What's everybody doing today?

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Well the saga of the driver's license for the 83 or 85 (he's something like that) year old uncle.

We went yesterday about 1 as they take people until 3:30 and their last hour is for finishing the ones they have. At about 1:10 Uncle came over to where I was waiting and told me they were booked all day and could not do any more. But they open at 8:30 am tomorrow morning (today) and if he's there by 8 am he would be a first one it and could get it done. And they probably will just do the eye test and renew the license. So he asked if we could be there then.

I don't like getting up early, and in going to work traffic. And since he's about 35 - 40 minutes of traffic away from me I would have to get up about 6 to get out by 6:45 am to get to his apt by about 7:30 or before,, then drive the 15 - 20 minutes to the license office. We arrived there at 7:45 am. There was a line there already. Only about 4 teens for the test and parents, and then him in with the teens.

About 8:30am they took in the first 6 or so of those in line. Uncle was one of them. He made 100 on his written test. So now the fun begins as he did need to take the road test. We were in his car.

BUT, first obstacle. He needed his current insurance card. Apparently he had put the one before the current one, in his paperwork pouch. So we go and call his wife to get their renewal card photo emailed to me. The DMV needed to see the coverage end date. It took some time, 3 emails and such to get enough of the card so it would work.

Next we go in the DMV license part, and they get the insurance coverage end date, and I had to show my driver's license since I drove him down there.
We drive around the building to get in line for the road test. 2 cars in front of us. He puts down the windows and turns off the car. (about 10 am now). One car leaves for the test and he went to start the car to move up in line. It clicked. Tried again click click. NOTHING!!! I'm thinking censored words at this time. They have been a having issues with the battery as the last 15 months that car has mostly sat and only driven to the PO boxes at the apartment and back.

Next he calls the insurance guy, insurance guy said to call the wrecker/service guy to come jump him off. The wrecker came, guy could get to the battery and started it. By this time Uncle was next in time for road test.

I got out, he did the test and passed. 100%.
And on the wat back we stopped and had a new battery purchased and installed. Went to his apt. I got in my car and came back home to start work being on the internet.

But he has his 4 wheel freedom back after about 7 years or so of not being licensed and road driving.
But look what a good story you had to post for us to read...roflmao
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Strawberries did get potted, and I've never potted them before, so we'll see how they do. Picked up takeout from the amish restaurant. Next door neighbor came over and borrowed our chain saw to take out a huge branch that fell about a month ago during a storm. It was laying on the corner of our garden. He said he'd be bringing his tractor over and tilling our garden when he tills theirs. Sweet man. His wife and two young children came to visit. The girl is one of them that I bring to school.
Day after chemo ... not quite back to normal yet ... just made a weeks worth of dog food.

Storms seem to have passed. Was a little dicey for awhile ... hail, tornado warning, etc. None of it hit us thankfully.

Will prep dinner in a bit ... Sirloin tips, and corn.

Sirloin Tips and Corn sound good for 2morrow... Gonna use Mexicali Corn tho...


Right Now tho, Headed for that Place where the ****tube ends up watching Me...!!!

Good Night Every1, Safe Dreams and May GOD Bless...!!
Okay @Amish Heart you win 🏆. I kinda over did it with my knee today. . . . But I’m not finished out there.
Also made a batch of toothpaste today and a small batch of sourdough crackers. They turned out pretty good so might make a real batch tomorrow.
Have you shared your Sourdough cracker recipe?
Inquiring minds would like to know.........
Today I did a repeat of yesterday, laid around, napped, drank herb tea, hung out here some, and in general felt bad.
@teeceetx i hope you can take it easy and not push yourself. Sorry you had to deal with that. What other forum did you come from? You shoed yourself right in like you’ve always been here. Just curious.
We didn’t have hail and the thunderstorms weren’t severe, very heavy rain though.
Today, a day off from packing and sorting. Feed the herd of critters, shower and shave, then I drive north, Lori is farmsitting. We have a lunch/supper date at a local place up the road.

Our 33rd anniversary, can you believe she put up with me for this long :D
Today, a day off from packing and sorting. Feed the herd of critters, shower and shave, then I drive north, Lori is farmsitting. We have a lunch/supper date at a local place up the road.

Our 33rd anniversary, can you believe she put up with me for this long :D
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Hope y'all have a great date!!
My second day off, wow, two in a row!! Crazy busy week ahead! Going to be a rainy day here, so I'm planning on house cleaning!🙄 Have a bunch of odd inside jobs to do too! Rain doesn't start until mid morning so I'll brush Buddy when I feed him! Play ball with Bear early so he gets a good run!! I'll definitely be hanging out here!🙂
Getting ready to take Dad to Lowe’s and Costco. We have gotten tall raised cedar beds for the garden and he wants to get some sort of tile or Pavingstone to put under them so they don’t rot. Then it’ll be time outside doing yardwork. I need to add more soil to my big drum planters so I can plant my peas tomorrow. Peas always go in on Saint Pattys day.

The memorial for my cousin isn’t until next Saturday. My brother is coming down from upstate. I’m sure it’s going to be very crowded affair – he was a superior court judge in the county. His grandfather, and my grandfather are brothers. There were 13 siblings that all survived to adulthood, so there is lots of us cousins.
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dragging this morning, did not sleep well at all. This almost never happens to me. I even took a gummi and layed there feeling it, and feeling tired, but just couldn't go to sleep, and when I did I woke up hour later
I hate this feeling, it used to the happen to me all the time when we lived in Orlando. I think I must be stressed about the upcoming trip or something

still have to take care of the animals today and clean the house
and make some dessert for tomorrow
Did the grocery shopping this morning, didn't need much and stuck to the list. I got 3 bags, total was $99, there was some dried fruit and frozen foods in there, so it shouldn't have been a surprise.

The wife cooked yesterday, so the kitchen is a mess (I don't know how that works).

Laundry has piled up again, I think the neighbors are sneaking it in while I'm not looking ;) .

At 1 I need to go get my hair cut... Then I need to work outside..

Other than that I don't have any plans
Okay @Amish Heart you win 🏆. I kinda over did it with my knee today. . . . But I’m not finished out there.
Also made a batch of toothpaste today and a small batch of sourdough crackers. They turned out pretty good so might make a real batch tomorrow.
Since you are going to post the sour dough cracker recipe for Mo, I would be interested in the toothpaste instructions also, straight up baking soda gets a bit old after a while, also keeps you off your knee.
Oh yeah Coffee
Coming back is the plan, but will not count on it. If I don't get paid next week per the agreement, I won't drive for them. I will come back to remove my son's treated post and rail fencing and haul it home. He is nuts for removing it, but he doesn't want to do basic maintenance.

I will end up with 260 12 foot rails and around 80 good fence posts.
Sipping coffee.
Will have to go set out traps today for the St. Patrick's Day.
Now to remind people no Leprechauns will be injured.
Also to remind people my grandchildren are 11 year old boy whom doesn't believe in magic anymore.
8 year old girl who also doesn't believe in anything any more.
My grand daughter Estelle who is 6, who definitely believes in magic, unicorns, gnomes, fairies, Grinch etc.
My younger grand daughter Reign is 3 she's believes in magic because her bigger cousin Estelle does.
Reign is more of a Grout personality.
Then the last 2 grandchildren Charlie IV and Nyx are 10 months respectively. If they can't put it in their mouths to taste.
The traps are simple small jewelry box bottom and a very short clothes pin.
But don't you know the Leprechauns almost always leave a piece of gold in their wake.
Making childhood memories with my grandchildren.
It sounds like you are getting some good fence @ClemKadiddlehopper.

I have started using blemished crossarms for fence posts especially electric fences depending on the voltage of the lines they are made for you can get them different sizes and lengths, and they are usually cheaper than wooden or t posts..
Right now I have over 300 and I paid 2 dollars apiece for them some of the @4x6 " are 12 feet long I have a few @5x8" 14 feet long.

I also have a lot of crossties and bridge timbers but the crossarms last forever and are drilled so that you can just pull the wire through and loop it back to tension it.

I have a post hole digger with a couple of different size augers and it saves a lot of work, but working with those things is as dangerous as a mean bobcat.

It is a rainy day and we are considering a trip to Memphis to get the wrecked Can Am, Insurance totaled it.
Hope it clears the sun is out right now and I hope it stays.
Gonna be COLD for the next two, 33 and 27f I guess I will pull the hoses off and drain them.

Looks like a slow walk to a high mountain for the next few days, never seem to get any closer to the top, HEHEHEHEH.
It seems my local Wal*Mart has corned beef 2.57 pounds on sale for $5.
Normally corned beef runs $20 or higher.
I do believe I will have to pick up several.
This means I will be making cherry jam in my future.
Estelle gave her Granny, a case of jelly jars for Christmas.
In the hopes that she can have homemade jelly and jams in her future.
Will be making Christmas Candies to this weekend.
Need to make room in the chest freezer.
There is a small community of older people that look out for each other.
One of my friends let me know about the corned beef.
I let them know when I'm making sourdough bread, so they get their share of waffles, pancakes,bread etc.
Last two days at work were easy. Well, Thursday I only stayed an hour to service on side by side. The boss is on vacation and we are caught up so I didn't stay around the shop. yesterday kind of the same but I was expecting a truck to deliver my new heat press and gave them the work address since I am not home during the weekdays. Tracking said it would be delivered yesterday by 7pm. I was done with my work by 1m and hung around 6 hours waiting for delivery. There were no updates on tracking and I called and tried every way to get confirmation or updates with no success. Wasted my afternoon and evening. This morning it was updated saying delivery on Monday. UGH!

My son is here for the weekend. Hoping to play a game or two. We shall see.
Glad you’re getting out of there, @ClemKadiddlehopper Safe travels! Will you go back?
Today will be lather, rinse, repeat. Feel worse. Stupid cough. Head hurts bad. I’m very annoyed by it.
Sorry to hear you are feeling worse, when my sinuses get clogged I get headaches. When the wife gets congested we use a combination of herbal oils (https://www.naturessunshine.com/product/tei-fu-essential-oil/) applied at the nostrils and over the sinus passages, Vix vapor rub (https://www.walmart.com/ip/Vicks-VapoRub-Relieves-6-Cold-Symptoms-50ml-1-69oz/798145638?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101039809&adid=22222222222395415079_1195169762775205_pla&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=e&wl1=s&wl2=c&wl3=74698206774996&wl4=pla-4578297741857036&wl5=&wl6=&wl7=&wl10=Walmart&wl11=Online&wl12=798145638_10001059187&wl14=Vix vapor rub&veh=sem) on her back (I put it on my chest, but she has a central port, so only on her back but it helps), and then over the counter cough medicines ( https://www.amazon.com/Robitussin-C...-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1).

Then again I have been known for overkill from time to time. Hope you get well very soon.
Thank you, @UrbanHunter
I usually know how to handle this but it is really knocking me down this time. I get something like this at least once a year. I used to use a lot of herbs, teas, and oils, and didn't resupply as much as usual this time. For my heart I have to be careful what I use and I despise vicks vapo rub.
I've never tried Coricidin since I was a kid, so giving that a try this time, per a virtual doctor appointment.
I will take a look at everything you linked. Thank you again!
Thank you, @UrbanHunter
I usually know how to handle this but it is really knocking me down this time. I get something like this at least once a year. I used to use a lot of herbs, teas, and oils, and didn't resupply as much as usual this time. For my heart I have to be careful what I use and I despise vicks vapo rub.
I've never tried Coricidin since I was a kid, so giving that a try this time, per a virtual doctor appointment.
I will take a look at everything you linked. Thank you again!
If you use vapor rub, place a wash cloth/cleaning rag between where it is applied and your clothing, we also put an old towel on the the chair or bed to avoid getting that stuff onto things. I have an old turtle neck type sweat shirt (sleeves shortened) that is just for when I'm using that stuff (it stay's oily even after a good washing). I have been using mine for so long it that it is now stored in a plastic bag in the medicine box (we have a big box for first aid stuff in the linen closet).

The Tei-Fu oil is my go to stuff (if I'm really stuffed up I put a few drops on a mask and wear that for a while), I usually can't see for a few minutes but I can breath!

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