What's everybody doing today?

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I hope you get feeling much better soon, Bacpacker.

This is technically for yesterday since its after midnight. I took out trash, fed kitties, fed doggies, dispensed canned food as well as dry food. I miss the 13oz cans. Boo spent the night cuddling with my brother and it improved his mood and appetite. He was ravenous. Mewlatto didn't finish his food so Boo got his leftovers. I went to Walmart for some groceries and pet supplies. Got some stuff to get mats/tangles out of cat fur. Stopped at my friend's house to visit and his orange cat (named Orange Kitty) was on the porch with 4 kittens. I saw a tortie and picked her up. Took her in to see my friend. He came out from the back and I mentioned the kitten. He said he hoped there was a tortie. I showed her to him and he was ecstatic. He held her and his daughter wanted to pet her. Went back outside and showed him where the other kittens were. Got some chicken meat put out for Orange Kitty to eat. Friend cut a hole in a sterilite container and put blankets inside to make a bed for the kitties. Lulu (nickname for his wife) sat down and petted the kittens and kitties. Friend's daughter was making sure the 4-yr-old was not pulling kittens off of the mother and also told him to be gentle and showed him how to pet the kittens carefully. She's a good big sister to him. My brother picked her up for a little bit-- she used to always want to climb on him and be picked up by him when she was little so she was happy. Very sweet kid. After he set her down she was play-fighting with our friend and he pretended like he was hitting her. 4-yr-old ran over and punched him in the crotch. Well, it was more of a downward strike with a fist raised in the air right in the crotch.

His ex's niblings came over to tell him that his ex is now in jail. She was charged with 2nd degree cruelty to juveniles (plural). Her boyfriend wasn't arrested so he either wasn't charged or he's hiding. I looked it up and that charge can carry up to 40yrs in prison depending on what was done. She doesn't have a chance in hell at this point. Doesn't matter if she did it or not, she won't get a fair trial in this area. A part of me hopes she didn't do it, but then she'd go to prison for something she didn't do. Another part hopes they have the right person and that the kids will be safe with her locked up.

Went back home and cooked for Mom. Woke up because of my bladder and am trying to get myself back to sleep.
got our hay but I had to drive both ways , husband forgot his wallet at home including license...he is getting more and more scatterbrained when it comes to remembering stuff like that. It's weird too, he can remember perfectly well how to play a board game, or calculus but he can't remember to take his wallet or close doors

Hay is put up, it's nice hay but the drive caused me stress, 10000 lbs towing it up and down mountains with our old truck...I was doing 40 or less the whole way and a few times cars actually honked behind us. This whole area has a lot of farming and that includes getting hay trailers, tractors and other farm stuff in front of you sometimes , deal with it!

Today we are supposed to get a small load (trailer full, not dump truck full we usually get) of wood. It's overpriced most likely but we need at least some wood. We have trees down in the woods but afraid to go get them with the crappy Ranger. We'll see what we get.

Finally hiked up to the spring with Otto yesterday too , and looked at the waterline repair. It looks ok for now, but the pipe is very rusted ( but the section attached to the new plastic pipe is not rusted through yet

Today I am also going to make dough for the market, which I will have to mostly do by myself since husband has to go get a ram lamb for breeding our sheep. Auction truck is going , and we are getting one from someone sending some sheep at that location since it is closer. The lady we usually get it from has no good ones this year.

Oh, I need to go buy flour for baking first....my gosh, I need more hours in the day!!
my gosh, I need more hours in the day!!
Me too!

Yesterday, after walking, I was in town half the day doing small errands and a little shopping. I took my friend to her eye doc appt and dropped her off, then did most of my erands.

Today, I will do a walking video as it is supposed to rain all day and is doing so now.
Walk dogs if there is a time with no rain.
Make out a few Christmas cards.
Maybe put out my Fall silk flowers to decorate porch.
Fertilize my little surinam cherry bushes.
Moving pretty slow today, can see pup ripped up his dog bed in his kennel last night. Ugh.
Animal chores/garden/husband ready for his day. First infusion done. Probably go check our PO Box in our town late morning, it's been awhile. Will be going to the bigger town to fill a cart at Aldi. More IV antibiotics being delivered at some point, and I'm still figuring out his infusion schedule. What day is it? Ha Ha.
Moving pretty slow today, can see pup ripped up his dog bed in his kennel last night. Ugh.
Animal chores/garden/husband ready for his day. First infusion done. Probably go check our PO Box in our town late morning, it's been awhile. Will be going to the bigger town to fill a cart at Aldi. More IV antibiotics being delivered at some point, and I'm still figuring out his infusion schedule. What day is it? Ha Ha.
Prayers for the two of you Amish, I hope he has better veins than I do.
Working..went out to the garden for a minute to grab a tomato for lunch and I’m still coughing from the smoke. My office is busy today with my oldest doing telework since his office is smack in the middle of multiple fires causing random power outages, most of the forest is closed making trail work impossible, and the smoke is terrible. He has informed me that telework sucks when your job is working on trails outside. We have a batch of homemade ketchup cooking in the slow cooker and the dehydrators are humming away drying out fruit leather. Hoping the smoke will blow out before the end of the work day so I can attend the younger boys flag football game tonight.
Had to get a new phone. The old one started having green flashes on the screen and would crash randomly. I've been dinking around getting my passwords for the various sites I use, for a half an hour.

Not sure what this afternoon holds. I'll do some cleaning for sure. I was going to go for a walk but my hamstrings and glutes are so sore from last night's workout, I think I'll hold off on that. I might just do nothing this evening. In fact, I might find so much nothing to do, that I'll have to finish doing nothing tomorrow!;)
Went out for a date, had fun, went back to the apt, had more fun, woke up, went to the fitness center, went for a swim, got cleaned up, drove all the way back to the compound, met with a guy and sold my mowers, started working on reducing clutter, got a face-time call from the lady, cleaned out my good smoker and the Weber Performer Deluxe, looked at my new purple and flowery bedroom set, let out a sigh, and now in a couple hours I have to drive back to the city to escort her to a meeting with her ex. It's been a pretty full day considering. Tonight could be interesting.
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That might explain why I get the squirts after eating there.

@Bacpacker is the laurel starting to turn yet? As dry as it has been I hope it does not go straight to brown quickly.

Man that is one of the times I miss those hills really bad.

Just being up on one of the ridges and looking miles out over the tree tops and that mist in the setting sun. Bring tears to your eyes it is so beautiful.

Some of GODS most impressive art.
Not sure about the laurel, but lots of my trees are just dropping leaves with not much color change. As dry as its been i dont expect a great year for color. Probly get a heavy rain and knock them all off at once. Saw that several times.

Since I'm off work right now, I was hopeful for a awesome year for colors so I'd have time to check them out