For future reference on the sugar: 1 Tbl sugar and 1-3 drops of food coloring. Mix with back of spoon or forkToday, the wife and some of the girls from Church made sugar cookies, she ran me ragged trying to find the right color sugar(s) for the "season". I went up and had 1 cookie, when the girls finished they took all but 1 plate of cookies, I promptly took that plate to the neighbors (the wife and I are both diabetic and we don't need the temptation). It was good to hear the wife laughing and cutting up.... The girls had never made sugar cookies and the wife loves sharing old time recipes and cooking with them. I think they are planning to "visit" us for Thanksgiving.

Prayers for wife tomorrow.
@Amish Heart Oh my! More prayers that Hubby heals quickly both with vision and with skin.