What's everybody doing today?

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I hope the therapy helps, too, Bacpacker. I did therapy when I messed up my right thigh, and it did get better. Waiting for insurance approval for an MRI on my lower back and right hip. The shots helped for maybe a week, but that was all. It hurts like heck.
Husband and I went into the bigger town...feed at Atwoods (and the free popcorn!), pickup at the pharmacy, and the Dollar Tree next to the Walgreens. Pup is all excited he has some new toys to chew up. It'll keep him busy for maybe an hour. He's working on getting out all of the squeekers.
My dr said insurance requires PT before they'll consider paying for a MRI.
Hmm. My insurance hasn't responded yet. The doc says they have two weeks to respond. But I did have an xray which showed bad osteoarthritis which I figured. And then the rheumatologist gave me three shots. And then my primary doc said this has been hurting you too long, maybe something with the nerves, so he ordered an MRI. We'll see if it's approved. They're not as expensive as they used to be, shouldn't be a big deal. Ha.
Got the headlight bulb put into Pop's Silverado. It was easy with the YouTube video for reference, but I wouldn't have figured it out on my own. I had to remove the air breather box to get to the bulb, but it wasn't too hard and the whole thing took a half hour.

Then I decided to clean the haze off the clear screen over the headlight bulb. What a pain in the butt! First I tried toothpaste, I thought it might work because toothpaste has a very mild abrasive in it. After a lot of work it made maybe a 10% improvement. So, I went back to YouTube to see videos on how to clean off the haze. Wouldn't you know it, WD-40 does the trick. I wiped it down with WD and it's at least 50% better. I feel like that side is at least clear enough to be effective now. Apparently if you really want to do it right you need to get some rubbing compound but WD-40 is good enough for that old farm truck.

It's almost lunch time. What sounds good today? I'm thinking of going next door to the grocery store and grabbing some fish for the air fryer...
overdid it again, almost got heat stroke I think working in the garden and weedeating around the house before it finally rained , it poured actually but only for about 10 minutes, but better than nothing

goats are in the pasture with the barn since it is supposed to rain more ( but probably won't ) , goat bucks in their houses for the night.

Otto is bored and keeps dropping toys on me, he wants to play but I am too tired. He will just have to wait till tomorrow or till son plays with him
Bear will be 2 1/2 next month, he is finally able to have soft toys!
Otto's favorite toys are 2 rubber tires . Yes, they look like real tires and are indestructible
He likes us to throw one so he can run after, then he brings it back but only gives it to us when we throw the other one
Heidi played fetch exactly the same way. Smart dogs, they know if they give you 1 toy and they get nothing in return, playtime is over LOL
My dogs like soft toys. They have no interest in plastic toys. Their favorite is a long flat one that looks like a fox. It started out as Fippy's toy but Princess likes to steal it sometimes. Fippy loves to tear the stuffing and squeakers out of his toys but this one is pretty durable. Mom used to get him little plush toys to chew on. I think one was a hippo or something. He'd torn his up so she got him a new one that was still on the cardboard. That was back when our elderly friends in town were still alive and we used to bring Fippy with us to visit. Mom had the toy on her lap while sitting on the couch. Fippy was on the floor and stood on his hind legs and very gently grabbed the toy and pulled it away. Poor thing is bummed that he doesn't get to go places anymore. He used to love riding with Mom and going to see our friends. Even just riding to the post office would make him happy.

Amish, I hope you can get the MRI and that you can get treatment that works to take the pain away.

Mountaintrapper, I hope the cows are ok.

Sorry for missing so many posts. Brain is not wanting to work much today. Rupert is back up in my face again. LOL.

Just changed Mom's insulin cartridge and tubing. I'm starting to get better at it. I'm going to start keeping a log in Notepad on when I change things out. I found that the tubing has to be changed with the cartridge because it forces me to "fill tubing" afterward. It will not let me fill the canula or resume insulin until the tubing fill is done and it won't let me stop filling when I want to-- it *has* to put 10 units in the tubing. It's a bit of a pain, but it could be worse and I'm getting better at it.
I picked up a couple bucket loads of rocks to put under the edge of the deck in order to fill the gap. Then covered that with 3/4" minus. It looks pretty good. We'll eventually put some planters on the gravel. The redwood was delivered around 3 pm today so we didn't get any of it stained. We'll work on that in the morning. Also got the gravel put down for the brick walkway.
High today was 81 degs. I grilled a salmon filet for dinner. Right now we're sitting out on the back deck enjoying the evening, and me with a cigar.
Tomorrow morning we'll work on the deck and the walkway until it gets hot. Then we're going swimming.
Spent yesterday afternoon/evening pretending to fish. Got up at o almost dark 5:30 am this morning and pretended to fish some more. No catchy fishy. Sat in a chair in the shade for a few hours, when, the only other person on the whole lake stopped by. He had noticed we weren't catching anything. He insisted we take one of his custom lure strings and bait to try.

We went out this evening and dang...after using his lure string and trolling instructions, we were catching fish like crazy. We caught 8 in under 45 minutes. It was nuts.

We had trout for dinner and came home to get the rest in the smoker.
it's actually wet outside and more rain coming
So this morning we will put all the sheep in the barn and deworm the remaining lambs that did not get done the first time
also need to do some more goat hoofs . Will put everyone back out after the storm passes , looks like maybe around noon

want to thin out some beets that are growing, there are a few clumps of them so will probably do that first before it rains

clean the house, hasn't been cleaned since daughter was here for the 4th, decided not to do the market this week
Just up and Coffee!!! and a few Chester's Cheese Curls HEHEHEH

Opening the day with this >

> and a little Recliner time before trying to do a little slow grass between showers, should just have made it a day yesterday.

Everyone have a good day, and <>>>@sonya123 don't repeat the heat exhaustion anytime soon it is accumulative and can be deadly!!! Every one of the main team here are too precious to be sick, be careful please.
Our weather is supposed to be "nice" today, and am really looking forward to it (in the 80's). So, morning garden and animal chores to do. After lunch we'll take little granddaughter to the bigger town for her sewing class. They're making a lined patchwork purse with a shoulder strap and a zipper closure today. I'll go fill a cart at Aldi since I'll already be in town.
Amish handyman guy Dave stopped in last night to pick up $$ for our windows order. Very excited, because that means maybe just a few weeks and he'll have time to work on our big list of stuff here. All of the windows in our old garage need replacing (most are broken out), and of course the kitchen window that I broke, that still has plastic on it. We'll need to pick out new kitchen flooring. Did just order two light fixtures, one for a small bathroom that doesn't have a working one, and one for the true front porch, which will become a screened in porch when Dave has time.
If your sleep schedule is way off and you want to get it back on track, never underestimate the power of a couple allergy pills and a glass of fresh pineapple juice mixed with dark rum. I call it a Benadryl Punch. Do you wake up feeling you have been waterboarded? Yes. But did you sleep all night and are now back on schedule? Also yes.

Disclaimer: Check with your physician before consuming a Benadryl Punch. Not for the feign of heart, elderly, liberals or the sexually confused. May cause bizarre vivid dreams about sloped roofs or male flight attendants. Benadryl Punch is the official drink of the secret service.
I've been under the weather for the last 3 days. I missed taking a med & had reflux the first day. That usually takes a couple of days to get over. I did do a few things those days & probably shouldn't have. Today I'm going to take the door sweep off of our side door, plug the holes & if it dries paint it. Then tomorrow I'll install a new door sweep. I settled for a cheap replacement so I doubt it will last long but oh well. I'm going to also thin out stuff in the house by donating to a couple of local places. Tomorrow I've got a cardiac doctor appointment so that means my afternoon will be shot. I sure miss my old doctor! Our local medical company has a more or less monopoly on medical care here & they go through good doctors like anything.

"Immediate Roundup exposure symptoms include respiratory irritation, dizziness, headaches, nausea and diarrhea. High-level long-term exposure is associated with an increased risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and other cancers. Roundup exposure may also raise the risk of autism or Alzheimer's." :confused:
Thanks for the warning. I was the Chemical Safety Officer for 20 years at the site I worked at, EVERY chemical that came onsite had to be approved, so I am well aquainted with MSDS and exposure risks. EVERYTHING can kill you. I can spray em Kerosene or carb cleaner if you''d rather me do that. I can sit in the sun all day and pull the weeds 1 by one and die of heatstroke.

The list of things that COULD cause problems is epic. The things that could have killed me is also EPIC. Not enough Water, Too much Water. Not enough Salt, too much salt. Radiation, Chem Exposure, going to the stop and rob at 2 am, you do what you can to mitigate risks.
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I guess the nice easy 2 pin system in the previous style worked to well.
This was easy once I got it figured out. There were about 6 simple steps to removing the air breather box. Once the box is out, the bulb is easy to get to and it comes out with a slight twist. Then it just snaps out of the little harness. Remember latex gloves when putting the new bulb in because skin oils can make the new bulb fail quickly. Then once it's snapped into the harness, put it through the hole and twist it clockwise and it's good. Then just reverse all the previous steps. I needed the video to show me what steps I needed to take, but now I could probably do it in 20 minutes. Plus when I had the breather box out, I cleaned it and shook out the air filter.

I do wish it could be as simple as the old days, but I guess the old days are long gone...

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