What's everybody doing today?

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Fun day for me. First time to run the side by side on the rental property. Kept it on 4x4 low and the knobby tires did well. There is another undeveloped spring that keeps a swath of ground very soggy. Careful walking through because it will suck the shoes off your feet type soggy. Side by went right through with no issues.

So the junk wood pile was fed. I hadn't been to that part of The Ridge in a while. Discovered two trees had come down on the foot bridge spanning the creek. No obvious damage. We don't use that path now that we have easier paths to get to the orchard. Another project for another day.

Tomorrow may be some grafting on a dwarf crab apple I have.


Grafting happened today.


Getting a pain in the neck lightbulb on the car fixed. Gotta take stuff apart to do it. Couple of guys from church can do it but I ask them to do that about every 18 months, sometimes less. I’ve tried on me own and end up calling one of them. Now I’ll pay. Somebody told me to not get this kind of car again for that reason!
Got husband's special dark chocolate pie made for tomorrow (pi day). Doc appt this morning, told me to hold off on more antibiotic, give it another week. But of course, while he had me there, he ordered all my labs and other routine tests up and coming. I tend to go in maybe once a year, so I guess it was time. Still feeling sluggish, and still supposedly keeping husband up with my snoring since my sinuses are a mess. Usually it's him keeping me up. Ha.
Got husband's special dark chocolate pie made for tomorrow (pi day). Doc appt this morning, told me to hold off on more antibiotic, give it another week. But of course, while he had me there, he ordered all my labs and other routine tests up and coming. I tend to go in maybe once a year, so I guess it was time. Still feeling sluggish, and still supposedly keeping husband up with my snoring since my sinuses are a mess. Usually it's him keeping me up. Ha.
I thought that what we do, we take turns keeping our significant other up at night. First he does it, then she does it, then "it" (neighbors, dogs, police chases, something wakes us up) happens in the middle of the night. Before long it deteriorates to we-he-she-it......
Some more Surprises :

Those White Ones are Snow Drops and there are Clusters all over the yards...!

Snow Drops face downwards, not up like the ones in your photo. The white ones look like wild onions to me, common this time of year.

The little purple ones are 'Johnny Jump Up's', in the violet family, slightly medicinal. The bright orange flower is just another Johnny Jump up. They come in several different colors/varieties.

Hiding by your onion is Crane's Bill, the most used medicinal plant in the civil war by both sides. It treats dysentery, in a pinch can be used to slow bleeding from a major wound. Common name... Alum root.
Slept great last night, with just a little help from my friend Al Cahol. 🥃 Woke up about 4am and my right arm was numb so I probably slept 6 hours without moving, and plenty of dreams so plenty of REM sleep. Slept another couple hours and woke up at 6am feeling great. Found a message on my phone from a guy in the neighborhood letting me know the $80 I paid yesterday for a like new table top band saw actually contained one $50 bill so stopped there on the way to work to swap the $50 for a $20. I never have $50 but did some work for a neighbor Saturday and she paid me $50 and I forgot I had it. I am thankful for the honesty still remaining in some good people. Good, easy day at work today and got out an hour early.
I will do some work on the computer and organize my work room a bit. Our community is having a meeting at the firehouse for the "never gonna be finalized" plans for our local fire district. I guess I should attend and listen to the political BS that is dragging this process out for over 2 years now. Slow and easy evening planned for me. Oh, and GF put some "country" pork ribs in the oven. We don't know what that means but the label says boneless. I am guessing it is the meaty slab of meat they cut off the bottom of ribs when they make babybacks. Either way they should be yummy.
@Amish Heart I've been thinking about making a blueberry pie for weeks and now I'm sick and tomorrow pi day. Could watch the movie Life of Pi. Has nothing to do with 3.14
Ever notice how goofy-minded one can get witha fever./?
And no care.
and tired iron over there with evil mutant grain and slick ground. Rough times. Was in the 80s here today. I wish it'd hurry up and get really hot so we can get on with seasonal complaints.
@Amish Heart I've been thinking about making a blueberry pie for weeks and now I'm sick and tomorrow pi day. Could watch the movie Life of Pi. Has nothing to do with 3.14
Ever notice how goofy-minded one can get witha fever./?
And no care.
and tired iron over there with evil mutant grain and slick ground. Rough times. Was in the 80s here today. I wish it'd hurry up and get really hot so we can get on with seasonal complaints.
Hope you get to feeling better.
Bummer being sick, Patchouli. It stinks. Really does. I get so bored. Husband was all excited that my bloodwork is on the online portal, and I sat with him so he could analyze ALL of it. And compare to his. Boring. I need to drop 15 lbs and get my cholesterol down a little bit. But that's all. I don't take meds for anything. He plots and charts all of his test results, and reads medical stuff constantly. I'd rather do something else.
Determined not to feel gross tomorrow. I have the two neighbor girls to bring to school. Little granddaughter wants to go bin shopping after morning chores. Since she's on spring break, she'll get to go. And I want to tackle some more uppotting.

Wild Onions have more than one flower on their stems :

View attachment 126431

So do the white flowers you posted, it shows clusters. There's several species in the Allium genus. Crush one of the flowers and smell it. You'll know right away if it's an allium. And there's another plant that looks like posts #54,389, False Garlic, Nothoscordum bivalve. And yet another... Star of Bethlehem, Orinthogalum umbellatum.

Several good websites out there for plant identification, fb has several plant groups or post them here, I don't' mind helping folks. Tip on taking photo's, try to show the plants attributes. I lay coins, bills beside a plant, lighter, knife. It gives perspective. If there's a lot of a plant species pull one up and lay it on a solid contrasting color like a car hood. Seeing a plant from the side helps, like the your last post that i quoted.

Found this last summer, turns out to be very rare where i live, a Cahaba lilly. i was on a gravel road, saw a speck of white in the woods i didn't recognize, stopped to check it out. I lay objects in my own photos for reference later when i search my books or university botany databases. Most state schools have plant databases that can be searched by the public. The one closest to your location is usually the best, at least in one in your geographical region.

Cahaba Lily 04a.JPG
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@Amish Heart My cholesterol was down from last time. Vitamin D was down again. Weight was fine. A lot of things were better than last time. I'm on a heart med to keep me heart from going to fast. Part of it is made out of Kevlar, bullet proof! Just a little tiny part.
the fever is still low and I feel wimpy. Daughter is finally starting to feel better, but she didn't have a fever.
I wish we could see your little chickabees.
Last week I made a wrong turn, a security gate was opened for me (HAHAHA), I drove back the lane and dead ended at somebody's very private place with GIANT turkeys walking around in the yard. I swear they looked five feet tall. No harm, no foul, but other fowl. No guns either. LOL
This has been a busy week, need to do some cleaning. The wife is creating the cure for something in the fridge, and now I need to get it out of the house as it's starting to make a stink... sometimes using "disposable" storage containers has some extra value.... the wife is frugal and thinks I need to clean and sanitize them, she will wake up long after they have been hauled away (what she don't know can't hurt me much). :)
@Amish Heart My cholesterol was down from last time. Vitamin D was down again. Weight was fine. A lot of things were better than last time. I'm on a heart med to keep me heart from going to fast. Part of it is made out of Kevlar, bullet proof! Just a little tiny part.
the fever is still low and I feel wimpy. Daughter is finally starting to feel better, but she didn't have a fever.
I wish we could see your little chickabees.
Last week I made a wrong turn, a security gate was opened for me (HAHAHA), I drove back the lane and dead ended at somebody's very private place with GIANT turkeys walking around in the yard. I swear they looked five feet tall. No harm, no foul, but other fowl. No guns either. LOL
Sure they weren't Emus?

We had emus at the barn where my horse lived. They got out one time. Local called the police stating they weren't drunk but saw a 5 foot bird on the side of the road. LOL
Emus are impressive, but they can be watchdogs, too. We were the only ones around our "farm block" with turkeys, and now there's three neighbors with a few. Although the ones right next to us had gotten the "meat" turkeys, double breasted white ones, so they've already been butchered. Levi the neighbor boy told me yesterday that his dad got a couple at the fowl sale and has them in small cages. Don't know what he'll do with those.

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