What's everybody doing today?

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Today will be an errand day. I have about four stops to make, none of them very far, but I will be contributing to the economy. These are all kind of fun errands. Picking up some fun things for the grandkids. A few oddball items for other people which I think they will like.
Coffee, wonder what the stupid people will fall for today, have another coffee.....
With the way that ^^^ is worded, did You answer Your Own ?...?!? 🤔
Meanwhile :

A lady my Mom knows happened to mention to her she was hoping to find someone to pick up the oak that the line crew felled in her yard. Mom says hey, we'll take it! So Brother met me there Tuesday and we bucked up and loaded my trailer with some wonderful, huge pieces of oak. Major free firewood score! And I'm so happy with my battery chainsaw, just add bar oil and pull the trigger, no pull starting or cranky carbs! Took two trips; there's still a few huge pieces we couldn't shift but I'm hoping to find help to go after them. It was hard work but all I could think of was a lovely winter afternoon with a chunk of that oak in my woodstove!
After six weeks, my new front door finally came in so went over to pick it up on Wednesday. The crazy drivers were already out all over the place, had to keep my head on a swivel for the whole drive. Met Mom at the first little town, left her car there and took her along for the ride. Have to cherish every bit of time as she is aging so quickly. Picked up Daughter, fetched the door (fiberglass with an oval window, to honor the memory of my Dad installing an oval window in the front hall of my old place) then the three of us decided to go to Cracker Barrel for dinner. Food was good, and they turned down the overhead music when we asked, so we sat and had a nice visit. Daughter helped me scope out Menard's in stock storm doors online, turned out they had a white one in stock so ran over there afterwards and I bought it. Now I just have to wait for my brother to find time to come install them for me. It will be a wonderful change from the window-less, ugly 1970s front door!
Yesterday was one of the dark days, spent most of it sleeping or just staring mindlessly at the ceiling. If it wasn't for having a dog now that needs walks I wouldn't have moved at all.
Determined to do better today, already showered, floors vacuumed (the dog drops absolute chunks of fur everywhere!) and scrubbed the bathroom. I keep forgetting I have two now so still have to do the other one. Friend coming over sometime today to help me unload the doors and hopefully set the rebar for the new greenhouse uprights.
Aparrently one should read
Coffee, wonder what the stupid people will fall for today, have another coffee.....
what they type before hitting the reply button, or not
Where is he humour in that.
And in more of the on rail thing Almost done the yesterday job if I can find the unobtainium woodruff key that took flight , its not really small either, and of course it's not easy to fine locally either
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Got my carido in last night...lol
Scared the dogs too..I think they thought I'd gone bonkers..

Took the pups swimming, I got in too. Had the whole hole to ourselves.
There is something very primal and zen to relax in a creek..cool water flowing seemingly through you at some point.
Going to hit it again today..


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Made some meatballs topped with mozzarella n marinara. I picked ingredients from 3 recipes , two from my old sunset cookbook I scoredfrom the thrift store.
I fried them up n into the sun oven for a few hours.
I'm going to roll into town to get chickie food. Then to the creek for a swim with the dogs.
It's too hot to work now..I'll get something done after the sun goes down over the mountains
That's the thumb that got my nail ripped off 1/4 the way..damb 2x10. It's healing good tho..


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Of all times Lady came by and said we won the Yard of the Month, And I said WHAT!!!! the boat is torn apart in the driveway the trailer is sitting on the lawn, the Tahoe is under the trees the Cobalt and 07 Cad are in the driveway with the boat and the bushes need to be trimmed She said they will take the Picture first of the week AAAAAHHHHHHHHRRRRRRR!!!!

We are going to Daughters for 5th of July since she had to work yesterday
Had a nice 4th although it didn't go as well as I would've liked. GF and I took Ruby the dog and went up to my brother's house on the river for a get together. My whole family is pretty dog friendly, and dogs have been allowed in that house before. But when we got there, sister in law said no, there were too many people and too much food around so Ruby had to stay outside. So, we stayed outside with her which was fine because there was lots of room. (Their patio and deck are probably 2500 square feet.) But then it rained for an hour so we were stuck under the covered part of the deck. After that we ate and talked with everyone and played with Ruby. Ruby zeroed in on my dad and they became best buddies. Then it was time to watch fireworks. Ruby has tolerated fireworks before but these were pretty intense and I had to hold her and comfort her. After a few minutes she went to my dad and cuddled with him for comfort. We didn't get home until after 11:30 and GF is an early sleeper/early riser so that made her kinda grumpy. But, we were pleased that Ruby did as well as she did.

The cold I've been fighting kept me up half the night. GF said I was out cold this morning and she couldn't wake me up. So she went for a bike ride and mowed her yard. I woke really late and felt like a bum for sleeping so late, but the cold broke while I was sleeping and all the stuff in my lungs is coming out. I think I needed the rest.

This afternoon I'm with my daughter. We are just relaxing at the moment. I've got fish to put in the air fryer and I think we will go for a bike ride later.
Today I’ve been wishing I went to friends place yesterday evening where I used to live, for celebrating our Nation’s independence.

I just stayed home, me and the dog…. It was cool and the dog is fine with the fireworks. But still… the friend invited me, and spends a small fortune on fireworks for the 4th.
He even said there was a cabin with my name on it. A bed and beer in the fridge…..

Was still a good 4th evening at home. Lots of fireworks, to the point that on a still evening with no wind…. There was a haze in the air from all the fireworks. Guess my place in this little town ain’t all bad.
Little granddaughter brought a couple of paintings to farmer's mkt, and 2 kittens. It was sooo slow there today, came home with everything except one painting. Levi the neighbor boy came by early for coffee (lots of cream and sugar) and helped pick up the fireworks and yard from last night's party. That was good. Husband and I went into the big town for pharmacy pickup, to load up on Braums ice creams (on sale this week), and grabbed barbeque to heat up in a bit for dinner. I've got lots of potato salad left from yesterday, yet. Went and picked up granddaughter from farmer's mkt, filled the truck up with gas, checked the mail at the post office, and stopped in at the amish grocery. We are good to go now. The tv bit the dust today. No Gunsmoke or Wagon Train at lunch. Only a year old. I suppose we can move husband's bedroom tv into the front room. Or not.
I did my curbside pickup. Hips and shoulders and back were all hurting. Not sure why. Mom had asked me to grab some club crackers that I had not curbside ordered so I went in after ordering chinese takeout online. Grabbed the crackers and used the sams app to checkout. Also now use the members card on my phone to enter instead of pulling the card out of my wallet.

Picked up the chinese food and then stopped for curbside at HD. I'm going to build a thing to hold trash bags open out of PVC. Found the plans online for the specific bags I have so it should work. It was over $70 (not including tax) for prefab ones. Unloaded the pvc when I got home, got the food inside, ate a little, and am waiting for it to cool off before I go tackle the plumbing. It was 106°F out there today. Took some naprosyn and it has mostly worked. Still a little bit of lower back pain.
we did go to the lake and it was nice, nobody there since we got there early. They were still cleaning up the beach from yesterday I suppose. We left before lunchtime and picked son's car up. Came home and cooked lunch, and it was really hot and muggy, probably close to 90 degrees outside even on our mountain. Then we had a torrential downpour and really bad thunderstorm and it just kept raining.
Ended up putting all the animals in the barn , even the sheep, only the bucks stayed in their pasture, they have a large enough shelter for just the 2 .
Surprised the power is still on. Grandbaby and Otto got scared when a lightening hit nearby somewhere and the thunder shook the whole house
But done now, looked at weather and they have flash flood warnings all over the place. I think we got 2 inches of rain in half an hour
Road of course washed out again, I guess husband will be grading it again tomorrow
Oh, and our water was dirty, happens when we have extreme rainfalls . Son hiked up to the spring and opened the cleanout then we run a hose for a while until it looks better
This is twice now we had an extreme thunderstorm with downpour like we used to get them in Florida. First year we have had those here. Weird weather this year
Friday 5th of July 2024

Today...what can I say 🤔
A weird day ... anyway

Almost 9 pm I feel empty
Good thing I have my fur babies
I fed them around 5.30 pm
PS. I ate coleslaw and a bit of chicken breast

I almost did murder my lawnmower
But I think it will survive 😉
Warm temperature does that to me
0% patience with objects

George told me dont break it !!!
He told me he will come have a look at it 😏
Tomorrow if it dont rain (guess what it will rain !)
Oh well !!!! Thats life ! LOL

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh... AC cool air
I hope I will sleep ok...and you too guys

Good night

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Just back from daughters, ate too much, of everything but sweets a couple of bites does me on sweet stuff.

Oh I love Meatballs with or without spaghetti, instead of parmesan I like Pepper Jack cheese.

Hope everyone had a good fourth and is set for a wonderful weekend!!!

Going to try for a 8hr straight sleep as soon as this food moves down a bit, countdown to cue the sandman "S minus 30" and counting!!!
Went out to try to fix the pipes but HD people screwed up and pulled the wrong fitting. Must have read the IP part on FIP and thought it was SLIP. Easy mistake, but frustrating as I will lose 2hrs (1hr each way) and the gas to get up there. Plus I don't have water still. Ugh.

Got food for Mom, chatted with HD rep online and had them make a notation that I received the wrong item. Gonna have to see if I can find a manager and ask for some sort of discount bc I had to drive back up there due to their mistake.
I rested most of the day then… I wasn’t up to fixing dad’s car yet. About a week ago I had to move dad’s car for some reason. As it started it made an ‘thunk’ sound. But it started, right away I had no power steering. Figured the serpentine belt broke, the thunk.

I killed it, popped the hood. Then the sad part, there was a kitten crawling away from the front of the car. Poor kitty died quickly but he’d obviously knocked off the belt. What he was doing is beyond me. There’s kibble scattered all over the shop floor, two outbuildings and several vehicles to lay under but he picked the belt assy. on a modern v-6, natural selection... :(

The good news, the belt wasn’t broken. I just had to figure out how to put it back on. I spent the last 10 days taking my folks to dr apts and picking up prescriptions. Didn’t have time to worry about an unneeded car.

My cousin stopped by and offered to help about 5pm, shouldn’t take long. It took 2 of us almost 3hrs and we knew what we were doing. 🤬 There’s barely enough room for 2 people under the car for starters. Then only one hand and a few fingers could fit through a small gaps to the front of the engine and route the belt around all 8 pulleys including the idler. Frustrating but it’s back on and the car runs fine.

And I missed dinner!!! so tomorrow is shot too! But at least the car is fixed. my cousin is camera shy...


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