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Thanks for the warning. I was the Chemical Safety Officer for 20 years at the site I worked at, EVERY chemical that came onsite had to be approved, so I am well aquainted with MSDS and exposure risks. EVERYTHING can kill you. I can spray em Kerosene or carb cleaner if you''d rather me do that. I can sit in the sun all day and pull the weeds 1 by one and die of heatstroke.

The list of things that COULD cause problems is epic. The things that could have killed me is also EPIC. Not enough Water, Too much Water. Not enough Salt, too much salt. Radiation, Chem Exposure, going to the stop and rob at 2 am, you do what you can to mitigate risks.
Wash it down with some beer, you'll be fine!😉
Got up at 0615 and saw GF off to work. She had a big presentation to all the managers in her plant at 0715 so I gave her some encouragement. She does payroll for the whole plant, about 550 employees. There's a new payroll system she has to train all the managers on and I told her to tell all the managers that she would start docking their pay if they didn't quit screwing up all the time cards. I thought it was funny, but she said she didn't think that would work too well. Managers don't have a sense of humor I guess.

Last week I put my name in for a position on a switch gang and this morning I found out that I got it. So I'll be changing work groups again. Switch gangs are hard work but I like them because you're always doing something different, using different muscles. On the tie gangs you do the same darn thing, over and over, maybe 2000 times a day and it wears on your body. The new job is called "System Power Tool Machine Operator" which is a really fancy way to say that I'll be responsible for a self propelled hydraulic power unit called a "Hippo". It's got a little diesel engine and a hydraulic pump on it, and a 100 foot hydraulic hose reel, and a 4 wheel drive propulsion system with airless tires. We use them to power our hydraulic tools at remote job sites. It pays almost $2/hour more than the lowly laborer job I just had, and there's very little added responsibility. Plus I'll be going from a "8 days on, 6 days off" schedule to a "7 on, 7 off" schedule which is always a good thing. And it's a regional gang so it will never go west of Cheyenne or Denver. There's no downside!

Everyone have a good day, and <>>>@sonya123 don't repeat the heat exhaustion anytime soon it is accumulative and can be deadly!!! Every one of the main team here are too precious to be sick, be careful please.
not hot anymore , but yesterday yeah, it was around 90 and humid, just like Florida YUCK
the good thing here, it rains, and cools down ( in the mid 70s today), in Florida it just gets more humid
I have no desire to go back to the ER already with dehydration LOL, yesterday< I took a cold shower and sat in the cool bedroom for a while

"Immediate Roundup exposure symptoms include respiratory irritation, dizziness, headaches, nausea and diarrhea. High-level long-term exposure is associated with an increased risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and other cancers. Roundup exposure may also raise the risk of autism or Alzheimer's." :confused:
I spray it on those large purple thistles the only thing that kills them. I wear a real face mask ( N95 for chemicals) , full clothing , boots for only that and take a shower after . Deadly stuff, but 2 4 d does not kill our thistles in the pasture
lambs are dewormed, it was absolutely pouring outside while we did it, but starting to slow now, but I am very happy we got the rain. Was getting worried this whole area would dry up completely and no second cutting hay. We only have 10 round bales so far first cutting. That's way not enough

Beets transplanted also, not too many we don't eat them, they are just for the market. I can eat them if I have to but not my favorite, taste like dirt

d-marsh: I just take a homemade gummi to sleep, works great, worked on jet lag too
I spray it on those large purple thistles the only thing that kills them. I wear a real face mask ( N95 for chemicals) , full clothing , boots for only that and take a shower after . Deadly stuff, but 2 4 d does not kill our thistles in the pasture
I've mixed up enough 300 gallon tanks of Roundup to float a battleship around. I was lucky to have rubber gloves! Roundup is the foundation of modern agriculture, very little corn or soybeans are grown without it and most varieties have been bred to be resistant to it so you can spray Roundup right on the plant without harming it.

We've been using Roundup on an industrial scale for over 40 years. A couple years ago I heard of the first possible case of Roundup related Non Hodgekin's lymphoma in the area where I grew up. It was one of those "suspected to be from Roundup but not confirmed" situations. I haven't heard of any more since then, but with all the millions of gallons that gets sprayed on the fields each year I'm watching to see if there's more in the future. With all those lawyer commercials on radio and TV advertising to get settlements, you'd think we are all about to die from Roundup..
Yeah the spray trains used to spray the equipment and all of the appliances with a white film of roundup generic and it got on your hands if you didn't wear gloves till it rained.

I am glad you had an easy time with the headlight on your dads truck @Spikedriver you should try a 05 to 11 Cadillac DTS sometime along with quite a few other newer vehicles I have worked on.

You just about have to take the entire front facia off, and turn the wheels to get it done may as well just replace both when you do it and keep the good one for an emergency.

Great deal on the gang placement hope you can hold it as long as you want to.
If your sleep schedule is way off and you want to get it back on track, never underestimate the power of a couple allergy pills and a glass of fresh pineapple juice mixed with dark rum. I call it a Benadryl Punch. Do you wake up feeling you have been waterboarded? Yes. But did you sleep all night and are now back on schedule? Also yes.

Disclaimer: Check with your physician before consuming a Benadryl Punch. Not for the feign of heart, elderly, liberals or the sexually confused. May cause bizarre vivid dreams about sloped roofs or male flight attendants. Benadryl Punch is the official drink of the secret service.
Did they Serve that at Pres. Trump's Rally Saturday...?!?
Thanks for the warning. I was the Chemical Safety Officer for 20 years at the site I worked at, EVERY chemical that came onsite had to be approved, so I am well aquainted with MSDS and exposure risks. EVERYTHING can kill you. I can spray em Kerosene or carb cleaner if you''d rather me do that. I can sit in the sun all day and pull the weeds 1 by one and die of heatstroke.

The list of things that COULD cause problems is epic. The things that could have killed me is also EPIC. Not enough Water, Too much Water. Not enough Salt, too much salt. Radiation, Chem Exposure, going to the stop and rob at 2 am, you do what you can to mitigate risks.
You can cut them with a toe nail clipper for all I Care... That post is so All can see and Not just for You... :facepalm:
Watching out the back door the Guests are browsing Velvet Antlers too.


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Do you have a recipe that you will share and where can I find it, if it is already here somewhere?
I can share
1 cookie sheet of crumbled up Indica ( maybe 20 gram or so) , bake at 250 for about 25 minutes.
put in crockpot with a cup of coconut oil and cook on low for a few hours
strain through a cheesecloth or something similar
cool the coconut oil
for a half a cup of coconut oil : 1 box of jello mix of choice ( I used orange) , 1 tsp soy lecitine ( ordered online ) , 2 packages of gelatin , a cup of water , disolve the gelatine and heat, with the jello , stir until everything is dissolved , do not boil! Add half a cup of the coconut oil , make sure everything is mixed well
cool slightly and put it in a gummi mold , freeze for a few hours, unmold , I store mine in the freezer
be careful do not take too much, I use only 1/4 gummi at a time , but this all depends on how strong your weed is , mine is homegrown and we had some really nice plants

oh in case any law enforcement reads this: I live in Virginia , plus have a medical license for anxiety and insomnia issues
I can share
1 cookie sheet of crumbled up Indica ( maybe 20 gram or so) , bake at 250 for about 25 minutes.
put in crockpot with a cup of coconut oil and cook on low for a few hours
strain through a cheesecloth or something similar
cool the coconut oil
for a half a cup of coconut oil : 1 box of jello mix of choice ( I used orange) , 1 tsp soy lecitine ( ordered online ) , 2 packages of gelatin , a cup of water , disolve the gelatine and heat, with the jello , stir until everything is dissolved , do not boil! Add half a cup of the coconut oil , make sure everything is mixed well
cool slightly and put it in a gummi mold , freeze for a few hours, unmold , I store mine in the freezer
be careful do not take too much, I use only 1/4 gummi at a time , but this all depends on how strong your weed is , mine is homegrown and we had some really nice plants

oh in case any law enforcement reads this: I live in Virginia , plus have a medical license for anxiety and insomnia issues

Thanks so much! I ordered lecithin and it arrived broken. Re-ordered and should be here soon. I've made infused honey and tincture. Gummies next and I have a medical card. Will try this soon!
When it pours, it rains.......................
A friends thirtysomething son has past, no other details.
My sons truck is in the shop & he was driving my worn out spare truck, which blew a headsgasket.
Looks like the coolant fan stops working, not worth repairing.
Going to call pull a part.
A friend needs help moving next weekend
A friend is coming from out of town.
I have to pick up my nephew & my son, because the spare truck is down.
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Gun, ammo and supply inventory is complete and matches what was there when I left. Now tonight I can sleep with out a Benadryl Punch knowing some of my firearms aren't sitting at a pawn shop. The door code on the gun room has been changed just to be safe.

Plus I did some mowing. That **** just grows and grows and grows. How much does 10-15 ton of gravel cost?
Gun, ammo and supply inventory is complete and matches what was there when I left. Now tonight I can sleep with out a Benadryl Punch knowing some of my firearms aren't sitting at a pawn shop. The door code on the gun room has been changed just to be safe.

Plus I did some mowing. That **** just grows and grows and grows. How much does 10-15 ton of gravel cost?
I can let you borrow some sheep or goats, maybe one of the bucks will chase off the woman for you...
July 18th 2024

Already Thursday :oops:
Why time going so fast !!!

All cats and Dane girl had their dinner
Myself too..I had chicken and coleslaw
Now 🍷 Shiraz :)

When I will have another lawnmower I am going to lick it 😂🤣😂
I am going to be too happy to mow again !

Miss Ruben Cat want me take take her in my arms she is a little sweetheart 🥰

I think I will have a great night wish you the same guys
I dont go now ...but around 11pm +

Nite nite if you hit the mattress sooner than me ❤️

Just got back from Wal-Mart Supercenter at Savannah, they had some nice 5 gallon Hibiscus for sale at $7 dollars in good shape with a lot of buds getting set to bloom the next few days gonna set them in where the heat has cooked the Hasta for now and give them each a cannula.

Got a lot of stuff for setting up some Trust partitions and restrictions, I need a better printer that I do not have to feed so often this one only holds about 75 sheets and it has no auto back side setting it print the odds and you put the stack back in, it prints the evens.
The one it replaced when it lost the led screen and had to be replaced immediately did all of that and collated large documents.

As for the Convention, All I need to see is the names of ANYONE who goes against Donald Trump so I can support whoever primaries them next round big.
I'm apparently suffering from political fatigue. I'm trying to watch the convention but I really don't care. I just know I'm not voting for Biden or anyone who replaces him on that ticket. I'm tired of listening to Trump, JD Vance is barely interesting, and all the talking heads are annoying the hell out of me. I think I need to tune out for a while...
Took dad to see a doc in the big town. Got there early, was finished and out the door before his apt. time, nice. Took him to lunch afterwards then stopped at the produce store. Got him a cantaloupe and some peaches, a watermelon too, might cut it tomorrow.

Took a nap this afternoon... no plans but tv.

@sonya123 there's a new herbicide just for pasture thistle. My cousin was telling me about it last week. It kills the root quick and easy. I'll get the name if you are interested.
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I'm apparently suffering from political fatigue. I'm trying to watch the convention but I really don't care. I just know I'm not voting for Biden or anyone who replaces him on that ticket. I'm tired of listening to Trump, JD Vance is barely interesting, and all the talking heads are annoying the hell out of me. I think I need to tune out for a while...
And miss the gang wars 😲. . .🙄

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