What's everybody doing today?

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This morning I went grocery shopping and the gave blood at the lab... I hope the numbers come out better this time. I've been trying to watch the news, with the UAW strike going I am expecting the old Market to get spooked shortly.

The wife has company today, they are all very happy :) They are making cinnamon rolls, I have asked to have 1, they will take the rest home with them when they leave....
Got conformation on a cabin rental in Broken Bow, OK. Wife and I going in couple
a of weeks for anniversary (26 years). It has been an adventure didn't think anyone could put up with me for that long. I am stuck in my ways. Don't have Facebook or any of that stuff, I lurked around here for a year before joining. Rainy here today and it is nice. My yard was brown and crunchy, it has already started to green up. Took day off work and have already answered 20 calls and email. Maybe this what they call working remotely.
Watch out for Bigfoot. We went there in may
Worked - today was the last work day without hubby. Three out of our four guys are awesome. The fourth is a good guy but drives me crazy. He’s loud, doesn’t listen well and is like a bull in a china cabinet. He’s strong as an ox though. Anyhoo will be nice when hubby is back to oversee and field all those questions.
After work, got lawn mowed. Bacpacker forgot to stop by and weedeat for me so that’s not done. I’m whooped. Not setting the alarm in the morning. Maybe I can sleep til five 🙃
Well crap. Ill be right there. Gotta stop by Lowes and get more string. I ran out last week. Probably have a spot somewhere, but its not where I always keep it at.
Pulled the 4x8 trailer out, got it unfolded and ready for action. Put away and folded up the "feral cat" shelters till we move. Cleaned up the carport, gave my cast iron to the next door neighbor (Can't use it on the radiant glass top stove that came with the house) 😭

30+ years and I still don't like electric ranges/stoves.
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Got a buddy coming over to weld the bobcat this weekend.
Doc appt went well, nice young lady who went through residency at the hospital I work at. So far blood work looks good. Still waiting for a few of the others to come back.
Planted some more herbs. Going to clean the RV (again). It gets so dirty out here. Paid a bunch of bills and worked on finances today. Trying to figure out paying off the last of my student loans vs paying off one of the RVs.
Had a day at home, and did some catching up cleaning. So things look a hundred times better. We get so dusty here quick. Roasted a large pan of tomatoes, and have it cooking down in the crockpot with onion, garlic, and seasonings. That will go in the freezer tomorrow. It was not cold here, but drizzly outside all day, so that pretty much forced me to deal with inside. Sliced bell peppers from the garden in the freeze dryer.
The Princess and I did a road trip today to a large flee market in Ohio. It was just a scouting mission. We only viewed a small part of it because it was so large.

I found one guy with machine shop stuff. I took him up on a Brown&Sharpe 5" sine bar for $15! In the original box. Add in $25 in gas that was $40. Just found the same sine bar on Amazon is $183 - $204. So I saved $140 and had a nice trip with the better half.

I slept until 6 AM! If hubby was here, he would have made sure I was still breathing 😂. I don’t sleep in like that. Been finding the kitchen and guess what - we have a real floor not a dirt floor after all 😋. Had a friend stop by for a cup of tea. That was nice. We are usually in a hurry and only get quick chats here and there as we are on a joint mission or something.
Made teriyaki chicken - the sauce I used was a sweet and spicy sauce so I sent it home with my friend. She’s crazy and likes spicy hot things. Pretty good but too much heat for me.
A much slower day overall which is nice. Need to begin putting the garden to bed as plants die off.
I slept until 6 AM! If hubby was here, he would have made sure I was still breathing 😂. I don’t sleep in like that. Been finding the kitchen and guess what - we have a real floor not a dirt floor after all 😋. Had a friend stop by for a cup of tea. That was nice. We are usually in a hurry and only get quick chats here and there as we are on a joint mission or something.
Made teriyaki chicken - the sauce I used was a sweet and spicy sauce so I sent it home with my friend. She’s crazy and likes spicy hot things. Pretty good but too much heat for me.
A much slower day overall which is nice. Need to begin putting the garden to bed as plants die off.
Meadow the cat sometimes lets me sleep in till 5:30 AM :). I took one of the "ineffective Benadryls" so I imagined I slept well :p
Tiller broke down yesterday. Front bearing in the gear box. Took the motor off and started tearing it down. Found only half of the rollers. Not good. Took the drain plug out and water poured out. Almost cried. Took the cover off and was greeted by a chocolate pudding mess of oil, water, rust and crunchy bearing material. Looks like I'm in for a lot of fun.
I slept until 6 AM! If hubby was here, he would have made sure I was still breathing 😂. I don’t sleep in like that. Been finding the kitchen and guess what - we have a real floor not a dirt floor after all 😋. Had a friend stop by for a cup of tea. That was nice. We are usually in a hurry and only get quick chats here and there as we are on a joint mission or something.
Made teriyaki chicken - the sauce I used was a sweet and spicy sauce so I sent it home with my friend. She’s crazy and likes spicy hot things. Pretty good but too much heat for me.
A much slower day overall which is nice. Need to begin putting the garden to bed as plants die off.
I will call you at 3:30am your time!! 🤔🏵️🐞🥱
I scored a few bags of sweet potatoes on sale yesterday, so will be making a lot of soup. I'm sure you have a sweet potato thread here, so must poke around.
Other than that, the usual chores, stuff for Uni and preparing for a class I'm teaching next week. Youngest went off to her final year of college yesterday- all of mine are quiet people, but when one is missing it's really odd! Have a good weekend everyone!
We’re finally getting crispy mornings here. Warms to the low 70’s during the day, 50’s at night. Sleeping good. Taking Dad to breakfast (my favorite meal to eat out) then on to Costco.

Come home to laundry, mowing the lawn and starting to pull the spent plants in the garden.
I am in recuperation mode today. yesterday my youngest daughter helped me work on the Toro, one spindle was being a pain in my keester. So, after crawling around on my shop floor, we got the spindle operational and I had a bunch of mowing to catch up on so I spent almost 6 hours on the mower, consequently I can't move too good had to have the wife help me out of bed., lol.
I'm trying to catch up. I think the time release Metformin is messing with my guts. I keep having issues around the same time every day now. Keep having to take some Pepto. Been tired and also really got in to binge-watching Star Trek and Star Wars stuff. I'm more than halfway through season 3 of Star Wars Rebels. Not really a fan of cartoons but this one is fairly well done.

Forgot it was Saturday so I skipped the post office when I was reminded-- its only open from 10am to noon on Saturdays. Went to Walmart and got everything on the list. Even though it has cooled off I was sweating. Need to do some laundry in a bit. Tomorrow is a friend's birthday so I'm taking her out to eat (unless something happens and someone gets sick).
Sold out again at the market. I think some vendors lose motivation and stop showing up towards the end of the season ( ends in October here), one lady had deer get into her garden and destroy everything and the only other bread seller was absent today, so all my bread was gone in the first hour and people kept coming asking " what, no more bread already?" at 10
I am not a bakery with employees and large ovens....

Meat is gone also. I sure hope we can still take 2 animals to the butcher and they get them processed

And guess what I have left...tomatoes.....

It's ok, I will try to make more sauce tomorrow

Supposed to rain a lot tonight, so the animals are going in, sheep too. It's getting a lot colder already and they don't always handle change of weather well if they are out in the rain.

Ok , will have to catch up later reading everyone's posts, hope everyone is having a great weekend!
I scored a few bags of sweet potatoes on sale yesterday, so will be making a lot of soup. I'm sure you have a sweet potato thread here, so must poke around.
Other than that, the usual chores, stuff for Uni and preparing for a class I'm teaching next week. Youngest went off to her final year of college yesterday- all of mine are quiet people, but when one is missing it's really odd! Have a good weekend everyone!
recipe? I have never had sweet potato soup but sounds good
Tiller broke down yesterday. Front bearing in the gear box. Took the motor off and started tearing it down. Found only half of the rollers. Not good. Took the drain plug out and water poured out. Almost cried. Took the cover off and was greeted by a chocolate pudding mess of oil, water, rust and crunchy bearing material. Looks like I'm in for a lot of fun.
I finally broke down and ordered a new one. Good look fixing yours