so daughter left after lunch, she should be back home soon
had a nice visit but anytime people visit I have extra work but that's ok. I made a lot of food and gave her some to take home
hot and humid again, been that way most of the week
Just rotated pantry to see if anything is out of date. It's husband's job to put the pantry stuff away and organize it, since he likes to organize and I take care of all meal planning, cooking and dishes...but we still ended up with some out of date stuff. I just fed 3 year out of date cherry pie filling to the chickens. This is my fault, I think I bought it when covid shortages started just because and I never use the stuff. I just usually use canned cherries without the extra sugar, food color and other crap. The chickens ate it
There are a few cans of beans out of date also, they will get those tomorrow, plus some sort of weird relish I don't use and no idea why or when I got it
threw out some out of date sweetened condesed milk, but just 1 small can so overall we did ok
we are going to try and live on $500 this month spending ( not regular bills just groceries and stuff)
I think it will be easy if I use what we have and just add some fresh fruit and veggies, and I start milking our goat again
I will try to do less than $500