What's everybody doing today?

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Sitting in the waiting room while my youngest gets his wisdom teeth removed. I’ll get coffee after I guess. He was complaining about being hungry, but I’m pretty sure it will be a bit before he can get some sustenance. Work this afternoon. I might have to install the window ac for my office. It was 82 in there yesterday afternoon and that made it hard to focus on work.
Used to use a Pedestal Fan with Ice Jugs from a Freezer, works rather well depending on the area size...?!?
Used to use a Pedestal Fan with Ice Jugs from a Freezer, works rather well depending on the area size...?!?
I actually have a nice ac unit to supplement the regular ac. My office doesn’t get the ac from the rest of the house when I have the doors closed for calls. I actually like it on the warm side so we didn’t put it in yet for this year. The string of 100+ days is starting to catch up now and even the shade from our big trees is not able to help much. I really only have to run it for about a week each year.
Well then good timing for the mowing!
Little granddaughter learned to drive the Ranger, did pretty well. We took it to a neighbor's place to bring them a bunch of turkey eggs for their incubator. Took a tour of their cows and goats. Met their little granddaughter that they now are raising, she's a year old. They're going to have their hands full. The mom has died and the dad of the child is in prison. They've got an old trailer on five acres, and the main is disabled. But they're doing well with their chickens, turkeys, cows, and goats.
Wife had a dr appt. Went so so, wants her to follow up with her cardiologist.

I'm suppose to go to the dump and Rural King, need chicken feed and some other stuff. But I pinched a nerve in my back Tuesday and hip is killing me. Gotta work that off somehow.
Afterward just hanging out
Is there anyone to watch over you two? Or who can help you out for a few days so you can get some rest? :huggs: Hugs to you both.
I phoned the place where I bought my lawnmower and they said they will
give me my $$$ since its 3 years guaranteed
I am going tomorrow
If your mower smoke after you tip it over to clean it out, you may be getting oil in the carb . back in the day lawnboys had a port you could spray water in to clean the underbelly, of course that must have worked to well. most moweres just get run til they blow up. bought a nice higher end mower with a honda engine. NO oil drain plug . designed obsolescence anyone???
Went north this weekend- got dangerously close to seeing @ClemKadiddlehopper @Tirediron & @Ekatarina - my phone thought we were there 😍. Absolutely great weekend and beautiful all around. Met some great folks from WV/Ohio. Had fun harassing them about the way they talk 😂.
hit 91f today...felt real hot..one of them days where sun felt hotter on your person. had a great day even though hot...life is good.

august heat came a month early it seems.
looked at 10 day forecast...looks like 90f give or take next while...on plus side that late corn i put out is pouring it on daily in growth...cant hardly believe its daily growth in fact.
It was 93 degs today. I brought out a generator and plugged the heat pump in to it. The house is nice and cool.
It's cooling off some outside now so I shut the generator and AC off.
I'm sitting out on the back deck drinking some ice cold well water. Looked up and saw a baby heifer looking at me through the trees. Somehow she got on the wrong side of the fence. I hear her mama calling for her from about a mile away. Guess I better put my pants on and see if I can run her back through the fence.
I was whining about the heat, until I saw the bee keepers drive thru to the hives, heavy coveralls and bee helmets, and hive are heavy. So I will drink extra water on their bee-half (who did I steal that from).
Can't Steal what is FREE, just use it more, People Need 2 🐝 Reminded about Them...!!!
Closing the Tuesday July 9th ...2024

At least the hammer make my AC work again and still :p
Dane Girl very happy cats too and so am I

Wow... almost 11 pm my time
But I dont care .......sipping Mr Samuel Adams
I go tomorrow to hardware store and grocery store

Miss Ruben Cat wanted to be with me tonight
Sweet girl xox

Sleep well ...I am a bit out of energy now

Trip to town this evening for groceries and scripts for the folks which means walleys. They are rearranging the store, annoying. I write my grocery lists out from the back of the store, by isle, to the front. Now I have to memorize the new lay out. The ladies might appreciate the new temp layout. They stuffed 3 isles of food into the women’s wear section. They can shop for bra’s, panties and potato chips on the same isle! 🤣 I'm not kidding!

Funeral tomorrow for the man who gave me my first real job. Worked on his logging crew when I was 13, a cousin and a very good man. Passed at home in his sleep...

Trip to town this evening for groceries and scripts for the folks which means walleys. They are rearranging the store, annoying. I write my grocery lists out from the back of the store, by isle, to the front. Now I have to memorize the new lay out. The ladies might appreciate the new temp layout. They stuffed 3 isles of food into the women’s wear section. They can shop for bra’s, panties and potato chips on the same isle! 🤣 I'm not kidding!

Funeral tomorrow for the man who gave me my first real job. Worked on his logging crew when I was 13, a cousin and a very good man. Passed at home in his sleep...

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I feel your pain! Doing the same at ours. Last week one of the things I needed was kitty litter for soaking up oil spills- eventually found it back near the dairy department 🙄
Missed most of the rain from the storm, looks like some stuff coming later.

I have a ton of work to do and really have a pound of will to do it HEHEHEHEH.

Need to go to the shop THIS WEEK and finish two motors and get the car ready for the street version.

I may actually sell the race version for 8000.

I do have a few more 440s even another C440 HP and a F440 HP2.

Next one will be the F4440 HP2 with superlight Crank, Aluminum Rods with a close to 2 to 1 ratio of stroke to rod length. and 12.5 to 1 fly cut pistons (w) full floating pins.

Grooved Mains and radiused rod bearings each part balanced on a set of drug scales within .001 gram.

Crane 320SS roller grind 4 degrees advanced, gear drive. A cross-ram with 2-800 square bore Edelbrocks for gas and a square cam Mallory Dual point with dual condensers and the works to do 8500+.

I like SuperStock builds because you can make them strong on either end just by a little cam timing and get a 12 second quarter 3800 pound car with a tall enough gear to get another 40 to 50 mph on the street than it goes through the quarter and they will last 50,000 miles of hard running easy.

Night to everyone, gonna be watchin CHACHA in that pink racer smoke Connie K in the final in my dreams tonight. and laughing.

Shirley's Legend about is 40 minutes worth though

no end in sight with the heat and no rain , debating if I want to go to the market Saturday or not but usually it's not that bad in the morning so we probably will
today hopefully pick up Ranger if it is done ( maintenance, but they will probably find something else too)
That thing has had lots of issues and its only 4 years old. So much for buying made in the US. We might as well have bought the cheaper China version
Last day of medicating the sheep hope they cooperate one more day

This is the hottest and dryest it has been since we moved here 8 years ago
I put some seeds in the ground for more lettuce and cilantro yesterday but will have to water twice a day to make them grow
I hope the spring doesn't dry up or we ALL here will be in trouble .....
no end in sight with the heat and no rain , debating if I want to go to the market Saturday or not but usually it's not that bad in the morning so we probably will
today hopefully pick up Ranger if it is done ( maintenance, but they will probably find something else too)
That thing has had lots of issues and its only 4 years old. So much for buying made in the US. We might as well have bought the cheaper China version
Last day of medicating the sheep hope they cooperate one more day

This is the hottest and dryest it has been since we moved here 8 years ago
I put some seeds in the ground for more lettuce and cilantro yesterday but will have to water twice a day to make them grow
I hope the spring doesn't dry up or we ALL here will be in trouble .....
I'm the thought of Otto coming out to coerce them will keep them in line.

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