What's everybody doing today?

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I ran chainsaw all day. Bought 10 acres a couple years ago. It is half wooded. Surveyor had marked the corners with tposts. I called him to mark the line so I can run fence. He wanted $500. That price is too much for marking one line that he already marked the corners on. So I'm clearing brush and woods so I can run a string between tposts. Then I'll build the fence so I can move horses onto it.

Jac good idea, we had equine when we moved here , horse and donkey late 2 donkeys. We did the same thing your doing now,ran string, then later barbed wire and finally no climb fence .
Round 2 of today is I deep cleaned the toilets and bathroom for the week and put on a load of washing on the clothes line to dry and brought it back in when dried. I then put in a double grocery order for needed items as we had gone 2 months without buying any tinned food before we moved so we were low on quite a few things, but I did snavel a few really good specials on things we needed saving a good amount. I topped up on a lot of things over and above our usual storage levels.

Then I set about getting a few needed tools and parts for the home and saved a heap of money by buying most of it through eBay instead of the local hardware store. We went and dunked ourselves in the collapsible water tank pool again this afternoon as the heat is oppressive here with very little breeze although it was a cooler at 34 oc.
I'm getting some laundry washed and dried today
Have dishes to do up
Gonna make some chocolate chip cookies today ( mmm milk and cookies lol)
I'm thinking of making some casserole bread to surprise the hubby. Might do that on sunday. He goes crazy for fresh made bread. He'll slice it when its still steaming hot. smh. silly man lol
Was the quality good? Over the years I've only ordered 2 small items from Lehmans. Both were good quality but they just want too much money for their items.. They could stand to lose a few percentage points on their mark up. Got no problem with someone making money but a killing is a different matter.
Seems pretty good. It is longer than I thought it would be.
I am spending a lot of time in my wood shop.
Getting things organized and cleaned up.
I am going to build a new vanity for one of the bathrooms. I can save a bunch of money by building what I want and not buying from a big box store.
Cabinet grade birch plywood is expensive, about $65 a sheet, but I can get a nicer vanity by building my own. Plus I enjoy building things and it get's me out of my chair.
You could shop Amish country, Mennonite bulk stores and get similar items at a lesser price. Some hardware stores in Amish areas sell similar stuff. I know ours in Yoder does. I love Lehmans stuff, but yes, they cost $$.
We have a Yoders a little over an hour from here. I love going there, so much good tasty stuff. But they are a great place to buy storage food as well.
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I am spending a lot of time in my wood shop.
Getting things organized and cleaned up.
I am going to build a new vanity for one of the bathrooms. I can save a bunch of money by building what I want and not buying from a big box store.
Cabinet grade birch plywood is expensive, about $65 a sheet, but I can get a nicer vanity by building my own. Plus I enjoy building things and it get's me out of my chair.
That's what we are doing with the mtn house. For just the price of the plywood (20 sheets), glue and nails we have all the cabinets in the house. We have enough left overs to add shelves to the laundry room.
I got word yesterday that project i had quoted a couple months ago is about to get funded. Spent today trying to patch together the current solar systems (30 total) to try and keep them running for the next 4 to 8 weeks while i get all the components purchased, shipped, and assembled so we can start the installs. Been trying to get the customer to do this for over a year.
We have 30 stations running on a small solar panel and 2 35 aHr batteries that have been running for 5 to 7 years. The batteris were toast last winter but we were able to limp thru doing daily battery swaps. This winter we've had more batteries fail and cant keep it all running.
We did a prototype last April and gave them a qoute to do the rest. Even after repeated inquiries, nothing. Yesterday i got a call that it was approved and how soon can we start installing them. My reply 4 to 6 weeks to get everything ordered and on site and time to start building. We are using a 285 watt panel and charging 4 110 aHr deep cycle batteries per station. Looking art the run history of our prototype, it has been down twice. Once for a software update and once for calibration. 100% uptime otherwise. According to calculations we should get 30 days run time with no sunlight.
Fun times i tell ya.
Any one ever use a product called "Plasti Dip"? Its used to put a plastic handle on tools that have lost their plastic handle. I thought I would try it.

I started shredding 4 years worth of old bills etc today, it's going to take a while.

Round 1 of today is DH has vacuumed all the house and we brought out our 2 mats which DH also vacuumed and put one near the inside of the back door to stop the carpet getting dirty and wearing where we walk in and out and the other went into the lounge room under our chairs. DH also reconnected the washing machine to it's base as the screws had come loose and one had fallen out and that should stop the washing machine walking across the floor and wobbling everywhere.

DH put on a load of washing on in the washing machine and hung it on the clothes line to dry and I watered the ornamental plants with some of the grey water and watered the herbs and fruit trees with town water and flushed the toilet with some grey water. I try to do this regularly rather than flush the toilet that runs on town water to save on water costs.
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We used it on a splintery broom handle. Worked pretty well but have no idea how long it lasted. Hubby accidentally set the broom on fire.:rolleyes:

Eta I have a drill just like that.

That's and old drill that belongs to my dad, notice the spliced power cord? Every power tool he owns has a spliced power cord. Every power tool of mine that he has borrowed now has a spliced power cord. :mad:
That's and old drill that belongs to my dad, notice the spliced power cord? Every power tool he owns has a spliced power cord. Every power tool of mine that he has borrowed now has a spliced power cord. :mad:

Mine came from my Grand Pa. He let me have it when he found out that the new ones had reverse and could be used for screws. :D
Have work and then picking up the grocery specials at the two other stores I shop at, Sprouts and Krogers. Don't have to make husband breakfast this morning, he's going in for bloodwork. Don't have to make lunch either, he is off work today for pulmonary rehab. So enjoying my coffee just a little bit longer. I have a lot of peaches in the big freezer at the preschool I need to bring home today and plan to can this weekend, probably just in a light sugar and vanilla liquid. Have the dehydrator loaded with the rest of the citrus I had, ready to be ground. And also the chopped peppers I had in the freezer needs to be ground. Next in are carrot rounds that I got ready yesterday to go in. I've been talking to two of our single mom employees who get EBT about the early February release of money. One is planning her money well. The other has no clue, can't even cook beans and rice. Buys all high priced convenience food. Both are shocked this is happening, and now both are wondering about March money on EBT.

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