Nothing planned for this afternoon so I Re-canned (steam canned) some fruit cocktail from a #10 can that was gifted to me.
My day sucked. Started with getting some things together for quick trip up north for closing the cabin. Dad forgot to tell me his Good Chop meat delivery was for a day we aren’t going to be here. Decided to come back upstairs and call to see if I could get it postponed. Apartment was cold. Hmmm. Went over to the basement and furnace not running. Call for service. Call and got delivery postponed until the end of November.
Furnace repair tech comes out and right off tells me he won’t be doing any repair work if there is water in the tank. We had a situation last year when either the delivery person didn’t replace the fill cap properly or the landscaper “knocked it with the lawnmower.” My money was on the delivery guy not paying attention and replacing the lid correctly. Had the water pumped out and just about a month ago, a friend of mine (hvac guy) stuck the tank and not a drop of water. No water just some air in the line. He bled it out and showed my how to reset it if this happens again.
Took dad to the cancer specialist for his mouth. Next step is ct scan when we get back to see how big the tumor is. He did mention that the pathology report stated it is well defined which is good.also said the oral surgeon did a great job of getting it cleanly. This means best case is small surgery to remove a bit more.
Prayers for you and your friend's family!! God bless that little 7 year old!! And praying for your dad and you Tommyice!!Looks like news for us tonight... I'm so sorry about you're dad.
And here I thought I was the only weirdo with a cheese fridge. Our son thinks it's so cool when he visits. We don't have a beer fridge, husband stopped drinking pretty much a few years back, except an occasional scotch. But we do have a mini drink fridge in our bedroom that he likes for his drinks: coco water, V8, prune juice, bottled water, and premium protein. So that's kinda like a beer fridge. On our porch is an electric ice chest that is always full of greens.Planted the garlic. Roasted a couple pumpkins and puréed it- going to dehydrate it. Have sourdough started so will bake it off tomorrow. Also, cleaned and unplugged chz fridge and will plug in freezer (already cleaned) in the morning before I go get beef. Put all the chz in the “beer fridge.”