Come on over Pearl, I could do with you

you'll get your own room, and I'll cook for you. The exchange rate is almost equal too
Its bloody mental here, with people coming and going and me trying to get everything back to normal after the storm. Got back from the family event yesterday, I'm now a week behind my studies, other adult son received a autism diagnosis, haven't had time it discuss it yet but there is a lot to consider going forward. American relations here for another week. Did the shopping this morning, now I'm confident the power is staying on; supermarket working flat out to refill shelves but a good bit missing. Went to the cheapest one, bought 4 days milk, bread and veg, and a few other things for the whole week, like cheese/yogurts etc. But no meat- €120 it cost- that used to be my whole weeks shopping! On the good side, sold an extra piece of furniture we had, and got all the washing done. Watching all that's going on in the world, and expecting snow/ storms next week.