What's everybody doing today?

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I don’t think it’s got anything to do with actual berries or berry flavor anything Mo. he uses bees and B’s a lot in his communications. Kinda like how Tony the Tiger used grrrrr in his “they’re grrrrreat.”
I am getting used to people from DPP too.
Just as he is getting used to us.
If that is actually what he meant then I apologize for the misunderstanding.
Reading the local newspaper:
It's official my county in Missouri is bat sh*t crazy.
We made Channel 5 news.
We have a Sheriff removed from office in March.
We have ICE in town.
We have illegal immigrants.
Wonderful most are here to work in the orchards.
We have FBI in town not counting the one who have retired back to this county.
We have shootings, stabbings.
We have a Prosecuting Attorney being investigated for aiding and abetting known criminal.
What a mess.
And it's an election year.
This was the biggest local newspaper in 5 years, all of 8 pages front and back.
And there is more bad news too.
Reading the local newspaper:
It's official my county in Missouri is bat sh*t crazy.
We made Channel 5 news.
We have a Sheriff removed from office in March.
We have ICE in town.
We have illegal immigrants.
Wonderful most are here to work in the orchards.
We have FBI in town not counting the one who have retired back to this county.
We have shootings, stabbings.
We have a Prosecuting Attorney being investigated for aiding and abetting known criminal.
What a mess.
And it's an election year.
This was the biggest local newspaper in 5 years, all of 8 pages front and back.
And there is more bad news too.
And here I thought living in a Mafia state was crazy.
So you say, all I know is a bunch of new people show up at the same time as the nice folks from DDP.
Whom I know several from DDP and other forums already.
And now some are here, some are not yet.
Several of us newbies, including Snowman, were here way before there was any news of DDP being shutdown and merged here. Of that group (about 6 of us that I know of) have known each other for years and are known as good people. It does take some getting used a person and their posting style sometimes.
For right now I'm spending a lil time at the library while waiting for the mail to get delivered to the post office boxes.tthen over to check mine.then over to dollar general for a funnel.then back home. I got a water picture with filter last Wednesday. I'm using it to refill my one gallon jugs. Got a MRI the other day,and my back And neck is still trying to commit suicide.lol.
Several of us newbies, including Snowman, were here way before there was any news of DDP being shutdown and merged here. Of that group (about 6 of us that I know of) have known each other for years and are known as good people. It does take some getting used a person and their posting style sometimes.
Dually Noted.
As I said before, if that is the case .
I apologize for the misunderstanding.
We are all getting used to each other's style and personality traits.
If it says berries, I DO NOT use it.
Even a artificial berry can kill me.
Obviously if the label says berries flavoring I WON"T USE IT.
It could kill me. What part of that do you not understand?
And yes, I made Strawberry jam for my grandchildren:
But I also had a respirator mask on, gloves, long sleeves, shoes with paper booties, white disposal outfit on.
I also had EPI pens nearby and EMT standing by.
That's how allergic I am to Strawberries.
Hope this answers your question.
Where does the label show Berry Flavoring...?!?
So have I and it's still the Am, Gonna 🐝 a Long Day at this Rate...!!! :facepalm:
We did the Babcock Ranch swamp buggy tour this morning. It was another fantastic experience.

This was our swamp buggy, not exactly what I expected. Babcock Ranch is a working Ranch, and some friendly cattle came to the bus for a few handfuls of corn.
our guide brought out a gator to meet everyone on the tour. The gator was quite well behaved.

And then we went into the cypress swamp which was mesmerizing. It was a great day. Now we are about to board our plane home.
A few years back a friend and I started a Facebook page for buying and selling used Harley Davidson motorcycles parts. We just added 5 local guys we knew that had the same interest. The group has grown to right at 300,000 members and for the last 3 years we have had an annual rally. It will be held at The Farm in Eureka Springs Arkansas next weekend. Jake and I will spend this weekend getting are things ready to camp and meet folks from all over the country. We had people from as far as New York and California last year.

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That looks like a good time!
went to the market today, there were not a lot of customers compared to usual. Only a few of our regulars and one is moving soon. We still did ok, but I came home with 3 breads left over and traded one for some microgreens
We did sell a lot of eggs thankfully, clearing out some fridge space
One other thing I noticed, we used to sell a lot more goat meat, but not lately , mostly selling lamb. But the strange thing we get much higher prices for the goats sending them to New Holland. ( I guess the big cities have more demand for goat meat up there) .
Then we stopped to get gas, and my yukon did this weird thing starting it up again. It's like the key is stuck on the start up position or at least that is what it sounds like, not sure if this is an ignition problem or something else. I turned it back off and started it back up and it did this twice but then started normaly. Engine runs fine once it started , drove home ok
Any thoughts?

Oh and we finally got our check for the goats we sent ( did well) , it went to the neighbors instead of us and they just put it in our mailbox with a note ( mail man screwed up , it had the right address on it)
The starter relay or solenoid contacts are burned and welding together most of the time in that problem, First go to the tray full of these
under the hood and find the primary starting relay and switch it with any other in the tray with the same drawing on it, if it happens again it will be the solenoid on the starter.

It can also happen with low voltage applied to the solenoid making it weld the contacts due to high amp draw.

In a electrical circuit a piece of equipment will try to draw the same number of watts to operate no mater what voltage is applied to it that means if you apply 10 volts to a 12 volt 300 amp starter it will try to reach the same 3600 watts by pulling 360 amps to work.

The other option would be the ignition switch itself being messed up.
The starter relay or solenoid contacts are burned and welding together most of the time in that problem, First go to the tray full of these View attachment 155139 under the hood and find the primary starting relay and switch it with any other in the tray with the same drawing on it, if it happens again it will be the solenoid on the starter.

It can also happen with low voltage applied to the solenoid making it weld the contacts due to high amp draw.

In a electrical circuit a piece of equipment will try to draw the same number of watts to operate no mater what voltage is applied to it that means if you apply 10 volts to a 12 volt 300 amp starter it will try to reach the same 3600 watts by pulling 360 amps to work.

The other option would be the ignition switch itself being messed up.
it's a 2008 with 150000 miles on it and none of those things including the starter have ever been replaced. My guess would be the ignition , usually if the starter or solenoid are bad wouldn't it just not start at all? Click click , that's it?
We did the Babcock Ranch swamp buggy tour this morning. It was another fantastic experience.View attachment 155129
This was our swamp buggy, not exactly what I expected. Babcock Ranch is a working Ranch, and some friendly cattle came to the bus for a few handfuls of corn.View attachment 155130View attachment 155131our guide brought out a gator to meet everyone on the tour. The gator was quite well behaved. View attachment 155132
And then we went into the cypress swamp which was mesmerizing. It was a great day. Now we are about to board our plane home.

Oh my gosh!! We did that many many years ago!! I can't believe they still have that!!

Glad you are having what looks like an awesome trip!!
I slept late & went to lunch for Fathers day today to miss the crowd.
Had a T-bone, the total bill as over $100.00 & for once I did not pay, got a T-shirt, card & Cash.
I am saving up to buy Scaffolding for a project I want to do.


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