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LOL. Nice costumes!
So, I was wrong about Mom's blood sugar coming down. She was misreading it. I checked it with the finger stick and its still high. Ugh. So I changed the canula out again. That is 3 within 24hrs and I'm going to need a different kind. May have to call the diabetes supply place about it bc this is getting ridiculous. The canula has to be disconnected from the tubing during tubing fill I've had such a hard time removing the clip that I dislodged the canula. This is just not a feasible situation so I need the easier to remove kind. Need to consult with someone who knows about the insulin and stuff to figure out how much she can manually dose herself with if this last one doesn't work.

Meanwhile, the brand new union I put in is not holding up. It was spraying water everywhere. I tried to tighten it but couldn't. Friend is coming out to help. He just tried to call me but I fumblefingered the phone and it hung up. Tried calling back but he must be in a dead zone.
Saturday July 6th 2024

Another useless day

The only thing I did enjoy : the day was cool,
light rain on and off , grey and a bit breezy in the 60f

Dane Girl asked for cuddles I gave her plenty 🤗

Washed my hair ..its a job :rolleyes:

Nobody phoned ...I phoned nobody :)

I feel weird today ...NOT like Biden weird 😂

9.30 pm ...I need some sleep

Hope your day was *fine*

Sleep well ...whenever... 😴

I didn't get out of my jammies till 1..
Took the pups swimming,my bestiespond today so I didn't get in.
Cleaned a bit inside..in the 90's outside..
Not real motivated to do much but relax..so much for projects this weekend..
It is really nice to lounge about tho..
I could get used to it..
Most of cleaning up done, Sonny crunched his I phone pro max 15 1TB.

He left it on the fender of a buds trailer while moving some stuff off to get ready for the Barnyard at Fulton MS, bud drove off with it, landed on the road and got crunched.

I guess the insurance bunch will send him a "renewed" one in a week or so.
I'm going to watch a bunch of youtube videos on how to properly format your manuscript with scrivener and then watch revenge of the sith again to get my mind off of it, and allow me to come up with the creativity needed for the last stretch of cowriting this book.
Used up all my energy today. Husband took pity and suggested we go eat at the local Mexican restaurant. The oldest spent the day with me installing floors. I think we are both looking forward to a day of rest and maybe taking a nap(not on purpose) at church tomorrow! Good night everyone!
Went and turned the shutoff to let the pump get primed and then realized the cistern was low but the switch didn't trigger. I hate that switch so much. I had to pull on it to get it to start filling. I'm going back out in a few minutes after I fight with the redacted sliding glass door that jams everytime I try to open it. Can I put vaseline in the track to make it slide better? LOL. Glass keeps separating from the frame making it even harder and I came close to kicking it.

On the upside, Mom's blood sugar FINALLY went down. She said it was at 100. I'm going to keep checking to make sure it doesn't drop too low. It was over 400 for more than 24hrs so I'm glad its back down.
next time you are in town or order from amazon , get some Marine grease.
Used up all my energy today. Husband took pity and suggested we go eat at the local Mexican restaurant. The oldest spent the day with me installing floors. I think we are both looking forward to a day of rest and maybe taking a nap(not on purpose) at church tomorrow! Good night everyone! View attachment 156996
Nice Flooring

Looks a lot like my Canadian brother-in-law and his bunch of northern Alberta ...bush savages... Great people, but a bit hard to keep up with at times.. And best not to question what is in the stew.... KnowwhatImean...

Nice and mild.. Temps 75-60F with occasional showers.. Lots of thunderstorm warnings, but they seem to die down to little of nothing by the time they get here.. Out today to grocery shop a bit of fruit and such.. Very few people out it seems.. Looking forward to the next farmers market as last one was canceled for the holiday..

I'm 10 days out on my 2nd cataract eye surgery now.. Both eyes seem to be coming to about the same level of recovery.. Still using glasses for some close work, otherwise not waring them much..
I have had to water daily which takes a bit of time. To break things up I took The Princess for a ride and let run spray nozzle to water the black berry bushes.

The youngest granddaughter is bored silly she came to visit today. I took her for her first ride in the side by side. Funny how kids can be oblivious. She asked where I got. It has only been sitting in the back yard for a year now. She enjoyed the ride but felt she was going to die a few times.

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Pretty normal Sunday, other than the forum going offline. Enjoying some outside time before the temps get hotter than Nancy Pelosi's future home later in the week.
I was wondering if it was my computer or the forum
( daughter put a new battery in my computer and somehow after the update I have to log into stuff again
Little granddaughter likes a ride on the ranger, too, Ben. She doesn't think about it much, but does enjoy it. We took a long ride with her and the pup the other day. Husband just ordered some side mirrors for it we need to install. Little granddaughter is going to get a lesson in driving it soon, so hopefully WE won't feel like we're going to die when she's driving. Ha. She'll be 13 yrs old next month (horrors), and plenty old enough to drive something around here.
Got the pup out and the sawsall and he was scared to death of the sound of the sawsall, and I had plenty of elm tree cutting to do, so he went back up the back porch ramp and sat by the door. Chicken. Came down to bug a cat and eat cat poop and that was it.
so daughter left after lunch, she should be back home soon
had a nice visit but anytime people visit I have extra work but that's ok. I made a lot of food and gave her some to take home

hot and humid again, been that way most of the week

Just rotated pantry to see if anything is out of date. It's husband's job to put the pantry stuff away and organize it, since he likes to organize and I take care of all meal planning, cooking and dishes...but we still ended up with some out of date stuff. I just fed 3 year out of date cherry pie filling to the chickens. This is my fault, I think I bought it when covid shortages started just because and I never use the stuff. I just usually use canned cherries without the extra sugar, food color and other crap. The chickens ate it
There are a few cans of beans out of date also, they will get those tomorrow, plus some sort of weird relish I don't use and no idea why or when I got it
threw out some out of date sweetened condesed milk, but just 1 small can so overall we did ok

we are going to try and live on $500 this month spending ( not regular bills just groceries and stuff)
I think it will be easy if I use what we have and just add some fresh fruit and veggies, and I start milking our goat again
I will try to do less than $500

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