What's everybody doing today?

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The small child in blue is Nxy.
Hairy guy in middle is my youngest son Fred.
Little girl in white T shirt is Reign.
Nix just turned 1 a few weeks ago.
It seems like Reign was just born yesterday let alone Nyx being a year old!
I was rough on my teeth early opening beer bottles and things like that, I still have all but two I had to get pulled after they had been crowned and root canaled at about 24 and redone once after.

All but four of them are crowns' Good thing I had good Dental ins all my life I pay $100 a month for it now.😤

I overbrush them so they never even do anything but polish them at yearly cleaning.

My last dentist (RIP DDS and good friend Dr. W McLanahan) said receding gums were the enemy of older people.
Do you spend more than $1200/year on dental? If not, why not pay your own savings set aside for such things and earn a little interest? (Just a thought)
I'm so tan I look black!!😮
I don't tan or really burn that easily, I think I reflect. 😂
I’ve been down and out with a migraine all day but a it’s finally lifting I think! My mom is coming all the way up from Missouri to see us next week and I have so much to do before then! And now I’m a day behind!
As long as that migraine goes away!! Hope y'all have a great visit!!
It seems like Reign was just born yesterday let alone Nyx being a year old!

Do you spend more than $1200/year on dental? If not, why not pay your own savings set aside for such things and earn a little interest? (Just a thought)

I don't tan or really burn that easily, I think I reflect. 😂
It's the nail polish!!😉💅
I did the same stuff I do every day. On top of that I also called my pops to confirm plans, attended a horrible online training on force of force which did not involve any actual force on force, mowed some grass, sprayed some more weed killer and waited for a UPS truck to deliver some ammo. They think my residence is a business and I did not correct them.
If I had to do over where dentures are concerned.
I would pull them all, but no dentures.
I have had nothing but trouble with my top plate since I got them.
When I get a bit of money saved, then I will decide if that's what I want to do.
I Don't know, but, But, BUTT, I Have Heard that these : https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP._P2EAy-MqtzXVj0qp-91dwHaHa&pid=Api&f=1&ipt=00012e13463b292fd63b0a42aaf3c81444f330a40772232a1a96849b493e99fd&ipo=images are Berry Berry Good...!!!

Change of plans to start the day. Toilet wouldn't shut off. Had a new spare in my shop. Moved on.

Mounted d-rings in the bed of the side by side (SxS) New water tanks is now secured in the bed.


I loaded up and to plant out more blackberry. I figured how to strap a beach umbrella to the SxS. Saved time moving the umbrella as I progressed. Probably looked like a clown car. I didn't care. Even then my neighbor across the street out classed me.


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My water stopped working again so I'm highly frustrated with the situation. I did manage to find the FB page for the well service that wouldn't return my calls or pick up the phone and got in touch with them. Guy said they are drilling a well today but might be able to come out afterward. I'm guessing it won't be today since its already after 7pm.

Been resting up a bit and cuddling with kitties. Mewlatto is obsessively sitting on me and clinging to my arms today.
Change of plans to start the day. Toilet wouldn't shut off. Had a new spare in my shop. Moved on.

Mounted d-rings in the bed of the side by side (SxS) New water tanks is now secured in the bed.

View attachment 154975

I loaded up and to plant out more blackberry. I figured how to strap a beach umbrella to the SxS. Saved time moving the umbrella as I progressed. Probably looked like a clown car. I didn't care. Even then my neighbor across the street out classed me.

View attachment 154976

I’m confused. Is that one of those amphibious side-by-sides or are you just moving a boat motor.
Change of plans to start the day. Toilet wouldn't shut off. Had a new spare in my shop. Moved on.

Mounted d-rings in the bed of the side by side (SxS) New water tanks is now secured in the bed.

View attachment 154975

I loaded up and to plant out more blackberry. I figured how to strap a beach umbrella to the SxS. Saved time moving the umbrella as I progressed. Probably looked like a clown car. I didn't care. Even then my neighbor across the street out classed me.

View attachment 154976

Why does the vision of Captain Caveman come to mind- I need a new toilet 🚽. Captain Ben happens to have one 😂
I understand why you would, but that’s still what came to mind.
Why does the vision of Captain Caveman come to mind- I need a new toilet 🚽. Captain Ben happens to have one 😂
I understand why you would, but that’s still what came to mind.
OK I see what I wrote there. ;)

I had a spare diaphragm to fix the valve. No tools required for Fluid Master valves.

But technically speaking I do have a spare toilet stashed under my deck. I may use it when I add a powder room off of the Hobbit Hole.

Dropped nephew off at work, forty years old, own no house, got his license suspend for no insurance & has no bank account or money saved up.
You're talking about prepping & this guy has nothing to show for twenty years of work He would be homeless if his younger brother did not gave him a place to stay.
I also went out to the farm & picked a quart of Blue berries. About half of the plant have a few ripening & the rest are still hanging with green berries.
Raspberry are ripening too.
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Visited with my favorite cousin all afternoon, and her daughter. Boy did we have catching up to do! Lively discussion about being self sustaining, and actually they brought it up. They're fine, in real good shape.
Neighbor and her kids came by this morning in search of mulberry trees. She searched our whole property and found three trees, unfortunately, not too many left on them. Told her to check next year, early spring. Still enough to make jelly, and that's what she's doing.
10.33 pm

Right now 66f ..breezy and and light rain

Tomorrow already Friday !!!

Today I did work a lot outside...well part of it
Mowing ..cleaning in the house too

My body aches..I took a warm bath with Epsom Salts
and a 2 ounces of Vodka in some Pepsi

Anyway I hope your day was fine :)

So tired I go to bed in not long

Nite Nite !!! 🐅

I don't normally do anything with berry do to allergies.
Even fake berry will close off my throat.
They didn't work for me.
But thank you for the information just the same.
this is good, no rain getting in the way today eh @Spikedriver ?
Our visit to the Babcock Ranch Eco Tour got canceled this morning due to thunderstorms. It actually rained like a sonofagun all morning. We rescheduled for early Saturday, before our late afternoon flight home. The Friday forecast looks like rain off and on all day too. We're headed to the Atlantic coast Friday, to Jupiter Beach. We will dip our toes in the Atlantic Ocean, rain or shine. Neither me or my daughter have ever been to the Atlantic, so it's one of our main things to do on this trip.
I don't normally do anything with berry do to allergies.
Even fake berry will close off my throat.
They didn't work for me.
But thank you for the information just the same.
There are No Berries used in the making of that...!!!
AWESOME pictures! Y'all had a beautiful day!!

There have been so many special moments on this trip. The sunset on the harbor cruise was amazing. If you ever are in Punta Gorda, I highly recommend the Kingfisher Fleet tours. They are professional and entertaining.

My daughter is always messing with critters. Today on a walk with my uncle and aunt, she caught a fiddler crab at the water's edge. She was so thrilled with it. Then she got her fingertips within two inches of a little lizard at the beach. She just has a way with wild critters...
Time 2 🐝 heading South :

The usual chores today; animals, cooking, paperwork for husband. Working on some submissions.
My second brother is in from Oz for a wedding so will have a flying visit, and heading to Dads on the weekend for Fathers Day. The sun has come out, might get the garage painted.
Chores soon. Lots of laundry, some cleaning, need to start the dk chocolate cream pie husband wants for tomorrow. Loading up cats and eggs and little granddaughter's paintings to sell at the Farmer's Mkt today. It'll be about 90 out, so will be glad for the shade. She is selling her paintings for five bucks each, but the kittens are free, and throw in a dz eggs if someone takes a kitten.