What's everybody doing today?

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We sat with little granddaughter and the farmer's mkt for an hr. She'll be there for another hour or so, and then I'll go get her. She sold some eggs, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Lots of people looking at the baby buns, they are adorable. Hope she sells them, too. She's asking $15 a piece. Two of our farm neighbors were there, and neighbor boy Levi was helping one of them with his produce. Fowl sale this evening.
Mom woke me up last night wanting me to let the dog out of the room she was in when she was less than 5ft from the door and all she had to do was open the door and let her out. Dog stopped barking while she was on the intercom with me. Then she gave me attitude about food but I held my tongue and got her something to eat. It was right after I'd just gotten into a good sleep too. LOL.

Today I went to the store with my brother since he doesn't have to work until 8pm. Ordered breakfast curbside from McDonalds and forgot to go to McDonalds. Got home and it was 5min before breakfast ended. I called and explained that I still wanted the breakfast but that I'd forgotten to stop by and the manager asked what was in the order (it apparently doesn't show up until the customer reports they are there to pick it up) and she took the order and said she'd hold it for me. I booked it back into town and went inside. One of the cashiers told me it was too late for breakfast and the manager said "No, I've got this, she called ahead". My online order had been canceled when breakfast ended but she had the food ready and still hot. She handed it to me and was very sweet. Complete opposite of the other manager who canceled orders before breakfast was over and threw out the breakfast orders that had been made already.

My brother put away the groceries while I was going to get breakfast. Came back and ate. The manager was so sweet, she threw in an extra hashbrown for free and gave me 3 pats of butter and 2 syrups. I usually only get 1 when I order the hotcakes.

Mom just paged and wants me to cook something for her.
Got up, worked out, did some chores, cleaned up and went to the big city for a medical appointment. Had to have them check my brain, not the fleshy part but the firing synapses part. I passed my psych eval this spring for my employer but there were apparently some lingering concerns so I had to do a follow up. Seems they want to know your mind is right before they hand you a Brugger & Thomet APC and send you out and about. Brain Doc does not seem to care for my level of isolation, recent break up, etc., etc. but I got the sign off I needed and all is well. Should I have told me I keep seeing enemy combatants hiding in the aisles at Walmart just waiting to steel my root beer!? KIDDING!
Cheese made, soap made, one load of laundry, have sourdough in process (takes several hours), decided to also make SD pizza crusts to have available in the freezer. Also made up some 6 bean soup mixes to have handy. I started in cleaning and reorganizing the pantry 🤦‍♀️. Getting much better but going to wait until tomorrow on the corn. At least pantry will be in better shape when I add to it. 2:30 here and more yet to do 😁. TTFN
I am done baking for the day, plus we pulled up the onions. Nothing going great in the garden this year for sure, many of them split and some rotten. First too little rain, then too much I suppose. The tomatoes are the saddest looking this year. Making up for the few hundred pounds we got last year I suppose
Still need to go check on animals, one goat keeps crying, might be stuck or something
Getting ready to go to daughters for a small gathering, Great granddaughter came over and I am trying to get her Singing "Hallelujah" she will do chorus, just be a while with the verses at 2 years old, but she can keep time and sing most of "Zip A Dee Do Dah" and do the chorus of "The Witch Doctor" HEHEHEH!!!

She is playing rough too she will jump on you and kick you now when you try to snag her on the run, fitting right in to the family looks like even has her Aunts Mean look down.
Major cleaning day, over due. Spent most of june and jul on my back, it kills me to go play music on the mtn. Anyway, the biggy was carpets, my gsd sheds constantly. Even had to stop and empty the vacuum cleaner halfway through, a big shop vac, 4g, 5.5hp.

I decided to take a look at my window air conditioner. It hasn’t been working well this summer. I bought it because of the size, 14k btu. The op manual and the sales guy said it was filterless. Both were wrong… I tried to open the vented section, wouldn’t budge so I took the front off. I found the front does have a panel that snaps in place. They used double sided sticky tape on the panel at the factory… WHY???. It’s made to be opened to get to the filter but they taped it shut and hid the tape!!! 🤬

Sooo, the filter was badly clogged. No wonder the ac wasn’t working correctly. It had a screen wire filter. I put it in my shower and used the wand to blow all the crud out. Anyway, now the ac works much better. Time to fix dinner...
Had lunch with my brother today. Went to the Amish farm to pick up goodies to bring home—cantaloupes, purple peppers, corn and picking cukes. Cleaned up the cabin and started packing for the return to Garbage Gardens (aka New Jersey). Finished up the scarf on the loom and cut it off.
Can't wait to see the photo of the scarf @Tommyice !!
I realize I had a dark cloud hangin' o'er me head for a couple of weeks. I think it left whilst I was sleepin' last night, short sleep though it 'twere. Lucky if I had 3 hours, yet I'm fine. 🤷‍♀️
That is just another of the many things I miss about back east is the produce stands and good little markets. @Amish Heart you have them too. Don't see that much here. I know there is one place near me in town but i always have to work when it is happening. You think you'll ever be able to move out to the cabin, @Tommyice ?
Work, Got off early, stopped and got new LED headlights (1 was blown and decided to replace them all) and a new battery. That hurt. Voted. Got home and ate, then mowed part of the yard. Started raining before I got what I wanted done. Finished that part and parked the tractor. Got fairly wet.
Gotta work all weekend. Hope to finish mowing when I get home tomorrow.
Today was my parent 61st wedding aniversary
Can't wait to see the photo of the scarf @Tommyice !!
I realize I had a dark cloud hangin' o'er me head for a couple of weeks. I think it left whilst I was sleepin' last night, short sleep though it 'twere. Lucky if I had 3 hours, yet I'm fine. 🤷‍♀️
That is just another of the many things I miss about back east is the produce stands and good little markets. @Amish Heart you have them too. Don't see that much here. I know there is one place near me in town but i always have to work when it is happening. You think you'll ever be able to move out to the cabin, @Tommyice ?
I have four years to retirement. Dad is 89 and if he’s still alive when I retire, I’ll be coming home to tell him to pack his $*#t, put a for sale sign on both properties and skedaddling.

The cabin does need some work before it can be inhabitable for winter—propane furnace plus a wood stove, digging the water line deeper and wrapping with heat tape are what my friend, who’s a plumber and lives in the Adirondacks, has suggested. The kitchen and bath need a remodeling.

My brother thinks it’s too isolated for a woman alone. He’s always been a worrier. The island we’re on also houses ICE and Customs & Border Patrol so it’s not that isolated. There are many year round residences here.

I look regularly on Zillow to see what’s available on the mainland and there’s not much. Most places are either large multistory farmhouses or manufactured homes with both types needing way too much work at my age. Ten years ago I might have been able to handle a good deal of the work myself, but now I don’t have the desire to do it. I may wind up buying acreage and building. I can live beyond comfortable in about 900 square feet. I currently live in about 500 sq ft.

I’m sure I’ll figure it out when my path leads me closer to that bridge.
I have four years to retirement. Dad is 89 and if he’s still alive when I retire, I’ll be coming home to tell him to pack his $*#t, put a for sale sign on both properties and skedaddling.

The cabin does need some work before it can be inhabitable for winter—propane furnace plus a wood stove, digging the water line deeper and wrapping with heat tape are what my friend, who’s a plumber and lives in the Adirondacks, has suggested. The kitchen and bath need a remodeling.

My brother thinks it’s too isolated for a woman alone. He’s always been a worrier. The island we’re on also houses ICE and Customs & Border Patrol so it’s not that isolated. There are many year round residences here.

I look regularly on Zillow to see what’s available on the mainland and there’s not much. Most places are either large multistory farmhouses or manufactured homes with both types needing way too much work at my age. Ten years ago I might have been able to handle a good deal of the work myself, but now I don’t have the desire to do it. I may wind up buying acreage and building. I can live beyond comfortable in about 900 square feet. I currently live in about 500 sq ft.

I’m sure I’ll figure it out when my path leads me closer to that bridge.
i want video when you tell him !...lol

i cant wait to see what all you produce on them looms.
The fowl sale was hopping. Little granddaughter and I took the Challenger to go see what was what, but ended up coming back home and grabbing the pickup truck. Fowl of all kind today, as well as pigs and goats. I bid on 30 guinea keets and the cage they were in and got them all. They are white, light brown, and lavendar. $3.50 each, pretty good deal. Took awhile at home to split them up in three tubs, food and water. Pup wanted to supervise, and got way too excited. They are in the milkhouse now, and the older guinea flock could hear them and came to see the excitement. So another few months, maybe by October, they'll be ready to free range and get settled before the weather turns.
Friday July 26th --- 9 pm

I did not stop much today
Changed all cat litters
Dane and cats are all fed / they all are very quiet now

I ate some chicken leftover with coleslaw
Now I sip a Vodka and Pepsi
My body aches
Did mow for 2 hours
Will soak in body wash warm bath + Epsom salt

After all its FRIDAY

Rest in Peace 1952-2024 / 71 years old
*Pino D'Angiò passed July 6th 2024*
My mother did like that singer :)

Took my shower so’s I stink purdy 😉. Looked out the window and saw a pair of quail in the yard 😍. They are in the area but I’ve not seen them here since moving in. I don’t use “chemicals” and each year there are more hummingbirds, deer 🥴 and critters in general. I like quail. Up the river we had a flock that roosted in our trees.
Happiness is when a certain some one walks into the room.
Or you walk into a room and he has a big ole grin on his face, just because you walked into the room.
Happiness is having a man's shaving kit in your bathroom.
Where there wasn't one before.
Happiness is when you go outside your comfort zone to enjoy life with someone special.
Happiness is when people think you're home doing mundane things.
But actually you're on the back of a motorcycle or in a pick up truck headed towards Springfield Mo, or Branson Mo.
Happiness is when your special person makes you coffee and you drink it just because he made it for you.
(Then when he leaves for work, you make real coffee), he doesn't drink coffee.
Happiness is your someone special makes you feel like a lady.
Instead of one of the guys as I have been treated like in the past.
And he isn't Military either.
That's a first for me ever.
And for those who don't know I have major trust issues.
Been burnt badly in the past.
And I never thought I would find happiness again.
Happiness is when a certain some one walks into the room.
Or you walk into a room and he has a big ole grin on his face, just because you walked into the room.
Happiness is having a man's shaving kit in your bathroom.
Where there wasn't one before.
Happiness is when you go outside your comfort zone to enjoy life with someone special.
Happiness is when people think you're home doing mundane things.
But actually you're on the back of a motorcycle or in a pick up truck headed towards Springfield Mo, or Branson Mo.
Happiness is when your special person makes you coffee and you drink it just because he made it for you.
(Then when he leaves for work, you make real coffee), he doesn't drink coffee.
Happiness is your someone special makes you feel like a lady.
Instead of one of the guys as I have been treated like in the past.
And he isn't Military either.
That's a first for me ever.
And for those who don't know I have major trust issues.
Been burnt badly in the past.
And I never thought I would find happiness again.
WOW!!💗😉 Happy for you!!
Happiness is when a certain some one walks into the room.
Or you walk into a room and he has a big ole grin on his face, just because you walked into the room.
Happiness is having a man's shaving kit in your bathroom.
Where there wasn't one before.
Happiness is when you go outside your comfort zone to enjoy life with someone special.
Happiness is when people think you're home doing mundane things.
But actually you're on the back of a motorcycle or in a pick up truck headed towards Springfield Mo, or Branson Mo.
Happiness is when your special person makes you coffee and you drink it just because he made it for you.
(Then when he leaves for work, you make real coffee), he doesn't drink coffee.
Happiness is your someone special makes you feel like a lady.
Instead of one of the guys as I have been treated like in the past.
And he isn't Military either.
That's a first for me ever.
And for those who don't know I have major trust issues.
Been burnt badly in the past.
And I never thought I would find happiness again.

Time for a "The Man" thread?

Congrats on finding some joy. Sorry he isn't military. :cool:
There's a new fire just to the north of us now. It was only 1500 acres last night but it's growing fast. There's a handful of people that live up there and they had to evacuate. The fire to the southwest of here is around 400,000+ acres and growing. I don't think it'll jump the river. The smoke is really bad. It burns the eyes and makes it hard to breath. There's no rain is sight, just hot dry weather and more dry lightning by Tuesday.
Took my shower so’s I stink purdy 😉. Looked out the window and saw a pair of quail in the yard 😍. They are in the area but I’ve not seen them here since moving in. I don’t use “chemicals” and each year there are more hummingbirds, deer 🥴 and critters in general. I like quail. Up the river we had a flock that roosted in our trees.
hey @Pearl look what shes doing now...watching quail while naked ! and freshly showered...like i said...scandalous in ya other thread.... naked bird watching is a thing it seems !

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