What's everybody doing today?

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Got up, worked out, cleaned up, went to work, ran a couple errands, ate a sample cupcake provided by a woman who wants me to buy cupcakes from her, took Charlene in for a check up and some new fluids/filters, came home, saw mega-Karen parking her Prius, rumbled my exhaust pipes for a while to offset her lack of carbon emissions, had her shoot me the stink eye, flashed her the two-hand heart sign, went inside, started cooking dinner, turned on some 80's yacht rock, grabbed my laptop and made the internet a better place with my insights and observations.
Two handed heart sign. Ha Ha.
Got up, worked out, cleaned up, went to work, ran a couple errands, ate a sample cupcake provided by a woman who wants me to buy cupcakes from her, took Charlene in for a check up and some new fluids/filters, came home, saw mega-Karen parking her Prius, rumbled my exhaust pipes for a while to offset her lack of carbon emissions, had her shoot me the stink eye, flashed her the two-hand heart sign, went inside, started cooking dinner, turned on some 80's yacht rock, grabbed my laptop and made the internet a better place with my insights and observations.
Waiting for little granddaughter to get home from the bus. Have husband's overnight stuff packed and ready to go. Taking him down to the hospital. He's hoping they don't make him stay, but I bet they do.
My favorite cousin's son in law came by to check on husband. He had taken the tractor into the bigger town...that would take hours. Said he came by a milk separator with a small motor, and has been using it to separate cream for sale, and it's gone kaput. The engine place in the bigger town said it was older than the hills, and they can't get the part. The 2 yr old neighbor boy Jarrod was telling me hashboom and sticking out his hip and pointing to it. Didn't know that in Penn Deitch, so his mom was saying he was all excited his dad shot a deer on their property and he saw it hanging in the outbuilding. Hash meaning deer. Boom meaning it was shot. And it was shot in the hip. He cracks me up.
So, I got home from the shop today. City's working on the road and has it blocked off, nice to have some advanced notice... On the way home I got road raged by an ahole in a Ram sitting half a car length behind my $65,000 truck. Apparently the 45 mph speed limit in the slow lane wasn't fast enough for him. So I slowed down further. I just keep slowing until they go around. Of course that made him angrier, I guess I should have gone in the ditch for him. Anyway, he gunned it around me, of course cutting in close enough I laid on the horn and gave him a salute. He nearly lost control and hit the curb. LOL

I try not to reciprocate the road rage but sometimes I fail. I've considered mounting a tray full of caltrops under my bed for such occasions, but I drive the highway every day.

Anyway I get home a little bit ago. The doorbell at the gate goes off. I hate that, it's always either a solar salesman or the Jehova's Witness ladies. So I put my hat on and amble out to the gate. It's my neighbor with warm banana bread. My favorite. Yum-yum! The day is getting better. :D
Did as little as possible, still a month behind on rest. Cleaned up the kitchen, did dishes this morning. Went to the Ag store this afternoon and picked up the new Hotstick, priced some posts while there, have a gate I want to rebuild this winter. Fed and watered the calf when I got home. As expected he gave me ample reason to try out the new hotstick. It works!

Gonna make a catfish po'boy for supper then watch tv.
Finally got out of the house. Drove wife to her Dr. Appt, then to Kroger.

Bought far more than was on the shopping list ... becoming more and more common!

Came home and put everything away, then relaxed for half and hour.

Decided to cut up the meat for the next batch of pup food. 7 lbs of meat, cut into small pieces. Will cook it all tomorrow, with all the other ingredients.

God will provide.

I was clearing a garden box I left fallow this year. Found fingerling potatoes and...

I have been disappointed my attempts to clone elder for the back field. We want to alternate elderberry and black berries in the hedge line.

Well I found 5 young elders growing in the box I was cleaning up. I may have failed at cloning God grew elderberries for me.
Thank God!

More phone calls this morning. Then started working on our front porch again. I had replaced quite a bit of the frame work before my heart attack. Was feeling so bad I had put a single screw in the decking to keep them from moving. Just now getting back to finishing it up. Got about 1/3 of the decking finished off. Butt is dragging tonight. Getting up and down from my knees over and over is the most I've done since I got home
Goofy sort of day. Work laptop pulled all sorts of shenanigans but finally got it to behave. Felt pretty awake and got a lot done before I had to run up to the post office. Noticed someone in a white van messing with my mailbox late Saturday afternoon and was concerned, but they say it was legit. Seems they're incredibly short of help so had helpers from out of the area trying to catch up on deliveries. When I got back I had trouble trying to stay awake and do some more spreadsheets. Where did my energy go so fast?
Went out after work and put up two of those pop-up deer blinds. I'm determined to get that doggone buck that has been systematically destroying my orchard. I spent Saturday trying to rescue some trees and add more protection for them.
Sunday was church and then helping a friend with yard chores. "Have chainsaw, will travel."
I will be so glad when the election is over and I don't have to deal with anymore political ads! Ugh! My tv, my mailbox, my emails, my phone, it's relentless, coarse, and disgusting.
Very cool about the elders, Neb.
Backpacker take it slow, don't try to do too much! We don't want you to run into trouble again.
Amish I sure hope your husband gets to feeling better and doesn't have to stay in the hospital!
Patch, where ya going? Anywhere fun?
Looked at too much news and news sources this morning which precipitated a trip to the box store for food and harbor freight for fix it items and some more headlamps..

Talked to several people in person and everyone of them feels something wicked this way comes....I generally fall back on more food and water stored as well as the myriad of other bits.

Got home and did some cleaning and emptied the garbage after ripping up two rotisserie chickens and chopping up a head of cabbage and starting them in the freeze dryer.

Early to bed tonight and tomorrow I have to stay home and get stuff done.
Ha! He never sleeps, but I will. He got a weird idea to sleep in the bedroom recliner tonight, but ended up deciding not to. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is. Moving all the med equipment across the room is a pain in the butt. And our bed is a hospital bed with the remote control gadget anyway, so I don't see the point really. And he would change his mind mid night, so I'd have to move it back. So luckily he decided nope. Although the bathroom is closer to the recliner, but he is now using the walker better than he was this morning. That was iffy.
Got up early-ish to try to troubleshoot the AC. It still won't cool. No cold air comes through the pipe. I know the fan on the outside unit is running but it takes almost 10minutes to come on after I switch to cool or Auto from off mode. It didn't used to take that long to kick on.

Cleaned up the hallway, did dishes, took out trash, cleaned litterboxes, changed Mom's insulin cannula, trimmed her toenails, fed kitties, and cooked tortellini. Two of mom's middle toes on her left foot had this weird thing where the toenails had wrapped around the toe and were starting to grow in to the underside/embed into the skin. I don't know how they got like that. I had to pry them out of the skin and cut them off. Fortunately it didn't hurt her. I guess she needs to see the podiatrist more often and get her toenails taken care of professionally. She's got fungus on some of them that makes them grow all funky. The right big toe needs a dremel tool to file it down.

Wanted to paint today but it was too hot and I was overheated after trash and litterbox duty. Ran out of litter so I'll have to get more tomorrow.
Seems for some reason I am extra tired tonight.
Irishman fixed dinner and I am full.
Seems like I like my Irishman's belt to hold my jeans up.
He was searching for something for a bout an hour before he asked me if I had seen his belt.
Why certainly I have seen it, I had to take it off and give it back to him.
Then he asked me If I had seen any of his t-shirts.
He was missing several, I sleep in those when he isn't here, so I don't miss him so much.
His clothes are back in his dresser drawers.
He said he would leave clothes here for me when he leaves in a few weeks.
In the mean time he needs them so he is properly clothed.
Good night all
Good morning! So, so busy. I like the slow days.
Woke up at 3:30 this morning and laid there for an hour or more before getting up.
Yesterday, had my teeth cleaned and no cavities. Yay! Made a salisbury steak casserole (very good) and did laundry.

This morning will do walking video and then take DH to town to VA clinic semi-annual appt.
Then to Verizon to switch info from old phone to new.
Nothing planned for later.

I have my 12th great nephew born this morning
Congratulations! I'm glad they are doing well!
husband is stable and home.
That is a blessing! I hope he recovers without the hospital!
went to the dump yesterday and oh my...we lost some boxes on the way , on the 4 lane highway and had to back up to get them....but made it eventually, glad there was not much traffic. Some nice guy pulled over and helped us pick up the boxes. That would never happen in a city

did some shopping mostly for animals stuff at the farm store

got back too late to do the solar panels so that will happen today.
Ha! He never sleeps, but I will. He got a weird idea to sleep in the bedroom recliner tonight, but ended up deciding not to. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is. Moving all the med equipment across the room is a pain in the butt. And our bed is a hospital bed with the remote control gadget anyway, so I don't see the point really. And he would change his mind mid night, so I'd have to move it back. So luckily he decided nope. Although the bathroom is closer to the recliner, but he is now using the walker better than he was this morning. That was iffy.
I don't know how YOU get any sleep with all that....I would not be able to at all
Hope your husband feels better and you get some rest
Been sleep deprived all weekend, then last night I told him I was exhausted, and anything he needed or needed me to do had to be done by 10:30 since the alarm goes off at 6 am. He knows I'm not kidding around when I get to that point. So I slept pretty good last night.
We'll be in the bigger town to the docs today, and doing some xray comparisons from last month to this on his lungs. Need to get some cooking and cleaning done this afternoon. My favorite cousin and her daughter want a day here with me tomorrow to do some painting and have lunch and take out the tv trays to watch Wagon Train for lunch. That's a treat (the TV) if you're Old Order. Ha. But rain is forecasted tomorrow. Maybe we can paint the inside of the screen porch. So thinking of doing ham, scalloped potatoes, some fresh bread. Have the ham ready in the fridge, need to cook the other. Fresh spinach salad, maybe, too. I have lots of spinach ready to pick and buttercrunch lettuce.

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