What's everybody doing today?

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Spent the afternoon running the bush hog. Started down in the bottoms, just the upper pasture, barely 25yds wide, maybe 150yrds long. 3 year round springs form a small creek. It was a mess, hadn’t been bush hogged in a couple years, saplings 10-12ft tall. Got it done but scratched my eye, not bad but enough to be annoying. A vine caught on the hay spike then broke. It flew back and hit me in the face.

Then I bush hogged around the main pasture, 25 acres. Just around the edges. Temps in the 70’s, a nice way to spend an afternoon.

The bottoms, before then after… then the road out...

it's cold! Had the wood stove on this morning for the first time since spring. But it's only October. At this rate we will be needing more wood before winter even starts
The good thing is warm shower today and I don't need to heat it in a pot first
Animals are all in the barn, it rained on and off today plus freezing tonight and they don't have winter fur yet, so in they went
We didn't go anywhere but the truck is loaded for the dump. Husband is borderline horder LOL, he wants to keep so much old useless stuff like old records from the 60s that belonged to his parents ( and we have no way of playing) , a box of old tests from college , a box of old phones and misc electrical crap that no longer works and so on
We did agree to toss a freezer than no longer works and 2 old mattresses
Got my sweet taters dug. That was mostly a crop failure. I never got my soaker hoses on them this year, was feeling too bad. Drought took its toll. There was some left over purple taters in there, got several nice taters from those. Also got several Yukon Golds that were missed when we dug those. Small plants but the taters were good sized.
Sorted out all my stored taters and onions. The yellow onions are doing well well, but the red onions are done. Threw the rest of those out. My taters are holding up good too.
Figured out real quick I'm not back to normal yet. Had to stop and take 4 breaks while fiddling around today.
Already Tuesday October 15th 2024

My day was full

Starting for Cats and Dane Girl care before I left home
I was back home at 4 pm and had to unload the car

I still have 5 x almost 50 lbs of cat litter in the car
I will unload tomorrow..not supposed to rain

More wood to stack later this week
*not supposed to rain for few days

Ate again some leftovers /tuski LOL
Now sipping a Vodka Pepsi
I wish to sleep soon ..hopefully now its 8.24 pm

I did start fire in woodstove
Sleep well

Surprised you don't process them yourself, Mt Trapper. It's not hard.
Busy afternoon....pharmacy, lab drop off, Dollar Tree loaded cart, and then picked up a freezer at Home Depot. Got home, little granddaugher and I unloaded it in the garage by the house. The downed freezer was in the milkhouse, so we wagoned all the frozen meat to the new freezer. That took awhile, but I got things organized while I was at it. Next door farm neighbor Marlon came by to check husband's Wrangler scooter tires, husband thought one was flat. He filled all of them up, and will check them again tomorrow.
Well I guess this is as good a place to post a heya if any!
Been off social media and such for a bit, have been working away at the homestead -- finally got the permits for the house, quonset hut is done, chicken coop up and garden drawn out. This has been a much slower process than I thought.
My son joined the Navy and is away at boot camp just north of Chicago.
Been working like crazy, getting some medical articles published and some chapters in some book done.
But for today, I made flat bread pizza, my daughter is coming over, as well as some neighbors in our little townhouse complex and we are going to watch the football game tonight!
Hope everyone has a great night.
Nice to see you Doctor Jenner.
Talked to my Irishman this morning.
Seem some little person shared her head cold with me.
We had a Granny's Sleepover on Saturday evening.
My little cooking buddy learned how to make dumplings.
So we made chicken and dumplings.
She learned how to make chicken salad.
Those recipes are going in Granny's Favorite recipes cookbooks.
Puttering today.
going to the dump today, truck is full to the top and we didn't get rid of all I wanted to take, will be another load. I am giving all my old work clothes ( office clothes) to the Goodwill, kept them at first in case I had to get another job, but now after 8 years not likely so they are going since I have no place to wear them
We were talking about getting rid of our ski equipment. We have had it for probably 15 years , so they are practically antiques and I am not going to sell them to anyone. They need knew bindings and the skies have had bindings replaced too many times to do it again ( they drill holes) , plus I can still ski down our road LOL, so we kept them.

Also going to feed store to pick up feed, need to call to make sure they have some, probably lot of people buying it now for the cold weather
Little granddaughter started in with a cough, but not too serious. Weather change and the fact that she's at school. Healthier when she's at home in the summertime.
Filling a cart at Aldi this afternoon. Getting some bread made.
Hope granddaughter feels better soon!

I made bread yesterday and was also cooking phad thai at the same time and screwed up the bread, it looks perfect, but...hahaha, forgot to put salt in. It tastes very bland. But we'll eat it anyway
Husband's been on a nine grain bread kick lately. Wheat flour, some white bread flour, and a half cup of chunked split nine grain. Some honey for the sweetner
It makes a dense heavier bread, but he likes it toasted.
Yesterday the old toaster bit the dust, as well as the freezer. Things break in threes around here alot of the time. Wonder what's next.
Husband's been on a nine grain bread kick lately. Wheat flour, some white bread flour, and a half cup of chunked split nine grain. Some honey for the sweetner
It makes a dense heavier bread, but he likes it toasted.
Yesterday the old toaster bit the dust, as well as the freezer. Things break in threes around here alot of the time. Wonder what's next.
bread sounds good!

Sorry about your appliances. We have one freezer that is broke and going to the dump today.
Well, husband ordered a new toaster, so that's covered. And new freezer is in the garage next to the house, so that actually is easier with winter coming. We do small freezers now so that if one goes out, it's not as big a deal. This new one is filled with frozen eggs and chicken and 20 lbs of butter. So I got a bit more organized, all four small freezers in the same building.
Thinking of keeping the dead one in one of the barns for extra feed. We'll see.
Well, husband ordered a new toaster, so that's covered. And new freezer is in the garage next to the house, so that actually is easier with winter coming. We do small freezers now so that if one goes out, it's not as big a deal. This new one is filled with frozen eggs and chicken and 20 lbs of butter. So I got a bit more organized, all four small freezers in the same building.
Thinking of keeping the dead one in one of the barns for extra feed. We'll see.
Old freezers make great critter proof storage!!
I am giving all my old work clothes ( office clothes) to the Goodwill, kept them at first in case I had to get another job, but now after 8 years not likely so they are going since I have no place to wear them
It they are desperate enough to try to get me back, they can expect a HUGE portal to portal hourly rate and sweatpants and a t-shirt.
Freezing eggs....when I get dozens a day, but not in the winter, that's why I do it.
I put a qt sized baggie in a coffee cup, break 3 eggs in the baggie, whisk, seal it. Do that alot of times with baggies, then put in a gallon freezer baggie, mark it 3 eggs, throw in a freezer. When you need eggs, just take a baggie out, thaw it, use it for baking or scrambled eggs. I've done some with 6 eggs, too. Depends what you use it for. My sis doesn't have chickens, but did a bunch early summer when eggs were cheaper so she would have them now.
you have your chickens processed? How much do they charge for a chicken ? We do ours ourselves
That's our goal too, when we buy the processing equipment, mainly the plucker and scalder. I don't know what the cost of processing is, I'll check. It's about a 6 hour round trip. We dropped them off this morning and have to pick them up tomorrow.
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Surprised you don't process them yourself, Mt Trapper. It's not hard.
Busy afternoon....pharmacy, lab drop off, Dollar Tree loaded cart, and then picked up a freezer at Home Depot. Got home, little granddaugher and I unloaded it in the garage by the house. The downed freezer was in the milkhouse, so we wagoned all the frozen meat to the new freezer. That took awhile, but I got things organized while I was at it. Next door farm neighbor Marlon came by to check husband's Wrangler scooter tires, husband thought one was flat. He filled all of them up, and will check them again tomorrow.
I used to process our own chickens when I was much younger, but now I need to buy a scalder and a drum plucker. With this equipment it will making raising our own meat chickens economically feasible.
I don't scald or use a plucker, but lots of times I skin them, especially meat chickens, because I think sometimes their skin is gross. I do about 3 an hr by myself from catch, kill, to done. I guess if you have those other things, you could be faster. But it wouldn't be financially feasible if I paid someone to do it. I can get a dz done in an afternoon by myself...more if my neighbor friend comes and helps. Turkeys take me a bit longer, one an hr.

Hooray for the midline finally, Snappy! Now the work begins. Hope he feels better quickly.

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