How you feeling today @MoBookworm1957
I got checked.@MoBookworm1957 don't screw around with a concussion. When I fell on the ice a couple years ago, it scrambled my brain pretty good for about ten days. I didn't feel quite right for about a month. A doc probably won't do much but tell you to take it easy, but definitely take it easy for a while.
My pops fell and hit the back of his head some years back. He had to get his skull drilled a week later to relieve the pressure from a brain bleed. Concussions are serious business...
I’m glad you went in. At least you have the knowledge that it is not a concussion and you know what you need to do for yourself.I got checked.
Didn't feel good, not sick,just didn't feel good.
No concussion,got CT scan.
Funny feeling was determined to be seizure.
Which I knew that, but let very new Neurologist make the decision.
VA Pharmacy will have fun filling that prescription.
My brain has been scrambled before.
Feel pretty good, except my tailbone hurts.
Not much they can do about that.
Before all the new people get concerned about the seizure.
I suffered from Traumatic Brain injury due to accident from when I was active duty Army,
I didn't have a stroke, I had a Petite Grand Mall Seizure.
I will be checked out again 16 May 2024 at 1400 hours.
Thank you for your concern.Sleeping for a long time after a blow to the head is a sign of a CONCUSSSION, Nausea, sleeping, kaleidoscope vision and weakness are all signs of a bad one.
I kissed an OAK tree running off of the bank behind the Campground at the Chimneys in the Smoky mountains once and had a super concussion, everything but convulsions for four days.
Is it weather-related late?sitting at the airport waiting for the is already late 2 hours, wish us luck.....I knew there would be problems...
not sure, the plane coming from Ireland is late, the weather here is perfectIs it weather-related late?
Hoping this is your ONLY problem as you get away. Sending more than luck your way.
Praying for safe travels for you!sitting at the airport waiting for the is already late 2 hours, wish us luck.....I knew there would be problems...