What's everybody doing today?

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Got up a tad eariler to get everything watered since it is supposed to be over a 100 again.
I've been watering when I get home late at night too , all the plants are doing OK except 2 little flower pots. Had to spray 7 on veggies to try n knock back the grasshoppers tho.
Work is going easy this week so far thankfully. I had a few hours to clean my area last night too. I can't get real physical untill it cools off a tad, usually when the sun goes behind the mountain..this heat just makes my mushy..
Milkshakes for dinner again. Kid is doing ok with the wisdom teeth removal, but the 108 degrees is making everyone pretty uninterested in eating much. Waiting for dark to flashlight hunt bugs and slugs in the garden. Need to shell the peas I picked this morning and contemplate the green beans. Thinking a little blackberry cordial in a lemonade might hit the spot.
I just put chicken and fries in the oven so dinner is going to be late tonight. We went out bin shopping after lunch, found some fun treasures. To the pharmacy, to the bank, got ice cream, then filled a cart at Aldi. Got home late and finally got things put up. I'm wiped out. The handyman is supposed to be by soon to hear about our action item list we need done. Not sure if he has time, but he's good.
I bumped in on a new gang yesterday. The job hasn't been what it was supposed to be. My job is supposed to be doing surfacing gang QC. That means walking along behind a surfacing gang pushing a cart full of tools, and fixing whatever they messed up by hand. It's hard work but it's not repetitive labor. But so far I've been farmed out to the tie gang so I've been banging anchors with a sledgehammer for rwo days. It's not what I had in mind. On Sunday or Monday we will load our equipment on a train and ship it to Black River Falls, Wisconsin. After that hopefully it will be what I wanted...
I bumped in on a new gang yesterday. The job hasn't been what it was supposed to be. My job is supposed to be doing surfacing gang QC. That means walking along behind a surfacing gang pushing a cart full of tools, and fixing whatever they messed up by hand. It's hard work but it's not repetitive labor. But so far I've been farmed out to the tie gang so I've been banging anchors with a sledgehammer for rwo days. It's not what I had in mind. On Sunday or Monday we will load our equipment on a train and ship it to Black River Falls, Wisconsin. After that hopefully it will be what I wanted...
Hope you get to do what you intended soon.
Milkshakes for dinner again. Kid is doing ok with the wisdom teeth removal, but the 108 degrees is making everyone pretty uninterested in eating much. Waiting for dark to flashlight hunt bugs and slugs in the garden. Need to shell the peas I picked this morning and contemplate the green beans. Thinking a little blackberry cordial in a lemonade might hit the spot.
I went and bought milkshakes for the guys today- mandatory milkshake break - 106*.
it's to hot for this particular human to weld, I am almost melting in shorts and a trimmed tee shirt, not dressing for sparks today.
I was going to give Fippy a bath while the sun was up but he hid somewhere. Probably under Mom's dresser. Wouldn't come out. Cooked for Mom again. She bought a bag of potatoes and I've been microwaving them in steamer bags, mashing them, and adding butter for her. I her salt them to taste bc I am heavy-handed with the salt.

Bro has stayed in his room all day with headphones on ignoring me. He was supposed to help me with some cleaning today.

The heat here has just been oppressive. The brief time I was outside to bring cat food in had me exhausted.
Finally did not go yet I will go for lawnmower later this week
or Monday ....too warm and its raining so f*** it for now
and supposed to rain for the rest of the week
I phoned them back and they said just come to the store
when ever I want its 3 years guarantee ..so its perfect

My feline girl who does live in my bedroom is cuddly and sweet tonight ..
I talk about Kitty Miss Ruben :p

Good night!!!!!

Remnants of Beryl here today, cooled off nicely and we got some badly needed rain. I guess Flint and Lansing areas got some flooding, one could hope some politicians got floated away. Didn't feel like doing much after work but took dog for a long walk in the wind and rain, I think it felt good to her too. Put up a shelf in the closet and tried to sort some more clothes. Found lots of stuff that I can't/won't wear so started a donate box, but still can't find my capri jeans.
Decided I'm going to try to figure out how to use my Husband's welder. Don't know a thing about it but youtube is your friend, right? Want to weld a patch on the old mower deck to make a mounting point for the tension pulley spring so I can use that tractor and mower again. Been using the the one I bought as a replacement a year or so ago, but it has a bad oil leak and I think it might need a head gasket. In the meantime I'm trying to decide between buying a bigger tractor with a bigger mower deck, or new flooring for the whole house. I'm terrible at trying to figure out what's best. If I bought a compact tractor with a belly mower and a front end loader, I could sell one of the small garden tractors, my tiller, and snowblower. And do a lot of chores around the new property. I'm trying to cut about 5 acres of grass with a 48" deck, have big rocks and downed trees to move. But then again I have a lot of remodeling bills on the house....argh. I guess if I can figure out how to fix the deck I can put off the tractor question until next year.
Getting Ready Again :

Remnants of Beryl here today, cooled off nicely and we got some badly needed rain. I guess Flint and Lansing areas got some flooding, one could hope some politicians got floated away. Didn't feel like doing much after work but took dog for a long walk in the wind and rain, I think it felt good to her too. Put up a shelf in the closet and tried to sort some more clothes. Found lots of stuff that I can't/won't wear so started a donate box, but still can't find my capri jeans.
Decided I'm going to try to figure out how to use my Husband's welder. Don't know a thing about it but youtube is your friend, right? Want to weld a patch on the old mower deck to make a mounting point for the tension pulley spring so I can use that tractor and mower again. Been using the the one I bought as a replacement a year or so ago, but it has a bad oil leak and I think it might need a head gasket. In the meantime I'm trying to decide between buying a bigger tractor with a bigger mower deck, or new flooring for the whole house. I'm terrible at trying to figure out what's best. If I bought a compact tractor with a belly mower and a front end loader, I could sell one of the small garden tractors, my tiller, and snowblower. And do a lot of chores around the new property. I'm trying to cut about 5 acres of grass with a 48" deck, have big rocks and downed trees to move. But then again I have a lot of remodeling bills on the house....argh. I guess if I can figure out how to fix the deck I can put off the tractor question until next year.
You are amazing!! I so love your drive and attitude!!💖
sheep did not cooperate yesterday even with Otto, they ran the other direction up our road to the house, well a few of them. So one stupid lamb did not get medicated, but they all look ok now anyway so oh well

Husband picked up Ranger and they told us "it needs engine work, we need to check it some more" . They told us this last year and ended up not finding anything and charging us $200 for nothing. This Ranger is only 4 years old and only has 2000 miles on it. We mostly drive it up and down the road and carry nothing heavier than a few water buckets. Why does this thing have engine problems already??? Last year the gear shifter broke ( should not have , they even told us that). I think we got a bad one. Warranty is of course up, they don't go by mileage but just time. So even if it sits in your garage for a year and then you drive it and the engine blows up you are screwed.
So husband brought it back home. We will take it back when it is not so hot anymore , don't want to do all that walking in the heat
I am so tired of getting ripped off everywhere all the time! And so much for buying something made in US. It's a bad as the stupid tiller we bought made in China a few years ago that couldn;t be put together and was another huge hassle. At least there we got our money back. I am so tired of buying expensive pieces of junk.

today I am going to make dough for the market , will make a little less than usual after not selling all the bread last time.
I wished we had more vegetables to sell this year but tomatoes are still green, beans still growing, and beets tiny ( just put out seeds last week) . All we have is zuccini and kale, might sell some onions even if we really grow those for us.
Big job today, one of my regulars but she's needing more help lately. One of my older ladies so I do a lot more than clean!! Things like feeding her birds, blowing off the back patio, unloading anything from her shopping trip that's still in her car. Going out to take care of Buddy, will be well armed ready for any of the bad dogs!!
Going this afternoon for the deep hip injection under sedation, I wish Dr would just replace hip. Maybe it will give me some relief. Work is busy, got on phone yesterday about 8:45 and looked up and it was 1:45 thought it was 10:30. Clients are upset rates going up to 80% and deductibles up to 3%. Then to top it off 500 claims since February. I am a licensed agent and adjuster plus the General Manager for 5 offices.Warning I am in Texas but insurance is going to get high in every state.
Got up early and started the water in the orchard....no water. Went down to the well and checked the generator, blown fuse. It blows the fuse as soon as I put a new one in. Called the electrician and he'll be out after noon. I've has problems in the past with it blowing fuses, but it would always start before the fuse failed.
Going to work on the deck extension while I'm waiting on the electrician. It's a good thing that we have a pond for the livestock.
Don't You have Air vents in the Upper ends...?!?

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Nope. This is new construction and there are no vents. I pointed this out to K when we moved in but since we rent it is not like we can fix this. Trust me when I say K is annoyed that construction in Texas is half assed compared to what he was use to in California.

Plus the rabbits like the natural light. We open the doors daily for the breeze.
Melting again, the morning was nice, got some stuff done, then it got too hot to weld, at least hotter than I am going to dress to weld so I did other stuff that requires less clothes, and there was a breeze, now it is still. so break time.
Super hot outside, I'll be going out to give animals fresh, cold water as soon as I cool off. Aaron the lawnmower lad mowed for over 3 hrs this am. Propane truck came and filled the tank up. Took little granddaughter to the bigger town for sewing class, took husband to Walmart for his glasses, and I picked up other random stuff. Brought husband home, unloaded, then went back in to pick up little granddaughter. We got a list going last night with the handyman...he came over with his wife, and hopefully next month he will have time to start. Then neighbor and her three kids came by with yellow squash, and stayed till almost 10. But now it's sooo hot, it's good to be inside.
spent half the morning fixing the fence at the goat boy pasture. We have one large buck that kept getting out. Today we figured out how, I saw him. He pushed on the fence and just sort of climbed over it in between the electric wire and barbed wire and the fence. Like a freakin cat! So we added a few t posts and some electric tape. We sat and watched, he got zapped. Did not get out after that. SO now we have goat fencing, 1 strand of electric tape, 2 barbed wire and a electric wire on top......
We need Jurrasic park fencing like the neighbors have

then made bread dough, made less sour dough since we didn't sell all of it last time, and I promptly got some requests for some already....( texts) I wonder if I should have people pre-order what they want since I can't read minds....LOL
Its only Thursday Night ...I feel like if it is weekend
I wish it was Monday though

Rains on and off all day -- Cool like I love it 61f
wind 10mph

Cats and Dane Girl are all so quiet
they all sleeping with full bellies :p

I ate leftovers

I wish to fall asleep fast tonight

Hope your evening and night will be good



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