What's everybody doing today?

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I hope today is your new "quit" day @OldSchool ! For DH it was easier to not have to quit again. Once was enough!

It will be getting up to 77 degrees today, so I will walk in a few minutes.
Will deliver the cheesecake that I made yesterday.
Do one load of laundry.
Finish putting together inversion table for DH. Hopefully we will finish today!
Maybe make chocolate chip cookie dough for future cookies (and freeze some)
This morning I need to get over wanting a drink. I've been out of work for too long.... restless.... rant. I'm gonna get 1/2 a pint and get over it. That'll remind me why I quit, then I'll take care of some pain in ass business. I got enough done at home, for now.
Don't do it!!! Try some medical marijuana. It helped me get over my addiction to prescription xanax for my anxiety. I am ok now
Much better for your health and is not addictive, plus cheaper if you grow it yourself. Seriously, I think most States now have medical mj laws , at least try it.
Today is going to be a busy day for me. When I go out I'm going to buy some beer, I have exactly 1 can left. Then mail a bill for my SF, buy 280 lbs of bird food & I'm sure that my wife will have me do at least one other thing when I'm out. I've got to transfer & mix the bird food to 2 garbage cans for storage. I'm not looking forward to that because a couple of days ago I moved 900 lbs of dirt to my planters & I'm getting to old for that stuff. (I treat sore muscles & back pain with the beer). Late this afternoon I have an auction that I'm going to bid on with 8 or 9 items coming up we want. Oh & my wife & I have to go through those items before the auction.
This morning I need to get over wanting a drink. I've been out of work for too long.... restless.... rant. I'm gonna get 1/2 a pint and get over it. That'll remind me why I quit, then I'll take care of some pain in ass business. I got enough done at home, for now.
Hang tough, have some coffee, the urge will pass. Don't ask how I know :(
I never understood what it takes to be an alcoholic or a drug addict. Sure I've gone out and got tanked up many times over the years, but never felt that I needed a drink. I've never used dope so I don't know anything about that crap. Now I enjoy a mixed drink occasionally and a shot of good scotch. At several hundred dollars a bottle I never drink more than a shot or two, and only every few months.
Whatever you need to do oldschool I think you'd be much better off without that crutch. Sometimes a person might have to look pretty hard, but life really is good.
I don't know, sounds a little wild over there right now! I have a better idea!! I'll come, but we will take off on a gal's week vacation instead!! I bet we'd have a lot of fun!!😉
Road Trip!! We will watch the sunset on the west coast and fix the world over a cuppa!
Couldn't stay awake for more than 2hrs at a time yesterday. But last night I emptied kitchen trash and put a new bag in. Been having trouble lifting things. Combo of my meds can cause muscle weakness. I'm going to try some other supplements to help with that and I talked to the pharmacy and had them flag glimepiride and all sulfa drugs as not safe for me. Apparently they only had sulfa antibiotics on their list so it didn't flag it. I'll have to schedule an appointment with the doctor to talk to him and let him know why I dropped that med. I also need to exercise more.

I sneezed about 10x in a row and have had a lot of mucus and then realized flowers are blooming again so pollen is in the air.

I need to clean litterboxes and do some cleanup in the kitchen but need a nap first. Grabbed some beef stew from a local place and we all ate. Will have to help my brother with making soup later since he lacks motivation. I'll try to get the recipe from him. I know it uses boneless skinless chicken thighs, swanson chicken broth, onion powder (since fresh onions make me ill), garlic salt, Hungarian sweet paprika, and mixed frozen vegetables. I cut the chicken up with scissors (then thoroughly wash them afterward) and he cooks it all up in the pressure cooker. Once it is poured into a bowl we add some sour cream. My mother used to make something similar but she boiled a whole chicken, did not add veggies, and added a drop noodle instead. Sort of like a salty dumpling that you drop into boiling water from a spoon. I need to figure out how to make it. My last attempt didn't go well. LOL.
survived the shopping trip and physical therapy for my foot. She said it was actually not that bad looking and with the correct stretching I might get back to normal, so that's good. She also told me to continue doing yoga since some of that is helpfull, but also I need to do other stretches specifically for calf muscles and feet

We spent a ton of money on shopping but filled up 2 full carts at walmart and 1 large cart at TP , plus got propanes refilled. The entire Traverse was full to the top! Prices were normal, no weird stuff yet shelves were full. We both got new tennis shoes since old ones are about to fall apart, $20 each made in China, comfortable and ok looking. I specifically got imported things today that we use all the time: canned coconut milk, Jasmin rice ( like I don't have a few hundred pounds already LOL) , ginger , pickeled ginger, seaweed, bamboo shoots, siracha , coffee, the rest was just regular groceries
I also got a lot of plastic stuff I need for the market ( bag, plastic wrap, parchment paper) , the prices of those types of things has gone up a ton but this already happened last year and year before. I remember paying 99 cents for a box of sandwich bags, now they are over $5 ! Garbage bags were around $10, those used to be around $3 before covid
Chicken still at around 2.50 a pound, that has not gone up as much. Beef, astronomical!!! Good thing we have goat and lamb. I can't imagine paying $20 for a potroast, that used to cost around $5 or less

Just took dog for a short hike

Did not cook today, nor did I do dishes, no time
We just drove the side by side down to check the mail. The mailman hasn't been up here for a couple days. Made it down easy but it was a struggle coming back up.
Me and Tracker are up in the fur shed now trying to get a fire started. The chimney is completely buried in the snow, so I'll probably need to climb up on the roof and dig it out.
up early , have places to go today. Going to town for some physical therapy on my foot, doctor sent me there last year and I am finally getting around to it, cancelled first appointment because our road was full of ice
Going shopping too, I wonder what prices will look like. Going to fill up the Traverse today. It's not the biggest , but you can fit a lot of stuff in and we already got feed last week with the truck
But going to fill up the propane again, getting more chicken feed ( we got 1500 lbs for the goats and sheep) , and going to stock up on plastic stuff I will need for the market like plastic wrap and parchment paper

And I am absolutely dreading next week!!! Looked at the weather and it looks horrible all next week, like a foot of snow and more cold. Yuck. Ordered son some snow cables for his car. They are not exactly chains but his car does not have a lot of clearance on the tires so that will have to do. I hope they will get here in time. He might not have to go to work but he doesn't know yet what is expected of him. Usually if there is a foot of snow , there is no construction going on....

Something weird happened with the walmart pharmacy too. I have a prescription for magnesium and they told me in December it was backordered. I still had some so I didn't worry about it and it's not anything critical I have to have every day. So now when I transfered it to the other pharmacy, that one told me that I just got a 90 day supply in December, which I didn't. Weird. Not sure what I should do about it. But they will give me another one
Sounds like Walmart filled it after receiving the product. Call them and tell them to reverse the claim.
I need to go through my pantry and clean it out again. I need to find a better place to store my miter saw- it's taking up a lot of space in the pantry right now.

I cut up the chicken so my brother would make soup. That's the part that takes the longest of the prep and my brother hates doing it. So now we have chicken paprikash soup.
Brother came over Saturday and helped me get a lot of wood split; I have chains on my little lawn tractor and that old thing just chugged right through all the heavy snow, hauling the wood up to the house. Got a nice stack now, but much of it is gopher wood so it won't last long. The wind had finally dropped so working outside was nice, we even had a little sun and it got up into the 20s. The last couple of days were gloomy and windy and warmer, so the snow started going to mush, I hate that. Back into the teens tonight. Hope the fresh cold holds on for a while yet. I'm really not looking forward to the dismal, cloudy, soggy grays and browns that is March. My least favorite month of the year.
Got the bathroom closets finished up, tossed a bunch of old stuff and now I can find what I need. Even got the doors put back on. I'm converting all the bifold closet doors to sliding, so the the new hardware is installed and the doors hung.
Finished the pantry cleanout, was a little angry with myself for having to throw out so much food, but it is what it is. I quit doing anything in the kitchen after losing my Husband, and when I moved, just sort of shoved everything in boxes and brought it here. So the cleaning and sorting was overdue. It does feel better to have that done.
A friend stopped by today and we had some of the chicken broth I had made for our lunch. So that was a bright spot in the day.
This morning I need to get over wanting a drink. I've been out of work for too long.... restless.... rant. I'm gonna get 1/2 a pint and get over it. That'll remind me why I quit, then I'll take care of some pain in ass business. I got enough done at home, for now.
No. Don’t do it. You are doing so well! Fight that d@&! Demon 🙏
I spent the entire day organizing the pantry, sorting through the shelves, and throwing out expired or unwanted food items that had spoiled long ago. Tomorrow, I have two appointments at the VA.
Doesn’t it feel good though once it’s all done? Makes a person want to stand and admire the shelves all nice and orderly. 😍
Have finally recovered from a 4 day heatwave where we had temperatures of 35,38,40,36 celcius of which in fahrenheit for you guys over there in the states would be 95,100.4,104 and 96.8 thankfully we dodged the bullet in terms of having consecutive days of fire bans due to persistent presence of stubborn southerly winds however our luck may run out starting Sunday this weekend with low/mid 30's to low 40's over the spread of 3 days with Tuesday next week at this stage being the hottest at 40 degrees although this may either go up or down so I am keeping a close eye on it
A chain of events kinda pilled-up on me. Quitting alcohol wasn't a fix-all, but it certainly helped. The last couple months has been a learning experience. First and most importantly: Being a non-drinker doesn't fix everything, it's just a big step in the right direction. In knowing I don't need alcohol and I am better off without it.... is just the beginning. Now: I have new 'quit date' .... I just polished-off 1/2 a pint. I'll take what I've learned and not end-up here again.

The "here again" part is: giving the finger to the world and getting drunk and wasting the opportunity to live life and enjoy it. I mean life is a gift that shouldn't be wasted.
You're right that you do have to deal with yourself and the underlying reasons why you feel the need to drink. It's rough, but you can do it.
Picked up my favorite cousin, got husband loaded up and the wheelchair, little granddaughter, too, and we went to Uncle Melvin's funeral viewing. Visited with all four of his boys, Uncle Mel had four boys, and my mom had four girls. Since we were in the bigger town for this, stopped at the good barbeque place and brought home dinner. Brought my favorite cousin home, too. Burial, funeral, and luncheon is tomorrow. Tracked down daughter thru other daughter. So she's back in detox and starting again. Better than still binging.
Did town stuff and stopped at a little restaurant attached to a bar that must have a great cook...had a sliced beef sandwich with dip that was delicious....sometimes we get good beef in a state known for having more cows than people..

Worked on another old honda carb and made one out of a cheap china copy and the original japan produced carb.. Some parts are getting scarce and the new china copy's don't always work properly.

I have a friend who has a son who battled alcohol for years and finally when he got out of prison (way too much drinking and driving) he got hooked up with a living sober program (more of a wrap around set up)....He and his girl friend are both living there and it finally seems to be working.
Don't do it!!! Try some medical marijuana. It helped me get over my addiction to prescription xanax for my anxiety. I am ok now
Much better for your health and is not addictive, plus cheaper if you grow it yourself. Seriously, I think most States now have medical mj laws , at least try it.
A xanax would have done the trick. It was unemployment related stress that got the better of me. Medical marijuana probably would have worked too. I have tried it and it does have a relaxing effect but I don't like it.

Today was a complete waste, slept on the couch all day. Good news is I know what I have to do, and it's as simple taking necessary steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed by financial related stress. I got screwed by the unemployment insurance system. All seemed fine, except for one simple step I missed when I had to renew my claim. I thought I'd be fine without it, but.... not so. I'll be fine though when payments kick in again and I'm pretty sure I'm done with alcohol this time. This did however make me wonder how I'd do with a real crisis, one that has no fix, like SHTF.
Big hugs @Amish Heart you've been through a lot!!
For my early recovery I went to AA meetings as often as I could. Then I realized my family was important and I was tired of men giving me crap at every meeting I went to. I eventually quit going. I am still sober. Not bragging, just sayin'. Like almost 38 years. Um drinking into black out. Yeah, that bad.
Some of the guys that weren't giving me crap in the meetings were in a long term treatment center, do they even have those now? on the grounds of this big A mental institution. Some of them were to be there for a year. Some even longer. When I went to rehab it was common for it to be one month. There were several in my area.
Prayers for Claire, @Amish Heart and you, I know it must hurt.
going to get started as soon as it gets light enough out, have to take the Ranger tire to get put on the rim today. I hope there is not a problem. Will drive the Yukon, so if it doesn't start I will be at the repair place already.
Need to cook a proper meal today and do dishes which didn't get done yesterday.
Need to stack more wood we get ( outside in a pile right now) before it rains more and gets wet. It's already not very dry.
Got my seeds in the mail, now I need potting soil to get them started

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