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Not yet.
Maybe later.
Sleeping for a long time after a blow to the head is a sign of a CONCUSSSION, Nausea, sleeping, kaleidoscope vision and weakness are all signs of a bad one.

I kissed an OAK tree running off of the bank behind the Campground at the Chimneys in the Smoky mountains once and had a super concussion, everything but convulsions for four days.
Trying to decide if I am going to clean my building this morning or early tomorrow morning?!! Heavy rain expected today so I might just stay home!! Leaning heavily towards staying home, there's BACON involved!! I still have not cleaned my closet 😮, hopefully I get that done today! A day of many questions, and a day of a NAP!! Here I am at 5am already thinking of a nap!!🤔
last day before trip, so if you don't hear from me again, it was nice knowing you .....

today animal care, cooking lunch, dishes, last minute trip stuff and hopefully print boarding pass this afternoon

I set an alarm for 5.30 today to start getting used to time change and having to get up really early tomorrow

weather looks crap, here and there, so husband will have a lot of barn cleaning to do on his own and I am adding some cold weather stuff to the suitcase
last day before trip, so if you don't hear from me again, it was nice knowing you .....

today animal care, cooking lunch, dishes, last minute trip stuff and hopefully print boarding pass this afternoon

I set an alarm for 5.30 today to start getting used to time change and having to get up really early tomorrow

weather looks crap, here and there, so husband will have a lot of barn cleaning to do on his own and I am adding some cold weather stuff to the suitcase
Hope you have a great trip, can't wait to hear about it when you get home!!
last day before trip, so if you don't hear from me again, it was nice knowing you .....

today animal care, cooking lunch, dishes, last minute trip stuff and hopefully print boarding pass this afternoon

I set an alarm for 5.30 today to start getting used to time change and having to get up really early tomorrow

weather looks crap, here and there, so husband will have a lot of barn cleaning to do on his own and I am adding some cold weather stuff to the suitcase
Have a safe journey Sonya! It will be wonderful for you and your dad to spend the time together!
Happy Mother’s Day everyone! Drinking some coffee and watching a little news before church. Family is gathering at my folks house for dinner, pulled pork and macaroni salad made by all the menfolk. 4 generations of fam and three generations of moms.
I got up at 6:20am because my brain wouldn't let me sleep and I had an epiphany on how to get the old pillowtop mattress moved away from the sliding glass door out back. It was in the way of bringing the new freezer in. I tried yesterday but stuff broke and it didn't work. Realized I could try a different method with some tie down straps and using the hooks and tying around the springs poking out of the mattress. It worked and I got it hauled down near where the pond used to be. Then I emptied the old freezer and unplugged it. Got rid of a bunch of trash and empty boxes, moved stuff around, cleared a path to the sliding glass door, moved furniture, etc. Also cleared stuff out of the way outside and broke off some small branches from a tree poking in the way and pulled up some weeds (had to wear a gardening glove) to clear stuff.

Friend is awake and I've set an alarm for 10am to leave to go pick him up. The store doesn't open until 11 to pick up the new freezer. Gonna try to take a brief nap until the alarm goes off.
The view from the section of fence line that I'm working on now.
Animal chores done, planted out a dz cabbages near the volunteer potatoes. Neighbor boy Levi came out to see what was what (on his lawnmower, he he), and I sent him home with lots of plants he wanted...watermelon, peppers, cucumbers. Helped husband get cleaned up, but he broke the shower curtain rod getting out of the shower, and I can't get it to hold now, so I'll have to get another one tomorrow. Just opened up a hilarious coffee travel mug our oldest daughter sent...about being the greatest mom and it's got Trump on it. Too funny.
Getting ready to make a two hour trip to replace the water heater in an RV then back, probably be at least 8 PM coming back.

Hope we have all the stuff we need taking out a gas/electric/engine heat heater and replacing with an on demand gas.

The way the critter is mounted is the big thing the exhaust comes through a side storage door and has to come from the same place to seal BUT it is different by about an inch.

Don neeed no carbon noxide Lucy!!!!!!
I went to pick up my friend, stopped somewhere for him to grab something to drink, popped in to Samsclub and got his wife some sparkly sandals. I saw them and thought she'd like them. He wasn't sure so I told him to send a pic. She loved them. Hopefully they fit. Got some meat for them and got the stuff off of Mom's list. Popped in to the new Ross store to see if my friend could find some new jeans because his keep ripping. No luck. But he did find a nose hair trimmer for $5, some pet food bowls, some carabiners, etc. I found a butt cushion and a back rest for super cheap. Then we went to Best Buy to pick up the freezer. The employees were worried we wouldn't be able to get it in the house and wanted to make sure we could even get it home. Friend used my new CAT tie downs plus some older tie downs to secure it. Made it home & friend struggled to get the old freezer out. The floor underneath it is messed up pretty badly and will need to be fixed at some point. The appliance hand truck wasn't much help. Friend ended up just dragging it and trying to shove it out but the stupid tree got in the way. I suggested having him push it while I shoved the branch to the side to see if that would work. It did. But then he was trying to get the old freezer to roll away and it broke some of the siding on the house. I do have some extra siding leftover so I can replace the broken pieces.

Woke my brother up and he was in a bad mood, but he was needed to help get the new freezer out. Friend unboxed it after I got the truck in a better position. Unfortunately, the freezer couldn't fit under the eaves while in the truck so my plan to just transfer it directly to the threshold didn't work. I suggested using more tie downs than what came with the hand truck and they were able to get it up the steps and inside. I cleaned out stuff that had fallen behind and next to the old freezer so the path was clear. It was a struggle, but friend got it in place and then had to use pieces of the parquet floor to shim under the front feet. He couldn't get it to tip back far enough to adjust the feet. My brother was reading the instructions while I took my friend back into town. Bro put the handle on the door and set it to fast freeze. It's already super cold.

Grabbed food for friend and it was pouring rain. Popped in to see his wife and talk to her briefly, then went back home. Got stuck behind a clown going 25mph in a 55mph area.

Internet was out for awhile and wouldn't come back on. I couldn't access the dishy (that is what starlink calls the modem's page) page. Rebooted modem multiple times to no avail. Went outside and saw the dish was moving around trying to get a signal. I downloaded the app to my phone, had to scan the sky, and then had to find how to stow the dish and reboot it. That worked. Hooray.
Safe travels Sonya!
I was thinking of you this afternoon Amish, it must be so hard to move on after losing your mom. It made me even more thankful to still have my mom, I know the time grows short..
Daughter and I went to see Mom and spent some time kayaking with her. First time I've been back on the lake since losing my Husband. Beautiful weather and good to have time with family.
Went to what Hubby calls God’s church today- up near our old stompin’ grounds- looking for shrooms but it’s still a skosh too early View attachment IMG_7128.jpeg
Stopped by the folks’ on the way back. Took Ma her little gift and Hubby got Pa a peach pie 🥧 just because. Made it home and next week starts up all over again tomorrow 🥴. I could use one more day. I still have lots to do around here.
I thought about putting the rototiller on a tractor today, perhaps it will become a reality sometime soon.

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