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So last year, we paid $8 for a 3 pound chunk of corned beef. My other half needed to go to 4 different markets before finding corned beef. This year, the 3 pound corned beef cost us $27! Thank you Mr. Current President!

(Darn, this post could be in the rant thread, the high cost of grocery thread, or the politics thread.)

I'll just post it here because the corned beef is slow cooking as I type, the workers are outside adding sprinklers to my shrubs, and taking the dead bushes from my grass because i need to go out and mow!
Are you going to remove the big hard pieces of fat? freeze dry raw? how thick? Very much interested in how it turns out. I am having freeze dryer withdrawal at the moment.
We had those steaks last night.

Not good.

I was mistaken about how long they would need to rehydrate. I delayed dinner waiting for them to take up water. I kept weighing the larger steak. Before the dehydration it was 14 oz. We had a couple of potatoes in the oven as well as a casserole that were at risk of being over done. At each check I could feel the parts of the steak surrounded by fat was stiff, not floppy. There were areas not surrounded by fat that did feel right.

I called the rehydrate when the steak was 12 oz. They both came up to 140 degrees F very fast! Lack of water may explain that.

The small parts that were floppy were decent. But most of the meat with fat was miserable to cut with a steak knife. I had to resort to dipping small chunks in my onion soup to eat much of it.

The Princess had to cut off 1/3 of her steak that she just couldn't cut. Nit being willing to throw most of her steak away she put in a container and covered it with onion soup.

So I call this first attempt a massive failure.

Next time....

Cut off the fat!
Rehydrate over night.

I will probably miss the fat.

Would smearing butter or bacon grease on them before grilling help?

All suggestions are appreciated.

It's been a fantastic weekend so far.
Beautiful weather!!
I needed this nice weather..good for the soul..
I did get some bad news a few days ago..
A very crazy violent guy is getting out of prison soon. Somehow he got a 6 year early kick. Not sure if he will try to find me for revenge. Who knows..nothing I can do about it but be more vigilant and prepared . Not a ex boyfriend situation..different story some if you might recall. It's been almost 10 years already..
Anyways..except for getting cameras put up around the place..im as ready as I'll be.
I need to go pop off a few rounds soon just to freshen up.
Other than that..im going to enjoy life ..enjoy my weekends and trust that the Universe n god work in mysterious ways!
It's been a fantastic weekend so far.
Beautiful weather!!
I needed this nice weather..good for the soul..
I did get some bad news a few days ago..
A very crazy violent guy is getting out of prison soon. Somehow he got a 6 year early kick. Not sure if he will try to find me for revenge. Who knows..nothing I can do about it but be more vigilant and prepared . Not a ex boyfriend situation..different story some if you might recall. It's been almost 10 years already..
Anyways..except for getting cameras put up around the place..im as ready as I'll be.
I need to go pop off a few rounds soon just to freshen up.
Other than that..im going to enjoy life ..enjoy my weekends and trust that the Universe n god work in mysterious ways!
stay vigilant, of course you could come north of the border for a visit for a while.
I will be more on the look out for sure..n thank you! I figure what happens.. happens.
If he gets stupid..I'm a good shot n if I'm feeling off..shotty is a good shot for me..lol.
If he messes with my place, I have full insurance.
I'm not looking for trouble but if it comes my way..it will be recorded.
I see this as a opportunity actually.
With all the craziness going on anyways..its a good reason to up my game in regards to security.
Plus, should trouble find me..I'm in control..my turf..my castle..my reactions.. well rehearsed.
After reading this great thread of baking and planting and doing useful things, I realize I've got nothing.

Today I fed the cat.

I might do something else that's important. Not sure.
My cats all said feeding was priority one.
Our cats seem to think it's a priority, too. And if I ignore them, one of them will jump up and cling to the screen door, the others (I swear) will knock by bashing their heads on the door. This happens twice a day.
Got the medical shelves cleaned out completely. This only took two and a half hours. Ha. Looks better. But now the shelves next to it look bad. Ha.
We went hiking in Gold Butte National Monument. Little Finland area. It was beautiful, 65 and sunny. The road into the site is called mud wash road and it is an actual wash. They had a decent rain yesterday and the wheel tracks were all washed away. We got there when all the atv/utv folks were still rolling out of bed. It took me about an hour and a half to travel 7 miles. At multiple points it was a toss up on if we were in the right place since we were the first ones in today. Once we arrived, a whole mess of other folks followed us in. We did several miles of hiking around in the rocks, took a million photos, saw some petroglyphs, jack rabbits, lizards, a burro, and even a road runner. Had home canned corned beef dinner when we got back to the trailer and I’m sipping on a vodka tonic. The menfolk are all snoring already. Tomorrow the hubby wants to brave Zion, figuring a random Monday might be less peopley!
Cooked for mom very early this morning (sort of last night), racked out for most of the day. Got up to feed kitties because Boo came to tell me it was canned food o'clock. Refilled their waterer. Got sinus headache and still tired but need to go check on Mom and make sure she eats again.
had a nice visit from friends yesterday, and the house is as clean as it is going to get
so today back to cleaning out stalls the blister on my finger is better
Husband might go get sawdust
no other plans today

its back to freezing, turned space heater on in bedroom for the first time in a week
wood stove in kitchen going to
We went hiking in Gold Butte National Monument. Little Finland area. It was beautiful, 65 and sunny. The road into the site is called mud wash road and it is an actual wash. They had a decent rain yesterday and the wheel tracks were all washed away. We got there when all the atv/utv folks were still rolling out of bed. It took me about an hour and a half to travel 7 miles. At multiple points it was a toss up on if we were in the right place since we were the first ones in today. Once we arrived, a whole mess of other folks followed us in. We did several miles of hiking around in the rocks, took a million photos, saw some petroglyphs, jack rabbits, lizards, a burro, and even a road runner. Had home canned corned beef dinner when we got back to the trailer and I’m sipping on a vodka tonic. The menfolk are all snoring already. Tomorrow the hubby wants to brave Zion, figuring a random Monday might be less peopley!
would love to see some photos!! Sounds like fun
We had those steaks last night.

Not good.

I was mistaken about how long they would need to rehydrate. I delayed dinner waiting for them to take up water. I kept weighing the larger steak. Before the dehydration it was 14 oz. We had a couple of potatoes in the oven as well as a casserole that were at risk of being over done. At each check I could feel the parts of the steak surrounded by fat was stiff, not floppy. There were areas not surrounded by fat that did feel right.

I called the rehydrate when the steak was 12 oz. They both came up to 140 degrees F very fast! Lack of water may explain that.

The small parts that were floppy were decent. But most of the meat with fat was miserable to cut with a steak knife. I had to resort to dipping small chunks in my onion soup to eat much of it.

The Princess had to cut off 1/3 of her steak that she just couldn't cut. Nit being willing to throw most of her steak away she put in a container and covered it with onion soup.

So I call this first attempt a massive failure.

Next time....

Cut off the fat!
Rehydrate over night.

I will probably miss the fat.

Would smearing butter or bacon grease on them before grilling help?

All suggestions are appreciated.

sorry that wasted some steaks, maybe just freeze them?
So last year, we paid $8 for a 3 pound chunk of corned beef. My other half needed to go to 4 different markets before finding corned beef. This year, the 3 pound corned beef cost us $27! Thank you Mr. Current President!

(Darn, this post could be in the rant thread, the high cost of grocery thread, or the politics thread.)

I'll just post it here because the corned beef is slow cooking as I type, the workers are outside adding sprinklers to my shrubs, and taking the dead bushes from my grass because i need to go out and mow!
I don't honestly know how to price our meat at the market this year, everything has gone up but will people pay crazy meat prices or just go buy cheap pork from China at the walmart?
we are already charging $9 for ground lamb or goat and $15 for nice chunks of kebab meat
Today is a work day, so nothing productive from the group's view.

I am pondering a question that I think the off-grid folks on the site can answer better than anyone. In a grid-down situation, how do you prioritize your electricity utilization? I'm assuming that most people have something for a SHTF event (generator, solar backup, batteries, car inverter), but how do you prioritize where you use those resources? Put bluntly, how do you shift from ~5kW down to something under 1kW and what do you keep and what goes out? This might be better discussed on a different thread, but it is something to think about.
Today is a work day, so nothing productive from the group's view.

I am pondering a question that I think the off-grid folks on the site can answer better than anyone. In a grid-down situation, how do you prioritize your electricity utilization? I'm assuming that most people have something for a SHTF event (generator, solar backup, batteries, car inverter), but how do you prioritize where you use those resources? Put bluntly, how do you shift from ~5kW down to something under 1kW and what do you keep and what goes out? This might be better discussed on a different thread, but it is something to think about.
I don't know if this will help you, since we never use anywhere near 1kw ( highest we use is in spring when we have heat lamps for new chicks on, and it's around 600 watts then) but we just use our solar for refrigeration then to keep the meat frozen and stuff cold . We also use it to charge our phones . That's all the electric we really need
I posted on the refrigeration thread on how to make a low electric fridge
I don't know if this will help you, since we never use anywhere near 1kw ( highest we use is in spring when we have heat lamps for new chicks on, and it's around 600 watts then) but we just use our solar for refrigeration then to keep the meat frozen and stuff cold . We also use it to charge our phones . That's all the electric we really need
I posted on the refrigeration thread on how to make a low electric fridge
I looked up your post, it's very interesting. I would be interested in where you got the controller and exactly how you use it. I can see where having a couple of small chest freezers that could be quickly converted as you ate down the frozen foods could be helpful.
Its a bank holiday here, and the weather is still woeful. The few inches of water lying on the ground has dispersed thanks to a dry night and wind, but we are in for lashing rain all week, and its due to get colder. So yesterday got a good bit of study done, and so I 'treated' myself with a few hours in the poly this morning, and husband did a bit of clean up and restocked the wood pile nearest the house. I have an issue with creeping buttercup in the strawberry beds, so I lifted the plants, cut them back, and replanted them in old pots and containers that are too rough looking to use about the house. One of my compost bins is ready to empty so I'll weed out and top up that bed with some fresh compost, ready for whatever seeds come up first. Husband also got a quick spin in on his new bike, so he's delighted. Looking at the projected weather, it'll be a while before he gets out again.
I see the convo earlier on the price of corned beef- it's not just your President to blame- prices up everywhere. In 2022 our gov cut the VAT rate on petrol and diesel, that's due to go back on on April 1st. 5c +vat on a liter on April 1st, then on Sept 1st 4c +vat. per liter. Either the haulage companies will go on strike, or stuff will go sky high - and that's even considering how small this country is.
Today is a work day, so nothing productive from the group's view.

I am pondering a question that I think the off-grid folks on the site can answer better than anyone. In a grid-down situation, how do you prioritize your electricity utilization? I'm assuming that most people have something for a SHTF event (generator, solar backup, batteries, car inverter), but how do you prioritize where you use those resources? Put bluntly, how do you shift from ~5kW down to something under 1kW and what do you keep and what goes out? This might be better discussed on a different thread, but it is something to think about.
I may start a thread in prepping talk with your concept while I have another coffee
I will be more on the look out for sure..n thank you! I figure what happens.. happens.
If he gets stupid..I'm a good shot n if I'm feeling off..shotty is a good shot for me..lol.
If he messes with my place, I have full insurance.
I'm not looking for trouble but if it comes my way..it will be recorded.
I see this as a opportunity actually.
With all the craziness going on anyways..its a good reason to up my game in regards to security.
Plus, should trouble find me..I'm in control..my turf..my castle..my reactions.. well rehearsed.
Start with a "Restraining Order"...!!!
Brrrrrrrr, on the

side here...!

Bee back as it Warms Up...!!

Hope All have a Good Day and May GOD Bless...!!!

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