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we have discovered that the ewe that is feeding her 3 lambs but they are not getting enough must have tiny holes in her nipples and not much comes out, we checked. So now we are trying to feed all of them a little extra, they are not growing at the rate the others are and sleeping a lot, meaning they need more food. Poor little things. I am debating if this sheep needs to go to the auction this year. She had 3 and is trying to be a good mom, and has no other issues, plus not old, but we have enough sheep to get rid of one with problems.

cleaned the first stall out for the goats that are due starting next week. My shoulder hurts now ( stuff builts up in there over the winter and we have to take out a few feet of compacted bedding) , I think we will skip today and do another stall tomorrow

Did the laundry yesterday but waiting on cleaning till Saturday , supposed to have some visitors Sunday
Debating on what I should cook for them
This has been a busy week, need to do some cleaning. The wife is creating the cure for something in the fridge, and now I need to get it out of the house as it's starting to make a stink... sometimes using "disposable" storage containers has some extra value.... the wife is frugal and thinks I need to clean and sanitize them, she will wake up long after they have been hauled away (what she don't know can't hurt me much). :)
lol my rule on leftovers in fridge: if they are not eaten by someone on day #2, they go to the dogs or chickens
Well I finally finished up the freeze dried NY strip steak this morning. Answered two questions.



64% reduction in weight.

8:25 hrs for initial cycle.
32:00 hrs of extra dry time.

We may try them this weekend.

how do you store them? Do they still need to go in the freezer or do you put them in Mylar or what?
Will walk in a few minutes.
Cleaning both outside porches today.
Clean out and re-organize linen closet.
Cook something for dinner later.

We did have Oreo put down, yesterday. It was very hard! We were both concerned that he would cause harm to one of us or the family coming down. Still very difficult and sad!
Off tomorrow so getting ready for the weekend. Plan on hooking the downspout in to 2- 55 gallon barrels. Cleaning up a down tree. Got 23 Golden Deathlayer eggs in the incubator and planning on putting some Silver Lace Chocolate Opinton eggs in another incubator for a friend. Lots of work to do getting ready to plant potatoes and other vegetables. I heard a rumor that spring is coming.
We got our gang moved from St Paul MN down to Mason City, IA and started welding rails at noon. It's easy stuff today - the rails are off to the sides of the tracks. We just have to line them up, trim them and get them ready for the Holland welding truck. Tomorrow will be the hard work, we have to drag these rails which will be over 120 feet long after welding. The Pettibone will grab them and drag them 1/2 mile into position and we'll install them and get the 4 final welds in track. After that, I'm headed 120 miles home to spend some quality time with my GF, doing anything but railroading...
I'd love to see pics of this process!
Snow Drops face downwards, not up like the ones in your photo. The white ones look like wild onions to me, common this time of year.

The little purple ones are 'Johnny Jump Up's', in the violet family, slightly medicinal. The bright orange flower is just another Johnny Jump up. They come in several different colors/varieties.

Hiding by your onion is Crane's Bill, the most used medicinal plant in the civil war by both sides. It treats dysentery, in a pinch can be used to slow bleeding from a major wound. Common name... Alum root.
The 1st Pic is a Rutabaga, the 2nd Pic is Crocus and the 3rd Pic is identical to Snow Drops except they point upwards instead downwards... There are 20 or more dif varities of them so maybee these are another off-spring...?!? ;)
Is it Thursday already, @Pearl ? I haven’t looked at the forecast yet. Are you storm chasing?
Traffic during spring break is ridiculous, so be careful out there.
This week is flying by! I'll be storm chasing from home, looks like east Texas is a little more under the gun!
I'd love to see pics of this process!
I wish I could, but that is prohibited unless you are authorized by UP. I'm not even supposed to have my phone with me on the tracks, because it's a possible distraction and safety hazard.

I was wrong about how the job was supposed to go. We dragged the rails in - the were closer to 160 feet long - and then had 4 transition rails to install as well. (Transition rails are rails that have a different size on each end, to match up two different sizes of rail in the tracks.) One top of that, we had to take out two dead insulated joints and the foreman effed up his measurements. He cut our rail too short, so we had to cut a chunk off of one end of the rail we took out and re-install it and weld it in. We just finished, I'm typing this in the truck on our way back to the depot in Mason City. We'll do some clean up and busy work, and then we'll be on our way home for the weekend...
we have discovered that the ewe that is feeding her 3 lambs but they are not getting enough must have tiny holes in her nipples and not much comes out, we checked. So now we are trying to feed all of them a little extra, they are not growing at the rate the others are and sleeping a lot, meaning they need more food. Poor little things. I am debating if this sheep needs to go to the auction this year. She had 3 and is trying to be a good mom, and has no other issues, plus not old, but we have enough sheep to get rid of one with problems.

cleaned the first stall out for the goats that are due starting next week. My shoulder hurts now ( stuff builts up in there over the winter and we have to take out a few feet of compacted bedding) , I think we will skip today and do another stall tomorrow

Did the laundry yesterday but waiting on cleaning till Saturday , supposed to have some visitors Sunday
Debating on what I should cook for them
Auction. It doesn't matter how good she is, if she can't feed her lambs, it's a trait that shouldn't be passed on to possible future breeders. You will always have the time and expense of feeding her lambs and she is very high risk for mastitis. I kept a cow like that for three years and finally had to let her go.
Just got back from chemo ... ate some lunch ... soon will run out of what little energy a had.

Storms are on the way here this evening. Hopefully no hail or tornadoes.
I keep getting reminders from Me Home Insurance Coverage that Storms may bee in our area and that I should give them another $85. Tornado Damage Ins, which will also Cover Me Home Ins Deduct-able if a Tornado comes thru here...!!! I ask them if a Tornado has ever come thru where I am at, Still awaiting an answer from 2 weeks ago...!! 🛸
Auction. It doesn't matter how good she is, if she can't feed her lambs, it's a trait that shouldn't be passed on to possible future breeders. You will always have the time and expense of feeding her lambs and she is very high risk for mastitis. I kept a cow like that for three years and finally had to let her go.
most likely yes, but she does have 3 and they are small but haven't starved yet. So far I have only fed them maybe 2 bottles a day for all 3 split up, so I am only feeding them a little
will have to think about it, it's between her and a fairly old one ( but the old one did just fine with her 3)
Capone update: Best possible outcome. No spine fractures or alignment issues, so it's most likely a disc issue. No jumping on and off furniture so he sleeps in a crate. 3 different meds to keep him comfortable and a bit sedated so he can heal. Hand walking him to potty away from the other heathens. Good thing I work from home.

Other than taking care of him, I planted some tomatos, a pepper, some more collards. Then moved some plants around in the back, started some more seeds, ate a couple stalks of fresh asparagus ... and baked some pumpkin bread.

Time to walk out and lock the chickens up. Good night all!
Well the saga of the driver's license for the 83 or 85 (he's something like that) year old uncle.

We went yesterday about 1 as they take people until 3:30 and their last hour is for finishing the ones they have. At about 1:10 Uncle came over to where I was waiting and told me they were booked all day and could not do any more. But they open at 8:30 am tomorrow morning (today) and if he's there by 8 am he would be a first one it and could get it done. And they probably will just do the eye test and renew the license. So he asked if we could be there then.

I don't like getting up early, and in going to work traffic. And since he's about 35 - 40 minutes of traffic away from me I would have to get up about 6 to get out by 6:45 am to get to his apt by about 7:30 or before,, then drive the 15 - 20 minutes to the license office. We arrived there at 7:45 am. There was a line there already. Only about 4 teens for the test and parents, and then him in with the teens.

About 8:30am they took in the first 6 or so of those in line. Uncle was one of them. He made 100 on his written test. So now the fun begins as he did need to take the road test. We were in his car.

BUT, first obstacle. He needed his current insurance card. Apparently he had put the one before the current one, in his paperwork pouch. So we go and call his wife to get their renewal card photo emailed to me. The DMV needed to see the coverage end date. It took some time, 3 emails and such to get enough of the card so it would work.

Next we go in the DMV license part, and they get the insurance coverage end date, and I had to show my driver's license since I drove him down there.
We drive around the building to get in line for the road test. 2 cars in front of us. He puts down the windows and turns off the car. (about 10 am now). One car leaves for the test and he went to start the car to move up in line. It clicked. Tried again click click. NOTHING!!! I'm thinking censored words at this time. They have been a having issues with the battery as the last 15 months that car has mostly sat and only driven to the PO boxes at the apartment and back.

Next he calls the insurance guy, insurance guy said to call the wrecker/service guy to come jump him off. The wrecker came, guy could get to the battery and started it. By this time Uncle was next in time for road test.

I got out, he did the test and passed. 100%.
And on the wat back we stopped and had a new battery purchased and installed. Went to his apt. I got in my car and came back home to start work being on the internet.

But he has his 4 wheel freedom back after about 7 years or so of not being licensed and road driving.
Well the saga of the driver's license for the 83 or 85 (he's something like that) year old uncle.

We went yesterday about 1 as they take people until 3:30 and their last hour is for finishing the ones they have. At about 1:10 Uncle came over to where I was waiting and told me they were booked all day and could not do any more. But they open at 8:30 am tomorrow morning (today) and if he's there by 8 am he would be a first one it and could get it done. And they probably will just do the eye test and renew the license. So he asked if we could be there then.

I don't like getting up early, and in going to work traffic. And since he's about 35 - 40 minutes of traffic away from me I would have to get up about 6 to get out by 6:45 am to get to his apt by about 7:30 or before,, then drive the 15 - 20 minutes to the license office. We arrived there at 7:45 am. There was a line there already. Only about 4 teens for the test and parents, and then him in with the teens.

About 8:30am they took in the first 6 or so of those in line. Uncle was one of them. He made 100 on his written test. So now the fun begins as he did need to take the road test. We were in his car.

BUT, first obstacle. He needed his current insurance card. Apparently he had put the one before the current one, in his paperwork pouch. So we go and call his wife to get their renewal card photo emailed to me. The DMV needed to see the coverage end date. It took some time, 3 emails and such to get enough of the card so it would work.

Next we go in the DMV license part, and they get the insurance coverage end date, and I had to show my driver's license since I drove him down there.
We drive around the building to get in line for the road test. 2 cars in front of us. He puts down the windows and turns off the car. (about 10 am now). One car leaves for the test and he went to start the car to move up in line. It clicked. Tried again click click. NOTHING!!! I'm thinking censored words at this time. They have been a having issues with the battery as the last 15 months that car has mostly sat and only driven to the PO boxes at the apartment and back.

Next he calls the insurance guy, insurance guy said to call the wrecker/service guy to come jump him off. The wrecker came, guy could get to the battery and started it. By this time Uncle was next in time for road test.

I got out, he did the test and passed. 100%.
And on the wat back we stopped and had a new battery purchased and installed. Went to his apt. I got in my car and came back home to start work being on the internet.

But he has his 4 wheel freedom back after about 7 years or so of not being licensed and road driving.
Mark it off your list and have a glass of wine 🍷 you deserve it.
Just got back from chemo ... ate some lunch ... soon will run out of what little energy a had.

Storms are on the way here this evening. Hopefully no hail or tornadoes.
I know you are northeast of Dallas, hope all is well, you had storms we didn't get west of Ft. Worth!! Mostly, hope you got some rest!!

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