What's everybody doing today?

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Got up at 0430, worked from 0600 to 1430, then drove 5 hours from the job in Wisconsin to home. Had a soak in the tub with a glass of Four Roses and now I'm about to cash it in for the night. Have a good one, everybody!
Four Roses is good, we visited the distillary in KY one time. Glad you got home ok
I slept 9 hours last night, must have been really tired. Went to sleep around 9, then got woke up when it thunderstorming, and pouring rain ( NOT in the forecast, was not supposed to rain until tonight). Husband is as bad as me, he went to check on the goats since they had no access to the barn . He was afraid they would be standing at the pasture gate wanting to go in the barn on the other side. So he went and checked and they were not. I guess they had enough sense to go to the shelter at the other end of the pasture ...

Today we are moving them back over to where the barn is, supposed to rain a lot for a few days, which is good, We need the rain big time. But looks like market will get rained so debating if we go or not.

Going to work in the garden today. I am focusing on the one with the most stuff in it, the other one just needs the remaining potatoes dug up and has some onions ready to harvest also, plus the tomato plants that are not looking great
Yesterday I went down south and picked up a couple hundred blocks for the pathway next to the deck, a half ton of sand and other miscellaneous materials. It was over 100 degs down there. Got home to 86 degs.
This morning when it gets light out, I'll start the water in the orchard. Then I'll work on the lower gate. The redwood for the deck should be delivered sometime today.
I've just logged in after a day or two and noticed 6 of the top 10 threads are all about Donald Trump! I'm guessing other forums are the same- everyone is talking about politics, it seems.
Still slightly ill here, so not doing much! My niece is doing a little better, at last, so thank you all for your good wishes. She's in a wheelchair, although the infection is still there, they are hoping she gets out of ICU soon.
Ordered my onion sets for autumn planting, checking out seed companies today, and finishing a knitted vest. Hoping to go for a walk along a new route they put in locally- a skull was found yesterday along it!
Day off, been outside working my rear off, lol! It's cloudy and humid but got a bunch of the outside stuff done! Maybe a tiny chance of rain today!! Taking Bear to Tractor Supply shortly for dry dog and cat food and fly spray for Buddy. Doing laundry and getting in the kitchen when I get home! Will trim Bear's nails and vacuum too!
Woke up just after 7am. Sleeping in a little bit felt incredible. I think I'll mosey up to the coffee shop after a bit. I have to look at a YouTube video to figure out how to put a new low beam headlight bulb in my dad's Silverado. I also want to try to clean up some of the haze on the headlight cover. I read that toothpaste works well for that. Otherwise I have no plans besides going to Anytime fitness to work out with my GF this evening. Should be a relaxing day...
Catching Me 2nd Wind, was Awakened by Thunder around 4:30 AM here and after locating the new kitties and blocking off the Air Duct the Mother had them on I laid back down and 😴 some-more...!!!

Good Morning...!!
Taking a break, I got my application in for a new job and then realized that I actually applied for 2... The grandkids visited yesterday for the first time since COVID, it was great to see how much they have grown.

The wife has a new issue that baffles me, she had a couple small scrapes on her shin and now we are seeing blisters seeping clear liquid. I've been washing it with hydrogen peroxide, treating it with NEOSPORIN, and then placing large gauze pads on the area and loosely wrapping with cloth gauze wrap every 12 hours. The redness has gone down, but the seeping persists and new little blisters are appearing... Frankly, it has me worried.

Well Break's over. :)
Got the headlight bulb put into Pop's Silverado. It was easy with the YouTube video for reference, but I wouldn't have figured it out on my own. I had to remove the air breather box to get to the bulb, but it wasn't too hard and the whole thing took a half hour.

Then I decided to clean the haze off the clear screen over the headlight bulb. What a pain in the butt! First I tried toothpaste, I thought it might work because toothpaste has a very mild abrasive in it. After a lot of work it made maybe a 10% improvement. So, I went back to YouTube to see videos on how to clean off the haze. Wouldn't you know it, WD-40 does the trick. I wiped it down with WD and it's at least 50% better. I feel like that side is at least clear enough to be effective now. Apparently if you really want to do it right you need to get some rubbing compound but WD-40 is good enough for that old farm truck.

It's almost lunch time. What sounds good today? I'm thinking of going next door to the grocery store and grabbing some fish for the air fryer...
Guess what !!!

NO I dont have news yet of the $h*tty lawnmower $$$ I supposed to get from guarantee yet
They better to give me my $ back...or I will call consumer association
I am nice but dont F*** with me !!!

George told me to call the farmer general store ..
I did and after talking a big almost 10 min with the guy manager...

He also said to me :
* I am very sorry you have so much problem with mower
and the Company to refund your $$$ !*

He told me he have a lawnmower brand that have nothing to do with the crap one I got (he said he have one himself now for 5 years now with no problem)....
He told me I dont tell good thing about that lawnmower to sell you one !!!

He also said he is now out of stock for that lawnmower but he can order one for me from the company he does business with since 10 years + and he never had any customer complains

He sent me information for that gas lawnmower and I told him ok order me one
So by next Wednesday I will have a lawnmower...supposed to be !!!!
Woke up just after 7am. Sleeping in a little bit felt incredible. I think I'll mosey up to the coffee shop after a bit. I have to look at a YouTube video to figure out how to put a new low beam headlight bulb in my dad's Silverado. I also want to try to clean up some of the haze on the headlight cover. I read that toothpaste works well for that. Otherwise I have no plans besides going to Anytime fitness to work out with my GF this evening. Should be a relaxing day...
Toothpaste works better than those bottles of stuff you buy specifically for that purpose :rolleyes: (My experience)
Setup curbside pickup for some groceries at Walmart. Waited on my brother to finish a game so he could come with me to grab extra stuff I didn't trust the employees to pick out. Brother helped me unload stuff. I took the meat off a rotisserie chicken. Fed dogs, fed cats, cleaned waterer for cats and changed the filter. Took the trash out.

I'm currently sitting here with Rupert on my shoulder pressed against my ear and purring away. He slept on my head last night.

Mom is in good spirits and even though she's bruised from falling, she's doing ok.

I'm still looking in to getting a new truck. The one I was looking at said it sold but then I saw it was still listed on dealer's website. I asked via live chat and they wanted my phone number. I told them "no" and they closed the chat. I then got an e-mail from a sales guy asking for my phone number. He's the sales guy mentioned specifically in a bunch of reviews as a jerk who lies and reneges on deals. There's another truck that is more expensive but it has lower mileage, a roof rack, and running boards. But the color is dark and the seats are black-- which would get waaaay too hot. So I'd need seat covers. Hoping something better will come on to the market or that the darker one will come down in price more. We're not in a hurry to replace our truck though, so we can be patient.

Replace "someone rings the doorbell" with "the phone rings".
Got the headlight bulb put into Pop's Silverado. It was easy with the YouTube video for reference, but I wouldn't have figured it out on my own. I had to remove the air breather box to get to the bulb, but it wasn't too hard and the whole thing took a half hour.

Then I decided to clean the haze off the clear screen over the headlight bulb. What a pain in the butt! First I tried toothpaste, I thought it might work because toothpaste has a very mild abrasive in it. After a lot of work it made maybe a 10% improvement. So, I went back to YouTube to see videos on how to clean off the haze. Wouldn't you know it, WD-40 does the trick. I wiped it down with WD and it's at least 50% better. I feel like that side is at least clear enough to be effective now. Apparently if you really want to do it right you need to get some rubbing compound but WD-40 is good enough for that old farm truck.

It's almost lunch time. What sounds good today? I'm thinking of going next door to the grocery store and grabbing some fish for the air fryer...
sort of curious wHat year of silverado this is??
I hope the therapy helps, too, Bacpacker. I did therapy when I messed up my right thigh, and it did get better. Waiting for insurance approval for an MRI on my lower back and right hip. The shots helped for maybe a week, but that was all. It hurts like heck.
Husband and I went into the bigger town...feed at Atwoods (and the free popcorn!), pickup at the pharmacy, and the Dollar Tree next to the Walgreens. Pup is all excited he has some new toys to chew up. It'll keep him busy for maybe an hour. He's working on getting out all of the squeekers.
I hope the therapy helps, too, Bacpacker. I did therapy when I messed up my right thigh, and it did get better. Waiting for insurance approval for an MRI on my lower back and right hip. The shots helped for maybe a week, but that was all. It hurts like heck.
Husband and I went into the bigger town...feed at Atwoods (and the free popcorn!), pickup at the pharmacy, and the Dollar Tree next to the Walgreens. Pup is all excited he has some new toys to chew up. It'll keep him busy for maybe an hour. He's working on getting out all of the squeekers.
Bear will be 2 1/2 next month, he is finally able to have soft toys!