What's everybody doing today?

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Busy morning. Walked and stopped at clinic for 6 month bloodwork.
Got home and fed dogs.
AC fellow came. The drain was clogged up so the system shut itself off. Yay! Cost $160 total.
Just switched ebay app with quickbooks new system.
Have medicare paperwork to fill out and 2 letters to write.
Laundry is almost done.
Potted up 31 daylilies, repotted a few plants.
Trying to give away walking iris, they grow a new plant on bloom stem, so I get three to twelve babies every year.
They have to over winter indoors, I do not have room for more plants.
@joel I love iris, have not heard of walking iris. They smell so good.
@snappy1 so glad to hear that was all it took for the AC!!!
Got my ECHO on me heart this a.m., back home and cleaning out cabinets, lots of stuff to recycle, lots of empty containers I think I'll use and don't, useless to me cookbooks. I don't really use recipes anymore, i guess I get stuck on a few foods and rarely branch out. I think I am moving. Trying to find a sweet real estate market cuz it sure sucks around here.
@joel I love iris, have not heard of walking iris. They smell so good.
@snappy1 so glad to hear that was all it took for the AC!!!
Got my ECHO on me heart this a.m., back home and cleaning out cabinets, lots of stuff to recycle, lots of empty containers I think I'll use and don't, useless to me cookbooks. I don't really use recipes anymore, i guess I get stuck on a few foods and rarely branch out. I think I am moving. Trying to find a sweet real estate market cuz it sure sucks around here.
Best wishes and thoughts and prayers on a sweet deal! We are moving around 4 cookbooks, I rarely find something new, it's mostly what I always make.
Interesting! I have a reasonably large cookbook collection but mostly use it for inspiration these days, or trying new things. I love to cook.

Speaking of which, today I:
- drained and fridged the yogurt
- cooked breakfast (breakfast burritos, using leftovers from a meal out this weekend, eggs, onions, zucchini, homemade salsa — yum!)
- made veggie stock
- roasted beets, carrots, and potatoes (3 separate trays) for later in the week, roasted veggies like these reheat beautifully)
- sauteed mushrooms (2 different sets, white and brown beech in one, shiitake, king eryingi, and maitake in the other), with a little splash of soy sauce to finish. These are also great reheated and used in just about anything, and make wonderful omelettes.
- made lunch (chef salad out of last week’s veggies and deli chicken that needed eating, homemade creamy dill dressing, toast with homemade apple butter, green grapes)
- made and pressure canned 3 pints (drat, I’d been hoping I’d get four) tomato soup from the Saucy Mary tomatoes I grew. They’re green when ripe! So it’s green. Flavor’s excellent, I’m very happy.
- put the skins from the last batch of soup and this batch of soup’s tomatoes on the dehydrator to make tomato powder (haven’t done before, we’ll see how it turns out)
- made dinner (blackened mahi, tomato slices with homemade pesto, roasted green beans, and some of those aforementioned roasted potatoes, a little chocolate for dessert)
- and done so, so many dishes.

I should sleep well tonight!
I got addicted to book clubs at an early age..
I found out that if you cancel the club after a few months.
They would let you get one to three books for 0.25cents, if you rejoin the club.
So every few months I would cycle the cancel, rejoin thingy.
I now have sixty cook books, some I never used, read but never cook from.
My daughter says when I die, she will be rich selling my books.
At least it was not coke or meth.
Now it is the internet, have a question, just google it.
Worked. Took a load to the powder coater which round trip should have been about 2.5 hr. I was lucky in making it through with a 15-20 minute delay getting there. There was a fire so I came back the loooong way. Ended up being a 3.5-4 hr trip, but I made it back. I looked when I got back and the road was backed up miles. Glad I went the long way.
Got home and Hubby helped me jar up 6-1/2 quarts of stew meat and 24 pints of broth. Have 2 canners going right now. Not all fit. Will have to do remainder tomorrow. Also pulled 2 quarts of king bolete (sp?) mushrooms off the dehydrator. The tomatoes are still going in the other one.
I've got peppers to take out of the freeze dryer. Did morning chores, and then got husband settled with his lunch. Little granddaughter was off school today, so we went to the Manor to visit mom, then on to Dollar Tree and filled a cart, then off to pick her mom up so she could visit her. She finished a 45 day rehab and is now in a transition house for awhile, going to a meeting a day. She looked pretty good, and has gained some weight back. Hope she stays off the booze and drugs this time. They visited together at our place for a few hrs, then I took her back, and drove her to her evening meeting.
I've got peppers to take out of the freeze dryer. Did morning chores, and then got husband settled with his lunch. Little granddaughter was off school today, so we went to the Manor to visit mom, then on to Dollar Tree and filled a cart, then off to pick her mom up so she could visit her. She finished a 45 day rehab and is now in a transition house for awhile, going to a meeting a day. She looked pretty good, and has gained some weight back. Hope she stays off the booze and drugs this time. They visited together at our place for a few hrs, then I took her back, and drove her to her evening meeting.
There is always hope, maybe she will stay straight!!🤞
Arizona! $25 for 110# square bale of long stem Bermuda! I never buy Texas hay, could never find any I liked! The Arizona hay is beautiful, with just the donkey eating it, it's affordable.

Yeah that would be too much for us. We paid $6 a square bale for alfalfa hay, and nice second cutting and $50 a large round bale (thousand pounds ? Not sure but really heavy) delivered, if you pick them up you can get them for $35 or 40 here but this was a good year for hay
We have mostly Orchard grass in pastures plus fescue and some mixed native stuff
Got the animals dropped off, hope they get done before the weekend. I can see why people don't want to work there. When we got there the guy unloading animals was cleaning off some blood on the ground and he told us a large bull attacked him and he had to put him down right there at the unloading area because the bull was out of control. He then told us he has had broken bones , cuts and even a bullet that bounced off and hit him in the 5 years he's worked there....not a job I would want at any cost
This why we have goats and sheep and not cattle....too big too mean, especially the Angus from what we hear
I think every meat eating person should visit a real farm and a meat processing facility at least once in their lives.....
( LOL there would a lot more vegetarians probably)

Had a massive headache all day yesterday, hope it doesn't come back today
Not sure why, even a few aspirin didn't help

No plans for today so just taking care of the animals
Oh wait, I still have tomatoes to do something with
Yeah that would be too much for us. We paid $6 a square bale for alfalfa hay, and nice second cutting and $50 a large round bale (thousand pounds ? Not sure but really heavy) delivered, if you pick them up you can get them for $35 or 40 here but this was a good year for hay
We have mostly Orchard grass in pastures plus fescue and some mixed native stuff
I can get little square bales for 10$, but it's Texas hay. Round bales here are close to 100$! Since Buddy is an equine I won't feed him either.
Got the animals dropped off, hope they get done before the weekend. I can see why people don't want to work there. When we got there the guy unloading animals was cleaning off some blood on the ground and he told us a large bull attacked him and he had to put him down right there at the unloading area because the bull was out of control. He then told us he has had broken bones , cuts and even a bullet that bounced off and hit him in the 5 years he's worked there....not a job I would want at any cost
This why we have goats and sheep and not cattle....too big too mean, especially the Angus from what we hear
I think every meat eating person should visit a real farm and a meat processing facility at least once in their lives.....
( LOL there would a lot more vegetarians probably)

Had a massive headache all day yesterday, hope it doesn't come back today
Not sure why, even a few aspirin didn't help

No plans for today so just taking care of the animals
Oh wait, I still have tomatoes to do something with
Hope you are headache free today Sonya!! The Angus cows across the road from us are mean! They are very well fed, big protective mammas!!
Yesterday we went to the lake. It was too windy and cold to go swimming, but we had a nice picnic anyway.
I ordered a brush grubber and a 26 gallon spray tank from Northern Tool.
After chores and some more fencing this morning we're going to take the old battery bank down to the scrap yard and sell them. There's 8 - 6 volt batteries weighing about 100 pounds each. Might get enough out of them to buy lunch.
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Yesterday we went to the lake. It was too windy and cold to go swimming, but we had a nice picnic anyway.
I ordered a brush grubber and a 26 gallon spray tank from Northern Tool.
After chores and some more fencing this morning we're going to take the old battery bank down to the scrap yard and sell them. There's 8 - 6 volt batteries weighing about 100 pounds each. Might get enough out of them to buy lunch.
A BG-08 or a BG-12, chain or clamp??
I would like to know how it works in practice, lots of photos & opinions on it's application.
Maybe while you are resting between grabs, you could put it in the thread. Thank you.
Arizona! $25 for 110# square bale of long stem Bermuda! I never buy Texas hay, could never find any I liked! The Arizona hay is beautiful, with just the donkey eating it, it's affordable.
We never bought hay out right, we helped the man down the dirt road cut & bale his hay for some of the hay.
I baled hay with his daughter(DW) long before I kissed her, & the man became my Father in Law.
We later bought hay baling equipment, which now sit on a farm, not being used by anyone.
I remember hay going for $2.50 a square bale for coastal grass 35 years ago, in the 1980's.
The Midwest had a bad drought & farms in the South & Southeast sent hay to them.
The rains came for them & the South & the Southeast had a drought & they sent hay to us.
@sonya123 , I hope you get some rest today!

Was up at 5 this morning. Walked first.
Walked dogs.
Made smoothies for 3 days.
Baked 2 rolls of sugar cookies that I had mixed up and frozen back in January.
Delivered cookies to a few places and people.
Went to Post office and local grocery for DH's bananas. My friend was there so gave her a ride home.
Put the S&S venison and veggie broth PC'd last week away.
Done for today unless I try that crockpot bread recipe that I printed earlier.
Morning chores done, and lunch just finished. Need to take a sputum sample of husbands to the hospital in the bigger town. Then some errands in our little town....discount amish grocery, post office, and bags to drop off at the thrift store. Early supper tonight, there's an ice cream social at little granddaughter's grade school this evening. I love homemade icecream. Hoping husband will go, too, but I'm thinking not.