What's everybody doing today?

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Saturday September 28th 2024
Almost 8.00 pm
I think my body needs a very warm/hot Epsom salt bath
It will be !
I will soak watching a political video

Dog and cats are happy they now almost all 😴
Me = I am tired
Was a nice day today though
I washed cats and Dane Girl floors

Right now 49f
Next 2 days will be sun but cool ☺️

Wish you a good Saturday evening
Sleep well too whenever 👍

My Irishman has been "cooking" last night.
We had pizza, he had a beer, I had a coke.(Pizza Hut pizza)
My Irishman has my car and motorcycle keys.
And he has put his foot down " I'm not getting them back until a week from Monday(tomorrow)".
Maybe if I behave between now and then, I will get them back then.
My sons just laugh at both of us and so does his mother.
They are wisely not getting in the middle.
My Irishman took me to a lake today just to get out of the house for a while.
He held me while I cried out at the lake.
I am very glad that he's here.
Otherwise I would be dealing with this alone.
His mother thinks we balance each other out.
I guess that's good.
I have to go to the bank tomorrow.
Get all my ribbons and stuff to wear on my Class A uniform out of the Safety Deposit Box.
Her family asked the 6 to be her pall bears at her private family service on Wednesday afternoon.
All of the 6's menfolk(husbands and my Irishman) will be backup in case it's too much.
That will also be a rough, hard day.
Then Thursday afternoon about 1300 hours, the 6 and our menfolk along with the rest of the unit will meet at the Company's flag pole for our Unit's military tradition of a bourbon and stogie as a send off. While the Jewelry engraver engraves her name,BOB and DOD on the flag pole.
My Irishman goes home the following Wednesday.
Good to see you back Mo

Fiddled around the house this morning, watched a little football. Then ran some errands. Got back home and unloaded the truck. Fed and watered our birds, then sat out and had me a nice stoogie. Gonna watch Bama and Ga tonight. Probly catch a little of the Braves and Royals play baseball as well.
Friends dropped off the beef calf this morning. Checked on him several times, getting him used to coming when I call.

Did some more bush hogging this afternoon. The hard stuff, around the edges, spent as much time in reverse as going forward. Got the bull pen cleaned up enough to turn the calf out on grass for a couple hours before dark. Wasn't happy with the way i'd left it the other day. Then moved on to the pasture by the highway for more work.

You know that sound a fire extinguisher makes when you run over it with a bush hog? Well, I do now. A fence was over grown with vines and brush. I was busy trying to stay in the tractor seat without getting knocked off. Missed the extinguisher getting knocked off it’s mounting. And… ran over it, a big poof of white powder.

Kept working but didn’t finish that pasture. Later I picked up a wad of barbwire, got tangled in the blades. Couldn’t get it out without tools. It was late so I called it quits. Problem for another day.

Had supper, watching a ball game on tv.

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