Hope you get to do what you intended soon.I bumped in on a new gang yesterday. The job hasn't been what it was supposed to be. My job is supposed to be doing surfacing gang QC. That means walking along behind a surfacing gang pushing a cart full of tools, and fixing whatever they messed up by hand. It's hard work but it's not repetitive labor. But so far I've been farmed out to the tie gang so I've been banging anchors with a sledgehammer for rwo days. It's not what I had in mind. On Sunday or Monday we will load our equipment on a train and ship it to Black River Falls, Wisconsin. After that hopefully it will be what I wanted...
I went and bought milkshakes for the guys today- mandatory milkshake break - 106*.Milkshakes for dinner again. Kid is doing ok with the wisdom teeth removal, but the 108 degrees is making everyone pretty uninterested in eating much. Waiting for dark to flashlight hunt bugs and slugs in the garden. Need to shell the peas I picked this morning and contemplate the green beans. Thinking a little blackberry cordial in a lemonade might hit the spot.
You are amazing!! I so love your drive and attitude!!Remnants of Beryl here today, cooled off nicely and we got some badly needed rain. I guess Flint and Lansing areas got some flooding, one could hope some politicians got floated away. Didn't feel like doing much after work but took dog for a long walk in the wind and rain, I think it felt good to her too. Put up a shelf in the closet and tried to sort some more clothes. Found lots of stuff that I can't/won't wear so started a donate box, but still can't find my capri jeans.
Decided I'm going to try to figure out how to use my Husband's welder. Don't know a thing about it but youtube is your friend, right? Want to weld a patch on the old mower deck to make a mounting point for the tension pulley spring so I can use that tractor and mower again. Been using the the one I bought as a replacement a year or so ago, but it has a bad oil leak and I think it might need a head gasket. In the meantime I'm trying to decide between buying a bigger tractor with a bigger mower deck, or new flooring for the whole house. I'm terrible at trying to figure out what's best. If I bought a compact tractor with a belly mower and a front end loader, I could sell one of the small garden tractors, my tiller, and snowblower. And do a lot of chores around the new property. I'm trying to cut about 5 acres of grass with a 48" deck, have big rocks and downed trees to move. But then again I have a lot of remodeling bills on the house....argh. I guess if I can figure out how to fix the deck I can put off the tractor question until next year.
Nope. This is new construction and there are no vents. I pointed this out to K when we moved in but since we rent it is not like we can fix this. Trust me when I say K is annoyed that construction in Texas is half assed compared to what he was use to in California.