a cheap sport type casio. Basic functions, back lite, alarm, stop watch, military time. Annoying part… somewhere, still in the box, I have a new one. Looked a dozen times in the last few weeks. No idea where I stored it. It’s been several years, sure the battery has run down where ever it is. So, bought a new one.
Found out our house came with a cat, the {REDACTED}REDACTED}{REDACTED}REDACTED} previous REDACTED owners left him behind.

I liked em till I found out they left a cat behind. The couple next door have been feeding and watering, and leaving their garage door ajar so he can go in and out.

Soon he will have a family again.
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Meet "Brutus". When at least one of us is there full time, he can live in the shed, it has a pet door and we can supply food and water till he gets vetted, then maybe a life of luxury inside.

Lori has already held and petted him, she is the cat whisperer.
So y'all are living at his house!! 😻😉
Okay- guess I’m going wonky. It was @Peepaw from Tex not you that commented about how people were acting. So I guess my response should be “Why can’t you remember what you didn’t say?” 🤣
Ok come now, your not going wonky, you've been there a while!!♥️
I started the groundwork for a new book today, after I get my hands on another digital camera and ask a bunch of questions, I'm on it.

A cat just like Super's showed up this week, it and an older Tom got dumped. the orange one is friendly, the old Tomcat isn't, he's been through hell looks like. scared of his own shadow.
Late yesterday I was checking on some fencing and found a section where all the T posts were pushed in the ground an extra foot or so. This happens sometimes in areas with deep soft soil and heavy snow. Typically our snow covers up most of our fence lines. I'll wait until spring and put in some wood posts and pull up the T posts. It's a section of only about 300 yards, so it's not a big problem.
Hubby has four new friends! Dumb neighbor kids down the road got four young toms, more animals looking for food!
I started the groundwork for a new book today, after I get my hands on another digital camera and ask a bunch of questions, I'm on it.

A cat just like Super's showed up this week, it and an older Tom got dumped. the orange one is friendly, the old Tomcat isn't, he's been through hell looks like. scared of his own shadow.
A .22 short will take care of your cat problem.
Thank you. That makes sense.

With no load there is no current flow so no voltage drop through the wire resistance.

I would like to read what the numbers are like with a typical load. It could help me out if the losses are low.

Back story
I have in storage a complete solar and wind system with multiple charge controllers and inverters. Two things have held me back from installing it. Batteries and copper. Big ticket items. The delay in batteries may have been good because battery tech has come a long way. Copper, not so much. I was figuring on 150' of OO conductors.

So if your numbers are good I could back down the wire size.


When I installed my first set of solar panels I couldn't find any 10 ga wire except in bulk. But I did find a remnant of 150 feet of 6 ga wire. I only needed 40 feet × 2 from the combiner box to the charge controller. We're going on about 6 years with this setup with zero problems.
I'm ready to install the new charge controller today. There's only 2 wires from the new solar panels to the charge controller and 2 wires to the battery bank, plus a battery temp sensor to hook up. I'm going to use 6 ga wire from the charge controller to the battery bank.
Both charge controllers are Midnight Classic 250's.
Got conformation on a cabin rental in Broken Bow, OK. Wife and I going in couple
a of weeks for anniversary (26 years). It has been an adventure didn't think anyone could put up with me for that long. I am stuck in my ways. Don't have Facebook or any of that stuff, I lurked around here for a year before joining. Rainy here today and it is nice. My yard was brown and crunchy, it has already started to green up. Took day off work and have already answered 20 calls and email. Maybe this what they call working remotely.
Got conformation on a cabin rental in Broken Bow, OK. Wife and I going in couple
a of weeks for anniversary (26 years). It has been an adventure didn't think anyone could put up with me for that long. I am stuck in my ways. Don't have Facebook or any of that stuff, I lurked around here for a year before joining. Rainy here today and it is nice. My yard was brown and crunchy, it has already started to green up. Took day off work and have already answered 20 calls and email. Maybe this what they call working remotely.
Happy Anniversary in advance, should be a great place to celebrate!!
Going to the gym.

Working the legs, maybe they will quit dropping me on the floor, lol. I also got antsy and added 3 more machines to my workout.


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Happy anniversary PeePaw and the Missus. Hope it's a great vacation.
Morning chores done, and I woke up thinking it was Friday, so I'm all messed up. Took husband to his allergist doc appt, and that took awhile. Then to Atwoods to pick up 450lbs of feed and some other random stuff. I'll have little granddaughter help me unload. She's in unloading training. I have house cleaning I need to deal with, but first, coffee.
Drove up to the new place and installed combo keypads on the garage and front door, replaces the 1/2 screws in the strike places with REAL 2 inch security screws. Next trip, I will rekey em all to match. Put a blank plate over the phone jack, we haven't had a landline in 15 years. Most of all, the MOST MISSION CRITICAL ITEM PER SWMBO, put screws in the fridge grill so it didn't leap out and kill her.:eyeballs:
Are you from a different country? Just asking....English is my second language also ( but I lived here most my life and went to college here)
I am from the United States. I was born in South Carolina. The reason that I am leaving is because of the 6% tax rate on everything. Also, I am moving to a state with a constitutional right to carry arms.
Awaiting the arrival of a tractor radiator, which was purchased last Thursday, has become my current priority. According to the updated schedule, it is expected to be delivered on Monday. It is worth mentioning that the mechanic's workshop remains non-operational on Fridays. The reason behind my eagerness lies in the indispensability of the tractor to cultivate my corn field through disking.
Replaced two exterior light fixtures on the parsonage including trip to town for the replacements.

Replacement charging handle that arrived today. Installed it on AR. Needed a wider one because of the scope.
What did you get BGM or tactical offset?
Worked - today was the last work day without hubby. Three out of our four guys are awesome. The fourth is a good guy but drives me crazy. He’s loud, doesn’t listen well and is like a bull in a china cabinet. He’s strong as an ox though. Anyhoo will be nice when hubby is back to oversee and field all those questions.
After work, got lawn mowed. Bacpacker forgot to stop by and weedeat for me so that’s not done. I’m whooped. Not setting the alarm in the morning. Maybe I can sleep til five 🙃