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Most of the time unless it has been turned up on its side and dumped oil into the carb, White smoke is because there is too much oil in it and it is being drawn from the crankcase into the vent tube going to the carb.

It will usually clear up if it is just spilled in there, but if it continues after a half hour of cutting it is more of a problem and if the oil level is correct it will be something more serious.

It could be a stopped up crankcase breather tube, a broken ring, many different things.

If the carb is too rich or the choke is partially closed most times the smoke will be gray or black and burn your eyes.
Most of the time unless it has been turned up on its side and dumped oil into the carb, White smoke is because there is too much oil in it and it is being drawn from the crankcase into the vent tube going to the carb.

It will usually clear up if it is just spilled in there, but if it continues after a half hour of cutting it is more of a problem and if the oil level is correct it will be something more serious.

It could be a stopped up crankcase breather tube, a broken ring, many different things.

If the carb is too rich or the choke is partially closed most times the smoke will be gray or black and burn your eyes.
Anyway there is a 3 years guaranty on it and I only have that one since 1 year

I wont touch it until its fixed ..
bcuz I know it will get worsen if I do try anything on it
Believe me 😂
Got that by e.mail from George and Max...
there will be full buildings of nice hay for the Winter

and more to come :p


G-hay 2024.jpeg
Anyway there is a 3 years guaranty on it and I only have that one since 1 year

I wont touch it until its fixed ..
bcuz I know it will get worsen if I do try anything on it
Believe me 😂
Take It Back...!!!
Favorite cousin is back in town, so I caught up with her and her trip. Her son and dil have sold at the KC farmers market for 10 yrs, and she went along with them. Described how many pies (150), lbs of tomatoes (1200), bouquets of flowers (100's) and other random stuff they prep and sell each week. Their greenhouses are amazing, I hear. Would love to go visit them sometime.
Lots of laundry done and hung today, seed started more short season melon, cukes, acorn squash, patty pan, swiss chard. Just took a ranger ride down the road, drove husband, and we picked up more sweet corn for the freezer, cantaloupe, gr beans, and slicing tomatoes.
Monday July 8th 2024

Right now at 9. pm 70f :(
Just a fed up day and maybe a fed up week...sorry

From 60f to 85f --- humidity in the 70 to 85 % all week
:eek: and we are just starting July :(

Anyway ... I need a beer
Then my bed...and empty my mind


PS At least my friends got nice hay

Have a good night..whenever 😴

Man that hay wagon brings back memories of day long throwing up BALES of hay till the person on the wagon could not stack them from the deck and xing them on the back of the wagon then thinking NOW the work starts toss them up in the loft, and that gets farther each layer.
But you know how to make it easier and a little slower.

Round bales put a big smile on my face!!!!!

SSS & Bed too have a wonderful deep sleep and dream of winding roads through fields of Flowers and Butterflies with Spotted Deer, Colored Rabbits, Unicorns and Teddy Bears.
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Man that hay wagon brings back memories of day long throwing up BALES of hay till the person on the wagon could not stack them from the deck and xing them on the back of the wagon then thinking NOW the work starts toss up them in the loft. and that gets farther each layer.

Round bales put a big smile on my face!!!!!
I was the gal in the loft! Stacking! I was strong when I was young, but really skinny!! The loft was always HOT!!
Man that hay wagon brings back memories of day long throwing up BALES of hay till the person on the wagon could not stack them from the deck and xing them on the back of the wagon then thinking NOW the work starts toss them up in the loft, and that gets farther each layer.
But you know how to make it easier and a little slower.

Round bales put a big smile on my face!!!!!

SSS & Bed too have a wonderful deep sleep and dream of winding roads through fields of Flowers and Butterflies with Spotted Deer, Colored Rabbits, Unicorns and Teddy Bears.
and Kitties and Puppies Playing, I Have a Dream...!!!
We had the Rectangular Bales and We walked along side the wagon and tossed them up...!!! Just before I Enlisted Farmers were switching over to the Round ones only much smaller than those in the earlier posts... One could easily grab 'em and give 'em a fling onto the wagon...!! Ahh, those days, after the wagon got full We would take a quick break with some Ice Cold Tea from the Milk cooler...! Then Up in the Loft We would go, at least We had conveyers...
Used up all my energy today. Husband took pity and suggested we go eat at the local Mexican restaurant. The oldest spent the day with me installing floors. I think we are both looking forward to a day of rest and maybe taking a nap(not on purpose) at church tomorrow! Good night everyone! View attachment 156996
Looks great!!
next time you are in town or order from amazon , get some Marine grease.
ooh, I found some of that online at Walmart so I can go pick it up from there. Thanks!

Friend was able to tighten the union enough to compress the o-ring and stop the leaking. I tried to show him what the sliding glass door was doing-- where it would stop and jolt and refuse to budge as I had to wobble it and the glass bounced around in the frame-- but it wouldn't do that when he was watching. It slid perfectly. He said "of course, its because I'm here-- just like when your truck won't make those sounds when I'm near it".

I'd planned to do so much stuff on Sunday but ended up wasting a day. Had to change Mom's dexcom sensor early because it just died. No warnings, nothing about it needing to be changed, it just croaked 3 days early. At least the pump had started working, but Mom's blood sugar got down to 52 (from fingerstick meter) and the pump didn't want to stop giving insulin, more than half of the menu options disappeared from it, it wouldn't let me enter her blood sugar reading and it was a royal pain. So I put the new sensor on and it started behaving. But I had to order it to stop dispensing insulin for a bit. It got low again this morning but then spiked up again. Took Mom to diabetes specialist Monday at 3pm. The NP said the blood sugar changes were common after high spikes. She gave me a few more tips on the pump and said she'd put in an order to refill the canuli with the XC ones that are easier to remove the tubing for fill cycle. We went to the Mexican restaurant afterward but the waitress didn't understand English well enough and got Mom's order wrong. Mom only knows the Spanish she learned in high school and I only know a few words. Many of them are not polite ones. LOL.

Heated up her leftovers awhile ago and have been resting more. Oh, I did get my shower at least. I needed that shower so badly and it felt good.
Otto did a good job yesterday chasing the sheep into the barn to get medicated. I had him on a leash and told him to speak, he did . Sheep all stuck together and ran into the barn. It worked. Debating if I should do it again and give them the last 2 doses today and tomorrow or leave them be. They all look fine now and I have stopped at 3 days instead of 5 before and it was enough

Went shopping yesterday and did manage to stay under $100 at the walmart. I think I can totally do this for a few months but not a long time since we will then run out of staples like rice and pasta. But I will try to just buy a replacement for everything I use up, like if I use a box of pasta that week, I will get another one the next week , but pasta is still cheap also.

Today husband is going to take the Ranger to get serviced. We can't do it, can't get the spark plug out since it is hidden and you have to take a whole bunch of stuff off to replace it. Needs a new one it is not starting great when cold. I hope it is not something more than that. So we will have to use the ATV to move water buckets and hay around ( have a cart to attach to it)
We had the Rectangular Bales and We walked along side the wagon and tossed them up...!!! Just before I Enlisted Farmers were switching over to the Round ones only much smaller than those in the earlier posts... One could easily grab 'em and give 'em a fling onto the wagon...!! Ahh, those days, after the wagon got full We would take a quick break with some Ice Cold Tea from the Milk cooler...! Then Up in the Loft We would go, at least We had conveyers...
Ha! We still do that with some of our hay! We get some square bales and we do have to go pick them out of the field, load them, then unload them at the barn, and manually pull them up with rope and pully to the top. No conveyor LOL

But we get mostly large round bales now and take them apart to put in the feeders
Favorite cousin is back in town, so I caught up with her and her trip. Her son and dil have sold at the KC farmers market for 10 yrs, and she went along with them. Described how many pies (150), lbs of tomatoes (1200), bouquets of flowers (100's) and other random stuff they prep and sell each week. Their greenhouses are amazing, I hear. Would love to go visit them sometime.
Lots of laundry done and hung today, seed started more short season melon, cukes, acorn squash, patty pan, swiss chard. Just took a ranger ride down the road, drove husband, and we picked up more sweet corn for the freezer, cantaloupe, gr beans, and slicing tomatoes.
that must be a huge market and wow 150 pies! It would take me all year to bake and sell those here....
would love to visit there also
Yeah I was always strong and could throw up a bale in both hands every time so I always got the honor of being the drag man for loading the wagon.
Did You get "Rained On" by Beryl...?!?
Hope you can golf soon Morgan!! Heading to my regular Tuesday job! Need to get hay, not sure if that's happening today or tomorrow!

Rained out. :( Not surprising. We have had a ton of rain, and the course is probably saturated. Hopefully we can find another day this week. I guess I will put a rear end in a recliner.
LOL! The sheep have figured out they need to go into the barn in the morning, or Otto will bark at them ( and they don't like it ). Too funny! They took one look at Otto ( on a leash ) standing right in the way of their usual escape route and went right in the barn , nice and orderly one after the other
One more day of this and they are done with the medicine, but they all look fine already.

Pulled weeds and now washing the super dirty clothes from pulling weeds
Bro woke me up around 3am having a complete temper tantrum and making a mess in the kitchen, kicking around cat food bowls, throwing stuff, and generally being a brat. Then he screamed at me for asking him to please stop making a mess and continued to do it. I calmed him down, but haven't been able to get back to sleep.

I saw UPS delivered my Amazon order so I went out and got the package. Mom likes to wear caps while sleeping and I found her a blue satin cap the same style as a black satin cap I'd previously given her but that she misplaced. She immediately took off her turban cap and put on the new satin cap and was happy. She's now decided that she wants to replace our truck because it is making horrible noises, needs a bunch of things fixed-- headliner just fell in the back seat, tailgate won't open properly, K-frame is bent in the front, evap leak in gas tank, VSA, ABS, and DRL are all giving errors. DRL doesn't work. She foresees its going to cost more $$$ to fix up and will likely break down at the worst time. So we're looking at Gen2 ridgelines. 2019 RTL-E is looking good. I know its pricey, but she said she could pull from savings if need be to buy one outright.
Sitting in the waiting room while my youngest gets his wisdom teeth removed. I’ll get coffee after I guess. He was complaining about being hungry, but I’m pretty sure it will be a bit before he can get some sustenance. Work this afternoon. I might have to install the window ac for my office. It was 82 in there yesterday afternoon and that made it hard to focus on work.
Roo is at church camp this week. It is just Juju and I until K gets home. She is getting old! It makes me want to cry! My baby is growing up! But then I can spend this time with my little! Juju misses her sister but I know she enjoys having K and I to herself too.

Beryl hit us yesterday. Just rain and a light wind. It was a nice change from the humid heat we have been getting. The rabbits loved it. We had the barn open to let out the heat from the week before. This morning the barn was only 77.
Tried to walk twice and it started raining both times, so I did a walking video instead.
Ran to hardware store and local grocery.
Taking my friend to pick up 3 cats at the vet, who got fixed. That will be this afternoon.
Do last load of laundry.
Go to revival again tonight.
Roo is at church camp this week. It is just Juju and I until K gets home. She is getting old! It makes me want to cry! My baby is growing up! But then I can spend this time with my little! Juju misses her sister but I know she enjoys having K and I to herself too.

Beryl hit us yesterday. Just rain and a light wind. It was a nice change from the humid heat we have been getting. The rabbits loved it. We had the barn open to let out the heat from the week before. This morning the barn was only 77.
Don't You have Air vents in the Upper ends...?!?


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