What's everybody doing today?

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Visiting yall here and doing things around the house.
Took my old dog for a bike ride today and got some exercise but it was cold . She loves to run along side me on my bike on dirt roads and the beach. She is really old so i had to keep stopping for her to rest. She saw my bike and started begging. Other two saw us so had to take them for a ride too,only take one at a time, lot of exercise!
Checked greenhouse.
I made a list of things I wanted to get done this year. I didn't finish writing the list but I wrote out some goals that wouldn't take long to finish. The first was to 'correctly' pack up the Christmas decor so nothing gets damaged from moving or mis-handling of the storage tote. We officially completed this one today. It took some time to really get done because we wrapped the lights on cord reels then wrapped them in bubblewrap (we had a few strands where half the lights were broken from being slammed around.). I made sure all our ceramic ad breakable decor was wrapped and cushioned. At least we only have to do this once a year!

The next goal is to organize the closet and dresser. I went through the tote that is suppose to house my out of season clothes. I found things I haven't worn in years or are the wrong size and put them in a bag to donate. I then made 2 piles of the remaining clothes- one of things that I'll wear (but have no idea if they will fit) and the other of things I'll sell. Both will get washed (separately) then dealt with. Next will be the clothes hanging up on the bar and finally the dresser drawers. No deadline as I need to do this but would rather take my time than be rushed and angry.
I spent the morning at the range shooting 22 silhouette match and then the early afternoon with a neighbor helping to get his engines running. He has a collection of old engines that were used for power back on his dads farm. The only one we couldn't get running was the one for the wringer washer. I diagnosed it as points out of adjustment. He told me to come back in a couple of days and we could wash a load of clothes. I like Don, and don't see enough of him.
Did a big Sam's Club shopping trip today. Granddaughter helped unload the truck and get things dated and put away, rebagged large bags of rice and flour for me. Got some housecleaning done and a few things from my do list. Getting ready for the onslaught of grown children and grandchildren tomorrow for our son's birthday dinner.
Enjoying the additional BOV I bought last night.
It may look a lot like my other BOV because it is same maker/model/trim except this one is 6 yrs newer and has the roof mounted offroad lights and a couple of other new(er) features that I lusted after.
The offroad tires that came with it are a bit over-the-top and are loud and make steering less immediate or precise.
However they look so wonderfully post-apocalyptic I might keep 'em ;)
So far I've been moving furniture, cleaning places I haven't seen in five years or more and taping off the last wall to be painted downstairs. As so as I finish lunch I'll start painting the edges and cutting the ceiling and maybe get the first coat on before I go to Columbus for dinner with family.
I just got off the phone with Mom. While I was visiting over Christmas I found an ermine in their house. while we chased it outside, an adventure, the dog hid under the covers. I spent most of the next day berating the dog. Well, the ermine came back. I guess it liked the warm house, fur coat or not. This time the dog got into the act and the ermine got, got for good. I took credit for embarrassing the dog into doing her job.

I put new furniture on my 870, a Knoxx recoil reducing stock. I've always wanted to try one of these. I really hope that a friend of my wife's will want to buy it. She has been antigun (a dumocrat) but recently has seen the benefit of having a firearm, especially at her cabin with bear, moose, and wolf around not to mention the potential bad guy. I would expect police response to her cabin in under 2 hours but I may be dreaming. She is short with especially short arms (thalidomide) so the 6 position stock should be just the ticket. It may also be a good gun to get my wife into shotguns with.
Enjoying the additional BOV I bought last night.
It may look a lot like my other BOV because it is same maker/model/trim except this one is 6 yrs newer and has the roof mounted offroad lights and a couple of other new(er) features that I lusted after.
The offroad tires that came with it are a bit over-the-top and are loud and make steering less immediate or precise.
However they look so wonderfully post-apocalyptic I might keep 'em ;)View attachment 2565 View attachment 2566
I like those tires! The vehicle also..
Would of been better if we could of kicked up a cotton tail. The coyotes have been rough on them.

So bust a few Yotes, you don't have to clean them. The family that hunts together, stays together. And added plus, everybody learns to respect and be respectful to each other, just another advantage of everybody in the household being armed. :LOL:Memories for a lifetime.
So bust a few Yotes, you don't have to clean them. The family that hunts together, stays together. And added plus, everybody learns to respect and be respectful to each other, just another advantage of everybody in the household being armed. :LOL:Memories for a lifetime.

I was just thinking it would be a good night to call one up!
We did our monthly trip to Costco. They did not have all of our normal monthly groceries but we got the basics- eggs, cheese, milk, meat...lots and lots of meat! I also got butter. :D

I got my half of the closet sorted. I need to finish taking the donate stuff off of hangers then I am left with the keeps and maybes. Almost a third of my side is opened up doing this! After 6 months I will go through my maybes again. Once the closet is done I am moving on to the dresser! K has to do his half of the closet and dresser but he knows and said he'd get on it.

Once our closet is done the girls' are next! All the outgrown clothes from Juju's get donated and Roo's will get stored for the baby. Toys included and linens.

Lots to do.
I accidentally got carpet this week, didn’t plan on it. I still have 420sqft of laminate flooring to put down in the kitchen and living room. Plus, I was supposed to be taking it easy, had surgery on the 3rd. Anyway, I was in town and decided to check on some medicinal plants that grow by the railroad depot and parked in front of a carpet store. After checking the plants, I decided to see if the carpet store had some scrap pieces. I could use a small piece for my herb room.

They had a piece 7x6 for $15. I noticed an identical piece that was 6x5. Then I saw a big piece (that was also identical) 12x7 for $100. They were sort of a tan color, not something I would have picked out. But, I got enough carpet to do my entire 12x12 bedroom except for a spot under the bed. All this carpet only cost $130. The carpet is sort of plush so the seams don’t show.

Then the disaster happened. I had lost my smart phone the week before Christmas then bought another one. I had only put in a few of my contacts. The night I finished the carpet my computer crashed, major. I even had to reflash the bios, well, the people at Dell did it with remote access. They managed to save all my documents and photos but not my contacts from the address book. I stopped using my old out dated computer last March. I can get the bulk of my contacts from the old system. I’m sure a few people will get lost but if they are important they will call me eventually. So, I spent the last 48 hours downloading and installing software. I had to do the online chat thing with Microsoft and Symantec to get purchased software installed and reactivated. It took hours just for those 2. I finished just before supper. Darn… I have to start on the laminate flooring tomorrow… :eyeballs:
Started off the morning with stain removing some clothing, putting a load of washing on the clothes line and then watering the side of the house lawns with saved grey water from our showers and washing machine. We then set about processing all of the garlic we picked from the gardens and separated the garlic cloves, peeled them and processed them with olive oil in the food processor and set aside some to replant in a few months too. We now have our years garlic for the household ready to go being 2 litres in total.

I then wiped off the shopping list now we have been shopping leaving on some things we didn't get, cleaned off the writing on reused clip seal freezer bags and put them in the freezer bag box on the top of the fridge ready to reuse again. DH swept the kitchen floor and went over the kitchen benches with peroxide and watered some the beetroot with saved vegetable steaming water.
The preschool is open today even tho it's MLK day, so I'm up having coffee and the house is fairly quiet. Husband is off today but is working on the school's end of year financials The plan is to go to lunch with him and then go back to work. Looking at one of our dining room chairs this morning. Our ex dil was over with the grandkids for the dinner last night and she is a very big lady. Broke one of the dining room chairs. The leg is off, but she also splintered the wood completely. Hmmm.

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