What's everybody doing today?

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Errands in the bigger town today probably sometime after lunch. Little granddaughter wants to go to the bath and body shop for some special day promotion about Stranger Things, don't know what that's about, but will find out. Then on to Atwoods for a truck bed load of feed. Also looking for a new incubator and a new shovel.
I'm sitting on my butt longer than usual, too, enjoying coffee. Waiting for the Aleve to sink in. Watching the pup bump into everything with the stupid cone on his head. Finished husband's morning infusion. Only two more days of it, then I can get some sleep. It'll be four weeks this time. Knowing me, I'll still keep waking up at infusion time since it's now a habit.
I'm sitting on my butt longer than usual, too, enjoying coffee. Waiting for the Aleve to sink in. Watching the pup bump into everything with the stupid cone on his head. Finished husband's morning infusion. Only two more days of it, then I can get some sleep. It'll be four weeks this time. Knowing me, I'll still keep waking up at infusion time since it's now a habit.
Bear could scoop up dirt in his cone and toss it at me! I was SO glad when that thing was off!!
I've been way too busy! Mostly getting things ready for DH when I'm gone to IL. Had the stock up day Wednesday, don't remember what Thursday and doc appts. on Friday as well as work at cafe.

dress up and retake our vows across an altar.
Happy anniversary to you both and to @LadyLocust , also!
Finished husband's morning infusion.
First place we went yesterday was to hospital lab to turn in sputum sample for DH. Last time he went on IV antibiotics, it was 8 months in between times. This time it has only been 4 months. When I get home, he has a doc appt. scheduled so we can get him started again, hopefully. I have a friend who is an rn and paramedic (my friend in the military). She will pop in and check on him a few times. I'm a little hesitant to go, but he says I need a break from him. LOL

Couldn't sleep last night so will walk later after walking dogs.
Will finish my sheep ornaments today. Right now they are on the dresser upside down to let glue dry and they look like a flock of sheep that died toes up. Hah. I will post a photo later.
Otherwise making dinner and taking it a little easy.
Last night a friend told me that putting Vick's on my ribs would help a lot and it sure did!
See you all later!
Going to finish putting the heat shield up behind the wood stove in the fur shed. Then I need to climb on the roof, clean the chimney and put the brace on the stove pipe. Since there's no snow on the roof I probably won't fall off this time. Next project is to work on the roof over the deck on the main chicken coop. And tomorrow will be a run to the dump.
Just put the brisket in the electric smoker. This thing uses a lot of electric. I'd much rather use the new smoke house, but it's so dry I don't feel safe starting a fire in it until we get some moisture. I made a simple dry rub for the brisket of salt, pepper, smoked paprika, onion powder, garlic powder and brown sugar. I put a tray of beer and blackberry pulp under the meat.
Husband gets that way and it makes me sad. Sometimes it's the steriods talking, sometimes not. Hang in there. What antibiotic this time? He's doing a new to him one this time: Ceftazidime. Used to be the M one and zosin would work. Using the tobramycine in the neb, but I think it's spazzing his lung.
We just turned the sputum sample in yesterday. I hope they can figure it out by the time I get back from IL.
Just got my new laptop back.

Changing passwords, downloading the op system update, downloading MS Office, copying sensitive files from a thumbdrive to the laptop, moving things back to where they used to be.

What a pain in the butt!

Then I have to erase the hard drive on my old laptop, once I'm convinced everything is good.
Fed kitties, cleaned the hallway (kitties keep missing the litterboxes or going directly next to them), emptied kitchen trash, changed Mom's cartridge, canula, and tubing for insulin pump. Cooked for Mom. Went to Walmart briefly and then back home to put away groceries.

Yesterday I was exhausted. Day before there was some drama. I went to meet with my friend but he wasn't home yet and took way longer than expected. Neighbor kid kept coming over wanting to steal a kitten and I blocked him. He waited until we left to run up on the porch and steal one (caught on friend's security camera while friend was yelling at the kid through the intercom feature to leave the kittens alone and get off his porch). Kid looked up at the camera, snatched a kitten and ran with the mama cat on his tail. We were in the Walmart parking lot so I turned around and headed straight back to his house while he called his wife to tell her what happened. She got over there first and got the kitten back. Kid had already been told "No" multiple times about taking a kitten and had been told he wasn't allowed to be in friend's yard. The grandparents who have custody of the kids were informed and told to keep the brat out of friend's yard.

Snugglebum, Aminatu, Boo, and Bethesda have all figured out how to go out the cat door now. But they don't know how to come back in through it. Snugglebum and Boo *might* have figured it out, but I'm not sure. I think Fippy figured out how to go out it but not back in.

Rupert is doing better and went from not being able to lift his head, barely being able to stand, stumbling around, and now to half-running to chase after me. He's much more vocal to let me know he's there. He spends the nights curled up with me.

I need to clean up the bottle pit in the front room. It's like a ball pit and I fell into it once and it was kinda fun, but it isn't healthy to have that much trash. I have repeatedly brought Mom trash bags to put the bottles in but she forgets and throws them across the room. It's starting to overflow in front of the couch.

Got hay and sweet feed for the cows yesterday. Gave them the hay yesterday and sweet feed today.
Got back to the hotel around 0600 this morning. I think I was asleep before I walked through the door. Woke up wide awake at 1130. They gave us the day off. I went and got a roast beef sandwich and I've just been chilling at the hotel since then. Tomorrow will be really wonky at work because we will be 2 men short out of 6. I don't think we will get much done and I'm kind of OK with it...
Just about every night we have a fox that comes up on the front porch to check out the dog dish. Sometimes the dog leaves some food and the fox will clean it up. The fox will nap on the porch too. This morning when I went out to feed the dog there was a pile of fox poop next to the dog food container. I heard him trying to get in to the dog food last night but he couldn't get the lid open. I guess he got mad and left me a little present.
We spent a couple hours today looking for the 2 pairs of shoes that dang dog ran off with. We covered probably another 20 acres again today looking for them shoes.
The brisket is coming along nicely. Got probably another 4 or 5 hours left in the smoker. I'm using hickory this time, smells good.
it took an enormous amount of effort and persistence but we made it to the festival this morning and did well, sold almost all the goat we took and a ton of lamb also. BUt we got up at 4.30 am to take care of the animals in the dark with headlamps, they had to get out of the dirty stinky barn. We drove down the road with 2 foot groves washed out, and took 2 vehicles just in case the Traverse got stuck we took the truck also. But made it! Not all the vendors and displays were there but tons of people showed up. Almost everyone outside the major downtown areas has no power. Husband went to fill up our propane tanks ( not storm related we just needed them filled) and looked for a backup generator, none to be found at any cost. So far our other one ( REALLY old bought it in Florida like 20 years ago but still works) sitll works, it's running now.
But power now is not supposed to be fixed until " estimated at 11 PM Oct 1" , yeah whatever, half the southeast is out of power

Our county road out of our area was shocking. LOTS of trees down and it looked like they were all over the road ( debris and cut up trees on the side) .

So now I am having a large glass of wine, husband and son also. Son worked hard today while we were gone trying to fix some of the road with the scraper on the tractor and took care of the animals. He has a EIT ( engineering) exam coming up on the 3rd. I hope this isn't messing him up.

Ok will catch up later , going to bed early today
The railroad is giving me a present for my birthday - a big derailment to work on in Elm Creek, Nebraska. We're headed out there now and I'm guessing we will see the sun rise before we're done. So I'll be getting overtime, probably double time before it's over, and Uncle Sam will be getting a present too when he gets his cut...
Happy Belated Birthday Spikedriver.

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