What's everybody doing today?

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I'm trying to catch up. I think the time release Metformin is messing with my guts. I keep having issues around the same time every day now. Keep having to take some Pepto. Been tired and also really got in to binge-watching Star Trek and Star Wars stuff. I'm more than halfway through season 3 of Star Wars Rebels. Not really a fan of cartoons but this one is fairly well done.

Forgot it was Saturday so I skipped the post office when I was reminded-- its only open from 10am to noon on Saturdays. Went to Walmart and got everything on the list. Even though it has cooled off I was sweating. Need to do some laundry in a bit. Tomorrow is a friend's birthday so I'm taking her out to eat (unless something happens and someone gets sick).
My brother had stomach issues when taking metformin. He started taking phillip’s colon health probiotic and that really helped him. Ask your doctor if that might be something to try.
Allergy relapse. Got the fun of visiting my local ER for the first time. Glad to say they were terrific even if I suck at things like IVs. Nothing to worry about — general problem seems to be that my body’s not reacting well to the shot / environment right now, plus my anxiety disorder on top of all of that, but nothing life-threatening.

Otherwise the day’s been actually pretty chill? Crepes for breakfast, nursery (the thing I think triggered the allergies /: ) to see if there’s seed garlic (not yet, end of the month), and the used bookstore. I’ve managed to score three Williams-Sonoma 365 cookbooks for less than the price of one, which as far as I‘m concerned is a terrific deal.
Allergy relapse. Got the fun of visiting my local ER for the first time. Glad to say they were terrific even if I suck at things like IVs. Nothing to worry about — general problem seems to be that my body’s not reacting well to the shot / environment right now, plus my anxiety disorder on top of all of that, but nothing life-threatening.

Otherwise the day’s been actually pretty chill? Crepes for breakfast, nursery (the thing I think triggered the allergies /: ) to see if there’s seed garlic (not yet, end of the month), and the used bookstore. I’ve managed to score three Williams-Sonoma 365 cookbooks for less than the price of one, which as far as I‘m concerned is a terrific deal.
I just walk down the garden asile in most stores and the chemicals affect me....thank god I don't have severe reactions but those chemicals are nasty.
got some water from our public mountain spring. Just happen to have photos from winter and summer;...


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Our central ac/ heat died this afternoon. Still in the 90's but a little cooler in the mornings. Not sure what we will do. Really don't want to get a loan. We will decide after talking to our ac guy this week. Our grandparents lived without it. Hard on DH with lung issues. On the bright side, our electric bill will go down! I am awake because it is too hot to get to sleep.
Our central ac/ heat died this afternoon. Still in the 90's but a little cooler in the mornings. Not sure what we will do. Really don't want to get a loan. We will decide after talking to our ac guy this week. Our grandparents lived without it. Hard on DH with lung issues. On the bright side, our electric bill will go down! I am awake because it is too hot to get to sleep.

Just get a few window units , they are not expensive. We had some in the bedrooms in Florida because our central ac didn't keep it cold enough for me
I am pretty sure I just saw a stack of them sitting in some store ( might have been Rural King) not too long ago and they were around $200
Stupid weather forecast wrong again. They said it was going to rain quarter of an inch overnight and get cold. So we put the sheep in the barn ( goats always have access to it) and the bucks in their house. Got no rain at all and it is not cold either. Not even foggy this morning. So wasted hay , bedding and a few hours to clean the barn for nothing
Oh well, nothing new. Our weather forecast is only about 50% correct on any day when it comes to anything. I don't know why these people get paid!

So cleaning today, and I think I will try out a new bread I want to make cheddar cheese with garlic on top , saw a recipe somewhere
We added a window unit to our house this year, mostly for the wife. She has issues whenever the house gets over 72F.. Not good on the power bill. Plus our main AC has been acting funny the last few years. I don't regret adding it. It keeps her sitting room frosty and the main AC does not have to work as hard to keep the house cool.
Well @snappy1 maybe you'd be able to find a window unit in an appliance store or big box store. We had to buy one when our central AC went down in the last home we owned here in TX. HAD TO, too hot not to. Prayers everything will work out.
They are going on sale this time of the year!!
Ditto on the window unit, Snappy. Our windows on our ancient house are a weird size, and the window units wouldn't fit, so we bought the portable floor models. The hose to them has to hang out the window, but they work well for the bedrooms. I know my husband doesn't breathe well if it's too hot, and really doesn't breathe well if it's too humid.
Not sure what we're up to today. Thinking about visiting mom tomorrow. Did get all the door trim painted on two doors on the outside of our house yesterday, and a visit from the neighbor.
@snappy1 how about one of those portable units. They are certainly easier to use than a window unit. Those window units can get difficult to install and remove during winter.

I got one of the portable units for the cabin porch this summer and it was reasonable ($250) and did a fantastic job cooling the porch in 90 degree weather. That porch is in full sun all day. It’s that white box on the left side by the windows.
Well I have been outside, got a pork butt on the grill smoking away, and I'm trying to get some woody growth from around the patio and along the street side of my garage. I have only fallen once through the whole endeavor, lol
Power has been out since 6:30 this morning due to a vehicle inccident. I'm going to have to take my stuff and drive into town to finish my homework that's due by midnight tonight. Other than that just regular chores. Need to fix nesting boxes. Almost half have started laying, I'm getting 5-8 eggs a day. One of the banties is proving to be broody already. I've caught her laying on a collection of all the eggs several times.
Window AC units, I decided to look and noticed a split AC/Heater unit for under $700. I think the I would love to go that route for the basement, adding heat and cooling for 1 room would be a good thing. If I could install it myself and not have to use up a window or cut a big hole in a wall would be even better.
I didn’t mow the lawn yesterday, so I had to do that today. Took care of that after a nice leisurely breakfast of grits, sausage, patties, eggs over. They were delicious. After mowing the lawn, I got taking out more of the spent plants. Dad and I were doing some backyard cleanup also. One of my rose of Sharon’s was attacked by a really nasty vine. Got that cut out and it was taking up most of that Rosa Sharon. Once there was a clear view, I could see the top of the apple tree. Imagine my excitement when I saw this

That’s the lone survivor from the apple-pine rust that poor tree experienced. Had to scurry up a eight or 9 foot ladder to get to it, but I got it. Poor Dad thought he was never going to get an apple off the tree. We’ve had it for seven years and squirrels have usually eaten at clean, for we could get to it. I usually don’t post pictures of family, but he was just so happy.
My ac/heat pump mini split crapped out last spring. I've had 4 appempts to fix it, only two times I was charged because everything is still on warranty and the 2nd trip out should have fixed the issues.
The unit is only 1.5 years old.. uggh. The com poo any is attempting to get the manufacturer to replace the whole thing.
It's a expensive lemon ..
Even though it is all under warranty..if the labor n travel charge ,because I'm no longer in their service area exceeds my budget limit..I'm not going to fix it.
When it worked, it was great n knocked off about 100 bucks in winter on power bill. But I lived without one n I have 2 window units for summer ac. They only added about 10 bucks to my summer power bill. My last one was 56 bucks. Winter bill's with two plug in heaters runs me around 200 a month. Weekends I have my wood stove going.
My neighbor behind me and one down the road , both their central air n heat units crapped out on them. The one behind me cost them 2 grand to fix..the other neighbor down the road has to replace the whole unit. Their quote was 7500 to replace. I'm only in 1300 on labor n service fees so far on my POS. Lol..geeze...
Switching over to nights..just spent two weeks on day shift. It took me about a week to clean up behind, under & around my machine. It had not been cleaned properly all summer. No clean up crew and we had our other stacker make it back so I got busy cleaning.
This weekend I had epic plans to clean n organize my garage, start putting the garden to bed etc..but so far I've walked the dogs, went elderberry n apple picking one load of laundry n halfway through making dog food.
I need at least 2 more days to my weekend.
I'm so looking forward to retirement..ASAP..ASAP..
We have a split in our bedroom add on. Husband does not like it. He's in charge of the remote control and he says it doesn't keep up, it doesn't do what you set it. Expensive. They are efficient, but he wants it to go to the temp he wants and it doesn't. I have to clean the filters every month.
My favorite cousin is back into town from an Ohio wedding for her granddaughter. They served over 900 for lunch and dinner for the wedding (combined). Sounds like they had a great time, but she is resting now for the next few days. Have the kitchen to clean for round 2 after lunch, and thinking about spending some time in the garden and greenhouse before it's time to make dinner.
We decided to clean the kitchen cabinet. Ours is extremely poorly designed. A bunch of shelves, about 10" apart, that go way back, beyond normal reach unless you stick your arm in there up to the shoulder. Probably about 2-1/2 feet? Plus, it's dark stained wood, so very dark back there. Flashlight territory.

Well, we got to the bottom shelf. We're talking floor level, with less than a foot clearance to the shelf above. You have to lay on the floor to access it. We found an unopened jar of Smuckers Strawberry Jelly with a use by date of 1999! That's a new record. It was expired before Y2K even hit. I'm thinking it could even have been a wedding present from back in 1982. Evidently it had rolled back there into the darkest deepest corner and remained unmolested for a quarter century or more. Toast and jelly anyone?!
This morning I took the tractor around the yard and picked up a couple bucket loads of rocks and boulders. Then I excavated a site near the house where we decided to put the brooder building. I switched the bucket out for a set of forks and picked the brooder house up and moved it. It was a little sketchy because we don't have any flat ground. Got it set and leveled, then we decided to move the bee house. It's way to big to pick up with the tractor, but I managed to raise one end and push it about 10 feet and then leveled it too. The wife and I painted the new roof over the deck, and we installed a new ceiling fan.
The wife also did her annual Fall deep cleaning in the coop and I installed an outside roost for the chickens. Put in some more fence posts too. The ground is like concrete now.
I just put a pork loin on the rotisserie and we have a couple potatoes in the oven.