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Yeah it is had to tell about cans they are not made out of the same stuff as they were years ago when they lasted 40 years.

Had a can of Corn go bad that was not even out of date, It started leaking and when I opened it it was RANK.

I don't trust a lot of the canning done anymore there are so many that seem to be marginal even if they look right.

I definitely don't do dents anymore it breaks the inside coating sometimes.

I like fresh and this year canned or frozen dry except for tomatoes and a few other blanched or pre cooked and vacuum sealed.

I am planning on building a year round barn for necessary veggies like Okra, Tomato, Squash, Spinach, Turnips, Corn, Beans, Peas, Garlic maybe a few Beets.

I saw a model of the system years ago and it was very structured and economically feasible.

I have all of the stuff on one of the disks in the bookcase space and the cabinets below. All I have to do is find it.

Fact is it was modeled after a Pot growing system that was uncovered and was amazing with plants as thick as my wrist.

Remains to be seen if I can get the right people started to begin the foundation and the water system working before going any further.

I am too old to do it all myself anymore and I don't accept anything but 100% adherence to the plan.
Lake day

Good night Sunday 7th of July 2024

Idk what to think...everything does sh*t on me lately

AC is not working well ...less cooler than usual :(
Lawnmower still throwing smoke and its only 1 year old :(

What will be next....... :rolleyes:
Soon I will jump a huge gasket

Anyway I did open a Samuel Adams
and sip it slowly

Then will hit myself with a hammer
so I will fall asleep faster 😂

What a long long long day it was today
Anyway another week starting at midnight

Take it easy guys
And try to have a great sleeping cozy night

Does that Mower use Oil and is Low on it...?!?

Working on the rear deck extension. Got the posts cemented in and put the 24 foot 6"×10" beam on top of the posts. Just started putting in the 2×10" floor joists. Later in the week I'll go buy the redwood for the deck.
It was hot again today, 84 degs. It always cools down nicely at night though. The ceiling fans do a good job keeping the house cool.
The other day I set up a water tank for the gkids to swim in. We may take a dip in it ourselves. The gkids went home yesterday morning. The kids managed to trap a few ground squirrels while they were here and i shot a few more.
@hashbrown looks like yall got some family and friends traditions going on there...made me smile, okay, actually I laughed. Love it.
Had a nap or two at home after church.
Been thinking about something that was mentioned in one of the prepping threads about what do we really need. What is essential and how much stuff I could get rid of if I approached my situation like that.
Didn't get moving today untill about 1. More inside cleaning n organizing, started preparation on a new rug, took a nap! I rarely nap..usually only when sick but the heat just zaps my e.
Once the sun went down over the mountain, I watered all the trees n fruit bushes real good, moved the truck into the shop so it doesn't sit outside n bake in the sun all summer. Organized a bit of stuff outside and now I'm stargazing for a few..
Beautiful evening..
ah @Hooch I didn't know you were a stargazer! I'll bet you live where the sky is full of stars. A couple of years ago two of my daughters and I went out about 3 hours from here to see the night sky. It is a bortle 2 where we drove to and I had never seen anything like that, stars from horizon to horizon.
going to DMV , feed store and walmart. I will limit myself to spending no more than $100 at walmart, will see what I get for that....

also going to give the lambs dose # 3 of the coccidia medicine. That is NOT fun, the lambs don't cooperate and won't go in the barn ( they will go if it is raining but don't want in there first thing in the morning) . We had to chase 3 of them until they got scared by daughter and granddaughter going " boohhhh" at them LOL and then they finally went in. They are not even motivated by food
I think I will take Otto with me today and tell him to bark at them, that should do it I hope
Then we are moving ALL the goats, mommas babies and 1 year olds to a new pasture. I bet some of the babies will not follow along too....wish me luck!

No other plans today, that's enough
Lotsa uphill fight and in all that hope you can get at least some cooperation from the stubborn rascals!!!!

Deadheading about 30 Knockout Rose bushes, this morning and smashing Japanese Beetles, liquid Sevin yesterday They are really bad here cant tell where they are coming from the whole area has them.

It would take tons of milky spore to cover the area.
Hoping ALL have a :

Nothing but Love...!!!
Got the water going in the orchard. Ate a few cherries, that the birds left for me. Need to get some more poison gas for the gophers. Set a skunk trap in the orchard. I think we have a skunk digging holes looking for grubs and worms. I'll work on the deck until it gets too hot, then we might go "swimming" in the stock tank.
ah @Hooch I didn't know you were a stargazer! I'll bet you live where the sky is full of stars. A couple of years ago two of my daughters and I went out about 3 hours from here to see the night sky. It is a bortle 2 where we drove to and I had never seen anything like that, stars from horizon to horizon.
I am a fan of the night sky! Started when I was a kid. I'd go swimming at night in the hot summers where I grew up, float and stargaze.
Sleep out on the pool deck too, came in when the sun would rise.
When I lived on the pacific north coast, I lived about 30 miles from the nearest town. There was a lookout a short walking distance from my place. It was about 700 feet up above the ocean. In summer, if It wasn't foggy, I'd walk to the lookout, no light polution just a occasional bear or raccoon, a cool salty breeze and soft waves from below and a sky full of stars. It was super special if some grey whales were hanging out below. That was the best cliff for whale watching!
Now where I'm at, I'm about 10ish miles from any small town, farther from bigger areas. I also enjoy some elevation . I only have two neighbors whose outside lights are left on but I can block one light by sitting with my barn inbetween.
I don't get why people insist on leaving lights on..once your eyes adjust one really doesn't need lights unless your walking about with a bunch of crap in the way. I get them being a deterrent but motion lights will probably get ones attention faster.
Anyways, very little light pollution here . It's starting to get a tad hazy with smoke from fires but like last night, the breeze seemed to clear it up and long after the sun was down, the sky was full n clear. Scorpio and Sagittarius in the south, cassipoia behind the big dipper to the northwest, the soft glowing arm of our milky way stretches overhead from the far northeast arching towards the southwest as our planet rotates . I like to lounge in the garden chair, feet up , head back and watch the satellites zip by, feel the cool breeze n listen to it rustle the grasses. Coyotes yip n howl off in the distance and sometimes if the wind is just right, I can smell the forest from the mountains about. The warm pitchy earthy scent of pine and red fir pitch.
It's heavenly..
Got up, worked out, checked the cams and now I am wasting a little time with coffee/internet before I start packing. Places to go, money to make.
I hope your assignment flows smooth and fairly uneventful. It sounds like you got the Lady and your Pops covered ,so you can focus on staying sharp n whole.
I hope you post us upon your return so we won't be wondering if you bit the dust.
Have a kinda safe trip..a little excitement is OK right? Maybe not in your case but anyways..I guess wishing safe travels doesn't really apply so ..don't get yourself full of holes and safe returning!
Yesterday morning I baked the macaroni and cheese and bread pudding. Took them to Church for dinner after.
Did a few menial chores later and watched tv with DH.

Bo and I already walked.
Walked dogs.
Deep cleaned my blender.
Gave dogs flea meds.
Changed out shower curtain.
Did 2 loads of laundry.
Going to a revival with a friend, this evening.
I hope your assignment flows smooth and fairly uneventful. It sounds like you got the Lady and your Pops covered ,so you can focus on staying sharp n whole.
I hope you post us upon your return so we won't be wondering if you bit the dust.
Have a kinda safe trip..a little excitement is OK right? Maybe not in your case but anyways..I guess wishing safe travels doesn't really apply so ..don't get yourself full of holes and safe returning!

Thank you. I will try and throw out a post soon after I return.
I woke up around 9 am
Took care of Dane Girl she is like me *she hates warmth and sun*
She wants to go outside only to *pee & poo*
She was fed she have fresh water on her table in the kitchen
she is snoozing/snoring on her bed now
I did fix the AC .. I did clean the filter and did hit it with the hammer 😂 for real
and it is working normal again ..for how long ..I dont know..we will see

Gas Lawnmower is a Radley ---I did buy this one last year /2023
-----I never put the bag in the back
I hate it
I like better to adjust the blades
I always check on oil and it never went down so far
Always did clean the sh*t under
So .......... 👿 ...well you know how I feel
George or Max will check on it ...they are busy with hay fields right now
and anyway the rest of the week will be RAIN
I hate that Summer so much !!!!!
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Well yesterday afternoon my wife set me up. We've lived here about 17 years & for 17 years we have had a drawer in the kitchen that sticks. And she asked me the question "Why does it Stick"? And that got in my mind & wouldn't let go, Why does it stick? So today I took it out & the only thing I could figure out is that the installer (a 14 year old drinking beer) didn't have flat headed screw & used round headed screw & then screwed one of them in sideways so that It would drag the drawer. Hey, easy fix, right?

I found that I also didn't really have flat headed screw but after looking for 20 minute or so I found some. Take the drawer out & (big surprise) my arm doesn't fit in the angle that I have to be in to screw them in. But I did have help in that our 8 month old dachshund wanted to help daddy but first she had to study what I was doing. The best angle to see was on top of my chest while I'm laying on the floor. I changed my position & she got on my chest to check out the new view. I finally finished after about 45 minutes what would have been a 3 minute job without the help, angle I had to be in & shifting all the food out of the cabinet below it. And THEN I found out that I had twisted my back & it's very unhappy. One beer & a glob of Blue Emu later & I'm kind of comfortable. And the cherry on top is that we have 3 more drawer pullout shelves just arrived about 15 seconds ago (while I was typing this) for me to install. I'm betting that tomorrow I won't even be able to walk properly so they will have to wait.
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Why is My Lawn Mower Blowing White or Blue Smoke?

If you have a lawn mower blowing white or blue smoke, you can be almost certain that it is due to the engine burning oil. These are reasons why your engine could be burning oil (from the most common to the least):

  • The lawn mower was tilted on its side incorrectly, or was used at a very steep angle.
  • Too much engine oil was put into the lawn mower.
  • There is oil in the lawn mower’s fuel.
  • Damaged/malfunctioning parts in the engine such as head gaskets, piston rings, or cylinders.

Tilting Lawn Mower Incorrectly or Steep Angle Use

This is definitely the most common reason for oil making its way to places in your lawn mower where it shouldn’t be. Once the oil has escaped, it makes a huge mess and at least a portion of it will burn off and create that white smoke. If your lawn mower is tilted past 15 degrees the wrong way a number of bad things can happen. I don‘t carry around a protractor when I need to clean my mower, change/sharpen the blades, or tackle hills in my yard, but I do keep an eye out for signs that the mower was tilted too much. Burning oil and white/bluish smoke is an easy one to notice, but if you think this might be the case for you, take a look at your air filter. When oil leaks out because the mower was tipped incorrectly, the air filter will almost always get soiled.

White or blue smoke may indicate an oil spill on the engine.

If you’ve recently changed the oil in your mower and the lawn mower is smoking white or blue, it’s possible that some of the oil spilled onto the engine. Similarly, you could’ve spilled oil on the engine by mowing on a slope greater than 15 degrees or tipping the mower on its side. The smoke may look disconcerting, but it’s completely harmless. Solve the problem by restarting the mower and allowing the spilled oil to burn off. If you tip the mower often for cleaning or maintenance, check your owner’s manual to determine the best way to reduce the risk of oil leaks, and make sure you’re using the best oil for lawn mowers.

An overfull oil reservoir may also cause white or blue smoke.

Black smoke may indicate that the mower is “running rich,” or burning too much gasoline.


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