Well the saga of the driver's license for the 83 or 85 (he's something like that) year old uncle.
We went yesterday about 1 as they take people until 3:30 and their last hour is for finishing the ones they have. At about 1:10 Uncle came over to where I was waiting and told me they were booked all day and could not do any more. But they open at 8:30 am tomorrow morning (today) and if he's there by 8 am he would be a first one it and could get it done. And they probably will just do the eye test and renew the license. So he asked if we could be there then.
I don't like getting up early, and in going to work traffic. And since he's about 35 - 40 minutes of traffic away from me I would have to get up about 6 to get out by 6:45 am to get to his apt by about 7:30 or before,, then drive the 15 - 20 minutes to the license office. We arrived there at 7:45 am. There was a line there already. Only about 4 teens for the test and parents, and then him in with the teens.
About 8:30am they took in the first 6 or so of those in line. Uncle was one of them. He made 100 on his written test. So now the fun begins as he did need to take the road test. We were in his car.
BUT, first obstacle. He needed his current insurance card. Apparently he had put the one before the current one, in his paperwork pouch. So we go and call his wife to get their renewal card photo emailed to me. The DMV needed to see the coverage end date. It took some time, 3 emails and such to get enough of the card so it would work.
Next we go in the DMV license part, and they get the insurance coverage end date, and I had to show my driver's license since I drove him down there.
We drive around the building to get in line for the road test. 2 cars in front of us. He puts down the windows and turns off the car. (about 10 am now). One car leaves for the test and he went to start the car to move up in line. It clicked. Tried again click click. NOTHING!!! I'm thinking censored words at this time. They have been a having issues with the battery as the last 15 months that car has mostly sat and only driven to the PO boxes at the apartment and back.
Next he calls the insurance guy, insurance guy said to call the wrecker/service guy to come jump him off. The wrecker came, guy could get to the battery and started it. By this time Uncle was next in time for road test.
I got out, he did the test and passed. 100%.
And on the wat back we stopped and had a new battery purchased and installed. Went to his apt. I got in my car and came back home to start work being on the internet.
But he has his 4 wheel freedom back after about 7 years or so of not being licensed and road driving.