What's everybody doing today?

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I Agree, but, having a Restraining Order against them will give You an Opportunity to Blast them if they decide to get too Close... Shoot 1st, Ask ?'s later...!!! Keep a Knife near by w/o Your Finger Prints on it just in case...
I Wish No One any Harm but a Gal has to Protect Herself...!! :waiting: :waiting: :waiting:
She won't need the restraining order if he doesn't know where she lives. Also, she shouldn't need a restraining order to put some holes in him if he does come looking for her. All the restraining order would do was remind him she exists and tell him where to find her. Also, if he has to go to court over a restraining order it might piss him off and give him even more incentive to hunt her down. I've known several people who got restraining orders and it did jack crap. The offenders still violated the orders with impunity.

Hooch, I hope the creep will stay away from you and that you will be safe.

Today I broke up a few cat fights (all involving Senator Snugglebum because he's feeling combative with other kitties, super loving toward people though). Took Lady Sylvanas to the vet to have the lump on her chest examined. It felt smaller and softer this morning. Vet shaved some fur and found punctures from a bite. Drained some of the pus out with a syringe, weighed her and gave her antibiotics. She weighs 13lbs. Mom called and wanted McDonalds breakfast so I grabbed that on the way home. Took out all of the full trash bags from the house, picked up stuff that spilled on the floor, hauled stuff to the burn pile, cleaned the litterboxes, refilled waterers, fed the kitties, etc. Kept trying to troubleshoot the AC. Friend had a migraine and was out for the count. The outside unit does come on but the fan inside is still short cycling. I even pulled the thermostat off to check the wires. Someone suggested a bad run capacitor could be the issue.

I opened the front door for awhile to let the cold air in to cool the house off better.

Just took my evening meds and am waiting for Mom to say she wants food.
My activities list was short today.
Load of laundry washed, dried and put away.
Made several batches of homemade egg noodles for the freezer.
They are hanging and drying.
Will be cold packing homemade sweet and tart cherry pie filling tomorrow.
Dealt with youngest sister's DRAMA today.
My answer is still No, my Attorney checks out the paperwork first for some of Dad's Insurance Paperwork with my solo name on these policies.
I burnt my bottom lip yesterday, it instancely blistered, probably will be a scar.
Bathroom was cleaned, floors dusted.
I walked 1938 steps today.
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Ugh, Urban....3 am is running late?
I've got all the girls to bring to school, morning chores, then to Aldi to finish the grocery shopping and get more butter. Husband needs something from Walmart, and I doubt that he's going, so I'll go in there, too. Hoping to get a basement shelf worked on a bit, and the plant seedlings need some attention.
can't keep up with this thread LOL

Weather is back to what it was in January :( cold, flurries, windy, and now we have a fire danger warning, haven't seen that before here wow but it has been relatively dry lately

I hope it warms back up before the goat kids arrive
So today animals chores and something indoors, we did clean another stall yesterday, half done
Busy work day, or should I say week!🙄 I've been having some issues with my back the past few days. Besides the usual sciatica problems, something is out of whack in my lower back. Unfortunately I can't rest it like I need to right now! And my donkey hurt his leg running around playing the other day, stifle injury. So he's needing extra attention! So we are both hobbling around! Not sure what I'll get into after work today, got the yards mowed yesterday afternoon. Going to be a pretty day. I have some fence work that needs to be done, so I might get started on that!!
Man I was gone half a day and three pages popped up.

@Hooch it is a hard thing to be in your position, I have had a few friends that were where you are and you can be sure that there is no way to keep your location from a determined piece of scum.

States have different requirements for restraining orders and some will grant them on past action of an offender for the requesting person without all the hoopla, some are stupid and dangerous and make it into the reason the victim gets attacked.

I am sure you know what your state will require of you, Just be safe girl I see ego driven people who are like your nemesis as an open target for you any time anywhere for any reason unfortunately the parole board idiots didn't.

I hope if you have to do something to protect yourself you get real justice and don't spend a second in a court.

There are thousands of people mostly women and children in the position you are in because of judges who cant put their child in your position and send violent scum away forever or till they go to hell.
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Sipping coffee.
Reading forums.
Cold packing Sweet and Tart Cherry Pie filling into pint jars this morning.
Working on making some delicious sweet and savory recipes with what I have in my freezer.
Making space in said chest freezer, I will be buying a beef soon, will need the space.
Making cherry hand held pies today too.
Spiced walnuts are on the agenda too.
Cooking day.
Today, just like yesterday! Like the Groundhog movie.

Up at 6:30, quick caffeine shot, walk the pups, get the pups in their crates, drive wife to jury duty.

New: Electricians are at our house across the street, installing pole light bases on the new patio. Have to keep going over there to make sure it's being done right. I imagine they will be back after concrete dries in a couple days
Funny, my cousin came over to check on his heifers. He didn't know the big tractor had a starter problem. Of course it started right up for him, i've been trying since saturday and couldn't get it to turn over. We stopped it at the top of the driveway (hill), turned it off... wouldn't start. So we rolled it off. Cousin said he'll get a new starter since he's been using the tractor since last year. Ain't having it... Needs to at least split the cost with me..

Pic of the heifers... and the gate dad hits every time he gets on a tractor. I finally had to sink the gate posts in concrete. He still manages to knock the gate off the hinge pins... I've had to beat the gate back flat several times. Last time i laid plywood over the gate (laying flat) and drove the tractor over it several times. :(

Oh, update on the big black german sheppard. Cousin has seen him also, been around this area since friday. He thinks someone dumped the dog out, didn't want to deal with its hip issue. Sad, people have been dumping unwanted animals out here my entire life. County still doesn't have a facility to take unwanted animals.

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May be taking a Vegas trip to get a Can Am-----. UUUrrrrrrr.,,, 24 out and 24 back in a week with a slovenly day by the pool sun to get the tan for the year.

Man @Peanut I had a container delivered and the person driving the truck ran all over the gate it took a lot of running up on it with the back tractor tire and beating the loops back to fit the hinge hooks to get it back up straight.

I drove a three axle lowboy with a 360 John Deere trackhoe on it behind a 14 wheel Mack RD through there from the two lane blacktop many a time HEHEHEH I don't know how some people get a class A license sometimes.
Oh, update on the big black german sheppard. Cousin has seen him also, been around this area since friday. He thinks someone dumped the dog out, didn't want to deal with its hip issue. Sad, people have been dumping unwanted animals out here my entire life. County still doesn't have a facility to take unwanted animals.
I hate stupid people that do that, they do it here too. At least have the guts to put the poor dog out of his misery and shoot it if it is not healthy and you don't want to take care of it
This is what we have so far.
It will change as we go and we don't have a time schedule.
looks like a good route, been to all those places, let me know if you need any tips ( but you probably like to do different things from what we did) , I really liked Bryce Canyon in Utah and Bandelir ( sp) in New Mexico plus Santa Fe is a nice , but we mostly went skiing there

photo is from a hike in Bryce

Just Staying Alive and Keeping Warm... Darn Weather 4casters... Cold and Possibly even freezing for Weds AM...!!! Plants are staying covered, Iris's took a hit but seem resilient...?!

Hope All have a Good Day and May GOD Bless...!
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and some Snow Drops started Drooping...!!! :eek:


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May be taking a Vegas trip to get a Can Am-----. UUUrrrrrrr.,,, 24 out and 24 back in a week with a slovenly day by the pool sun to get the tan for the year.

Man @Peanut I had a container delivered and the person driving the truck ran all over the gate it took a lot of running up on it with the back tractor tire and beating the loops back to fit the hinge hooks to get it back up straight.

I drove a three axle lowboy with a 360 John Deere trackhoe on it behind a 14 wheel Mack RD through there from the two lane blacktop many a time HEHEHEH I don't know how some people get a class A license sometimes.
I kinda suspect if they went to a truck driver school, they pass if they pay the money. Known a couple that couldn't back up to a dock under penalty of death.
This is what we have so far.
It will change as we go and we don't have a time schedule.
View attachment 126753

Are you taking I-40 across Tx and Ok? Thats at least what it looks like. If so 40 across OK is some of the roughest roads I've ever driven
Looks like a great trip and some great places to visit

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