What's everybody doing today?

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Took dad to see a doc in the big town. Got there early, was finished and out the door before his apt. time, nice. Took him to lunch afterwards then stopped at the produce store. Got him a cantaloupe and some peaches, a watermelon too, might cut it tomorrow.

Took a nap this afternoon... no plans but tv.

@sonya123 there's a new herbicide just for pasture thistle. My cousin was telling me about it last week. It kills the root quick and easy. I'll get the name if you are interested.
I'd like to know!! We usually pull most of it!
I'd like to know!! We usually pull most of it!

For years we hit the pastures with grub hoe's. Every spring, tornado season was thistle season too. :waiting: Only way to kill it was to dig up the root, all of the root. It's a biennial too! We have 7 pastures, difficult to dig all of them each year. So it was a never ending battle but we kept it under control. Sadly, that kid didn't do anything about them and they got bad. The pastures were wrecked in fact.

My cousin had to spot spray to get several plants back under control. By spot spray i mean a tank on the back of a quad. I even burned a pasture before my cousin brought over a herd trying to kill some of the weeds. This is the 2nd year of trying to get the pastures back in shape, still have a ways to go.

Anyway, he was telling me about a new spray for bull thistle. Said it made spaying a single year instead of multi-year project. I'll give him a call tomorrow and get the name.

Neat thing about bull thistle... it edible. Peel the stalk with a veggie peeler (wear welding gloves). Slice it up and fry it like okra with flour. 😁

For folks who haven't seen thistle... there's a dozen species but all look similar. Not a pleasant plant.

Bull thistle.jpg

Thistle Bull.jpg
I'm apparently suffering from political fatigue. I'm trying to watch the convention but I really don't care. I just know I'm not voting for Biden or anyone who replaces him on that ticket. I'm tired of listening to Trump, JD Vance is barely interesting, and all the talking heads are annoying the hell out of me. I think I need to tune out for a while...
I never watch that stuff. Husband does but not me. The real interesting thing will be what happens after the election, if either candidate is still alive by then....
For years we hit the pastures with grub hoe's. Every spring, tornado season was thistle season too. :waiting: Only way to kill it was to dig up the root, all of the root. It's a biennial too! We have 7 pastures, difficult to dig all of them each year. So it was a never ending battle but we kept it under control. Sadly, that kid didn't do anything about them and they got bad. The pastures were wrecked in fact.

My cousin had to spot spray to get several plants back under control. By spot spray i mean a tank on the back of a quad. I even burned a pasture before my cousin brought over a herd trying to kill some of the weeds. This is the 2nd year of trying to get the pastures back in shape, still have a ways to go.

Anyway, he was telling me about a new spray for bull thistle. Said it made spaying a single year instead of multi-year project. I'll give him a call tomorrow and get the name.

Neat thing about bull thistle... it edible. Peel the stalk with a veggie peeler (wear welding gloves). Slice it up and fry it like okra with flour. 😁

For folks who haven't seen thistle... there's a dozen species but all look similar. Not a pleasant plant.

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yes , those guys!! And no I am NOT eating it LOL, if the goats won't eat it I sure won't either

You can kill every single one of them, and next year they are back
NOT baking today, we are not going to the market tomorrow. It is supposed to pour rain, plus we just didn't get caught up and no urgent veggies to sell except zuccini, which everyone has.
Going to try and cut down some thistles before it rains here. Not going to spray them since it will rain but I want to at least remove the tops before seeds start.

I did bake 4 breads for us yesterday, just can't not bake LOL , froze 3

Animal care and weeds today plus clean the house, that didn't get done yesterday
yes , those guys!! And no I am NOT eating it LOL, if the goats won't eat it I sure won't either

You can kill every single one of them, and next year they are back
The pasture across the road from us is full of them! The people who own that ranch are from up north and said they've never dealt with it! They are looking for a solution to a soon to be big problem!!
Yep, Walmart on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday does need a prayer request.
We have morning chores, then bringing little granddaughter to set up at the market around the lunch hour. Hoping she'll try and catch a few kittens. They are bigger now, but there's four left. Husband's got a doc appt this afternoon, so I need to get him to that, too.
Got up, worked out, went on a short hike, took a shower and now I am currently wasting away some time on the interwebz while sitting outside on a nice cool morning. In just a bit I have some chores to do. I need to haul some furniture, change out a gate lock, move a couple cameras and change some passwords. Then I might get in some mowing before the weather man says it might rain.
The pasture across the road from us is full of them! The people who own that ranch are from up north and said they've never dealt with it! They are looking for a solution to a soon to be big problem!!
I think that is what is happening to us, they are mostly right next to the fence with the neighbors. The previous neighbors used to have donkeys in there and it was not much of a problem, they ate everything, now there is no animals at all and the weeds are sky high. So they blow over to our side
taking a break, having coffee and a sandwich

so far I have took dog for a hike up the mountain
first time since the heat wave started over a week ago
picked blackberries and blueberries in the woods
cleaned goat barn and got it ready for massive rain tonight and tomorrow
trimmed some goat hoofs

next weed eat the thistles

no wait, son just came in and asked what needs to be done, so he is going to take care of the thistles

So longer break for me :)
Cut the dam things b4 they Bloom...!!! The best way to keeps weeds down an out is to cut, Cut, CUT them b4 they have a chance to grow and spread...!! If You can't cut them then wait til it rains real good and put on gloves and go pull them out, the wetter the ground the better and easier they come out...!
I wait until they form seed heads and cut them down before they open. They are forced to use up a lot of energy. Cut them again as soon as the seed head forms. Bag up the seed heads. Don't leave them laying around.

Get your soil tested. Fix the soil and the conditions for growing thistles and you get them gone.
I was sick most of yesterday. Had to throw up in early afternoon after Gax X and Pepto Bismol failed to relieve the stomach pain. Once I threw up a little I was able to start belching and got some gas out and felt a little better. Stayed in bed most of the day. Brother went to the doctor and found out he has a toe infection and needs an x-ray on his toe. He brought home fried chicken. I couldn't eat it right away, but was able to eat it later. Late at night Mom was hungry but I didn't have the fried rice she wanted so I made a trip to the store. They were out-- which explains why they didn't give it to me in my curbside order but somehow they forgot to mark that they were out of it and cancel it on the order. I got chicken fried rice instead but Mom didn't like it. I also grabbed hamburger meat so I can make shepherd's pie or burgers. While I was feeling sick, Rupert was sitting on me and purring for me, which did actually help.

Last night several of the cats got into a fight. Not sure who started it, but Aminatu and Rupert were slapping each other. Biscuits got mad at Rupert for slapping his sister so he jumped on Rupert. Yasuke hates Biscuits and saw him fighting so he jumped on Biscuits. Gravy Jones loves Biscuits but hates Yasuke so he jumped on Yasuke. Aminatu managed to duck out and I pulled Rupert away. The other 3 tumbled around in a ball on my bed and then fell off onto the floor and continued to roll around fighting. Biscuits escaped and ran to me so that left Yasuke and Gravy Jones. Fippy was growling. Princess was half-barking and I told her to make them stop so she jumped down. I couldn't see what was going on but I did see her hopping up and down a few times as she snarled at them. Gravy Jones jumped out and on to my old computer (which I use for the cats to sit on) and Princess chased Yasuke out of the room. Then she came back to me for cuddles.

This morning Boo kept tapping me in the face and meowing at me to tell me it was canned food o'clock even though it was still dark. So I fed him. Mom got up and wanted food but she had just taken her thyroid meds so she had to wait. She wanted me to take Fippy to the vet to get an allergy shot. He had flea medicine earlier this month but the fleas still bit him enough to cause skin irritation that has persisted. I still need to give him a bath but he's been cranky and snappy. He snapped at me for trying to put his harness on and he used to climb into his harness willingly. He didn't give me trouble following me once I had his leash though. He was due for heartworm shot and needed his claws trimmed too. The vet checked out the pilar cyst on his back and said it isn't anything to worry about. It had previously been checked for cancer and was negative. It is attached only to the skin and not connecting to muscle or anything underneath. But it doesn't seem to bother Fippy and he's old so any sort of surgery would be risky. Afterward I got him a plain burger from McDonalds and grabbed some stuff for Mom as well. I did stop at the post office for mail. Lots of medical bill statements for Mom.

I think I'm going to take a nap soon. Still tired.
Walmart? Take a gun.
I just shot off my mouth instead!!😮 Too many idiots out today! Two women were blocking an aisle in Walmart, people were just quietly waiting for them to move!🤔 So Pearl loudly says, " y'all need to move, you're not the only people on Earth"!! Of course the offenders gave me a dirty look, others thanked me! Home now, groceries unloaded and put away, beer chillin' in the freezer! Nap is fixing to happen!!
I just shot off my mouth instead!!😮 Too many idiots out today! Two women were blocking an aisle in Walmart, people were just quietly waiting for them to move!🤔 So Pearl loudly says, " y'all need to move, you're not the only people on Earth"!! Of course the offenders gave me a dirty look, others thanked me! Home now, groceries unloaded and put away, beer chillin' in the freezer! Nap is fixing to happen!!

Huh. I always took you for the shy timid type.

Said no one ever. :cool:
I just shot off my mouth instead!!😮 Too many idiots out today! Two women were blocking an aisle in Walmart, people were just quietly waiting for them to move!🤔 So Pearl loudly says, " y'all need to move, you're not the only people on Earth"!! Of course the offenders gave me a dirty look, others thanked me! Home now, groceries unloaded and put away, beer chillin' in the freezer! Nap is fixing to happen!!
You can take the girl out of Jersey but you can’t take the Joisey out of the girl.

Got to the cabin at 1:30-2 o’clock. It is beautifully cool here compared to down home. Ten degrees cooler with a lovely breeze off of the lake. Blue skies and a pair of swans swimming in front. Dog got sick, as usual, during the drive here. Now she’s moping around. She’ll perk up at dinner.

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