Little granddaughter is still mucking through the chicken coop, she was dragging her feet this morning, and now is stuck in the heat with it to finish. We wore out the pup...he was doing morning chores with us, and I was flooding the tomato bushes...he sat and rolled in the mud. He did get in trouble for chasing guineas, I don't want him to take down birds. That heeler is so focused, even at five months old, it's hard to get his attention sometimes. But I did finally, and he comes back...slinking and wiggly, knowing I was ticked at him and he did wrong.
New baby keets are in the milkhouse and did well overnight. Finished up their feed last night, and I'll check on them again soon. Two baby turkeys are very ready to get moved out of the family room and into the milkhouse with the rabbits. I love it when the milkhouse rooms are filled with babies. It's a good time of year.
So Walmart has my prescription cream ready, so I'll drive the half hr to pick it up and maybe get a few things while I'm there.
Just got notified that pups favorite toy is on one of the porches. We ordered two "banana dogs" for him. He ate the dog head off of the one he had, ate half the banana body, the squeaker is out. It's him favorite toy ever. So now he's got two more.