What's everybody doing today?

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I've been up a while, taking an hour break, so checked some e-mails, did some work-work and had some toast. Figured I'd jump on here and see what's doing.
It sounds like everyone is staying busy as usually. I hope everyone can get their family health issues under control.

I hope @Amish Heart has a safe trip, the altitude would worry me a lot, my wife struggles at sea level and I can only imagine what she would be like at a mile high.

I hope @zannej can help her mom get everything under control.. sometimes it seems like a viscous circle.

I think that being a care provider takes a lot out of people and there never seems to be a break for them to recover, my prayers are with you all.

Well, break's over....
there is just not enough daylight :(

We need to put the animals out, feed and water, clean barn, then drive to the dentist and do some shopping. Son has his last final today so he can't help either
It is still pitchdark outside now
I hate going to the dentist.

Amish, glad you have one son that is there and can help, and sorry you have to drive that far to a hospital. I hope it will be worth it and you husbands health will improve! Have a safe trip

I am reading the posts on here about all the health problems and dreading getting to that stage :( Unless we drop dead from heart attack or accident it will happen to all of us most likely. How drepressing to think about

I guess I am already in a bad mood because I have to go to the dentist , hope they dont find holes
I am avoiding the dentist. We've had to reschedule our appts for the dentist 4 times because of husband's health stuff, and dentist takes a back seat. Pretty sure I'll be looking like Ben soon. So I'll put it off.
Coffee, packing, loading, husband breakfast, make a lunch for the road. There's not much at all to stop at or see between here and there today. I won't eat gas station food as a choice.
I am avoiding the dentist. We've had to reschedule our appts for the dentist 4 times because of husband's health stuff, and dentist takes a back seat. Pretty sure I'll be looking like Ben soon. So I'll put it off.
Coffee, packing, loading, husband breakfast, make a lunch for the road. There's not much at all to stop at or see between here and there today. I won't eat gas station food as a choice.
Have a very safe trip! Hope you get to see Weedy!!
I usually do, but probably not this trip. He says he's in too bad of shape for visitors. She is usually sweet enough to come see us at the hotel, but he is a mess. Getting him there this time is going to be a challenge. Not thrilled, but it has to be.
Weedy needs to road trip it to Kansas, it'd be more fun.
Just hanging out in my rut today. Regular Tuesday job, will run by Walmart before coming home. Fairly nice day ahead, so will work outside. There is a round flower bed in the front yard I'm going to remove. Mom and I put it there about 25 years ago. Pretty decorative curved bricks for an edging. Its kind of in too shady of a spot now, may relocate it before spring. For now it's leaving!
I usually do, but probably not this trip. He says he's in too bad of shape for visitors. She is usually sweet enough to come see us at the hotel, but he is a mess. Getting him there this time is going to be a challenge. Not thrilled, but it has to be.
Weedy needs to road trip it to Kansas, it'd be more fun.
You could kidnap her! 😃
Today is the first time we've seen the sun for a couple of weeks. We'll be making electricity today. After chores I'll dig out the wood splitter and cut some more firewood. Just started a fire in the fur shed. Got a couple bags of mice and chipmunks in the freezer that I'll take out later and grind up and make some bait. That'll make the wife happy. There's a bunch of muskrat and some coon in the freezer too. Every time she opens the freezer door there's some dead animal looking at her. If I have enough time today I'll set out some ermine traps. Been seeing a lot of ermine tracks in the snow around the area. Last week I ordered some shirts from Cabelas, they should be here by Friday.
The Princess likes The Hobbit hole project I started about 5 years ago. It was put on hold while we purchased and remodeled a pair of houses for rental property. That backup power project also took priority since running wires is easier before the drywall is done.

The next step to provide backup power for network gear require I provide an outlet for the UPS. So I have starting some detailed planning where the UPS and power supply will live in The Hobbit hole. So I have staring at this corner to figure out where to hide the UPS.


The window will be replaced with a round window with a small window seat. Here is a first idea of what it may like.


I can hide the UPS in the window seat. Out of sight but still accessible.

I still have to take measurements and do a detailed drawing to make sure everything will fit. Currently it looks like the power outlet for the UPS will go under the bench.

So I have been staring, thinking, and planning.

survived the dentist, was told what I already knew one of my back teeth that has had fillings replaced many times over the years might crack completely and come apart at some point. Then it's either pulling it out, or root canal and crown. So he told me " don't chew on any rocks" LOL funny guy....
I don't have the money for a crown and all that, so it will just have to go
survived the dentist, was told what I already knew one of my back teeth that has had fillings replaced many times over the years might crack completely and come apart at some point. Then it's either pulling it out, or root canal and crown. So he told me " don't chew on any rocks" LOL funny guy....
I don't have the money for a crown and all that, so it will just have to go
You should celebrate with icecream 🍨

ETA: dang-it me! I wasn't trying to be mean - forgot about the diet 😖 Have a cup of the good tea! There - how's that?
We survived the drive. There was a back up getting into Denver miles long. Then took an hour maneuvering in the city the five miles to our hotel. Took us 8 hrs total time, rough on husband and what all he needed, but we made it. The hotel is nice. We are searching for enough outlets to plug in all his med stuff. This traffic makes me mental. I do the dirt road and the horse and buggy better.
If I have enough time today I'll set out some ermine traps.
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Go for it... Trap all you can get...
Ermine, long tail weasel was the worst thing I had to deal with.. Grizzly bear on down the predator list I lost more chickens and geese to these weasels than anything.. Over 7 years I live trapped at least 20 ermine in different color stages all in the vestibule of the chicken house.. Using a small, hair trigger Haveahart live trap baited with can cat food..

Not a one of those weasels could make that trap float in a barrel of water... Good luck...
We survived the drive. There was a back up getting into Denver miles long. Then took an hour maneuvering in the city the five miles to our hotel. Took us 8 hrs total time, rough on husband and what all he needed, but we made it. The hotel is nice. We are searching for enough outlets to plug in all his med stuff. This traffic makes me mental. I do the dirt road and the horse and buggy better.
You have my total respect! You are a physically and mentally strong woman! I would never be able to do the things you do. I would be a panicky freaking out mess sitting in the corner somewhere
Well, either way, glad you got there ok. Hope all goes well
Nah. You'd be fine. You deal with sheep.
Ordering in food from downstairs. Found the outlets at the desk...they had a slide bar on them and were hidden. Was trying to figure out where to hook up the nebulizer for husband at the desk and was pulling my hair out wondering why there were no outlets at all. Ha. We're in a fully handicapped room, and they did a good job with the shower....roll up to the shower, no lip, fold down bench. Similar to ours at home. Big enough turn around in the bathroom itself for the walker or the wheelchair. Called home and little granddaughter and our son are doing fine. He wanted to cook on the woodburning stove for dinner, so they made grilled cheese with pesto and a fried egg on top. Said it turned out good.
We survived the drive. There was a back up getting into Denver miles long. Then took an hour maneuvering in the city the five miles to our hotel. Took us 8 hrs total time, rough on husband and what all he needed, but we made it. The hotel is nice. We are searching for enough outlets to plug in all his med stuff. This traffic makes me mental. I do the dirt road and the horse and buggy better.
Prayers for safe travels, helpful doctors, good information and restful sleep 💕
If I have enough time today I'll set out some ermine traps.
=== ==
Go for it... Trap all you can get...
Ermine, long tail weasel was the worst thing I had to deal with.. Grizzly bear on down the predator list I lost more chickens and geese to these weasels than anything.. Over 7 years I live trapped at least 20 ermine in different color stages all in the vestibule of the chicken house.. Using a small, hair trigger Haveahart live trap baited with can cat food..

Not a one of those weasels could make that trap float in a barrel of water... Good luck...
I don’t know about ermine but mink are vampires and will drink the blood of live chickens leaving them half dead 😵
I don’t know about ermine but mink are vampires and will drink the blood of live chickens leaving them half dead 😵
A few years ago my daughter had a litter of barn kittens at her mom's house that she was dearly in love with. Then one day one of them was dead in the barn, decapitated - and the body had been pushed out of the skin from front to back, leaving the skin inside out. There was very little blood. Being 11 years old, she was kind of freaked out and traumatized. The rest of the litter met the same fate over the next few days. My ex set out a live trap and sure enough, they caught a mink. The mink did not survive the situation. They figured that the small creek a quarter mile from their acreage was running low and the mink was short of food. After the mink was caught, no more kittens died that way.

Mink are nasty creatures...
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