What's everybody doing today?

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Got a small loan yesterday to tide things over for a few months, or so I thought.
Bought and installed an alternator on son's truck this morning.
Small loan is almost gone now. but managed to buy few groceries too.
Still eating and drinking from home.
Allergies kicking butt still.
Small loan repayment is small like the loan.
When I say small loan what I'm doing is borrowing against my retirement fund.
So basically borrowing from my self, but always pay it back.
But by the same token I don't want my car sitting at son's house and him asleep if my dad needs me either.
House has been vacuumed.
Dishes are soaking.
Finally got the grease off my hands.
Lunch is over.
Strongly thinking of nap.
My divorce was final next month and it's been 32 years.
We were married 15 years, when I found out about other woman.
Funny thing about other woman, he still hasn't married her.
He's been married 6 times after me.
I was wife number 1, and he still hasn't married her.
Go figure.
She's welcome to him .
Wife gets up around 5:30 AM for a bladder call and usually stays up. I get up around a hour or so latter.

I come down stairs and start to fix my breakfast. Wife asks, "What's that buzzing noise?"

"What buzzing noise?" I ask.

"The buzzing noise she's heard every since she has gotten up."

"What noise is that?" I ask.

"You can only hear it from the washroom. Sounds like it's coming from down in the basement."

"Did you go down in the basement and look?" I ask.

Wife has the old deer in the headlights look, "No." she answers.

Dressed in all my glory of plaid Boxers with bouncing belly I head down the stairs. Buzzing is coming from the furnace room, high water alarm on #2 sump pump pit. Checking my iPhone (which I had on vibrate for the night) I had received a text message at 12:30 AM informing of the high water alarm.

We have two sump pump pits. #1 handles the Air Conditioner drain from the furnace and a small sink, outlet goes to the septic system.

#2 handles the foundation footer drain (option I wanted when I built the house) to insure basement stays dry and the water softener, outlet goes to the ditch behind the house.

#2 pump is running but no water is being pump. I pulled the power cord, wait a bit then plugged it back in. Pump is now pumping and the water level in the pit is going down. Something must have stuck, planets were not aligned or who knows? I go upstairs and eat my breakfast. Back down stairs to check #2. Pump is running put not pumping again!!!!!! I'm guessing the impeller has come loose from the drive shaft. On to Plan "B" but first I get dressed.

I confirm that #1 pumps. I unplug power from #1, remove the hose clamps and PVC pipes from it and install the piping I removed from #2. Lower pump #1 into pit #2, reconnect and tighten the hose clamps. Plug the power in and...motor runs but it isn't pumping any water...that can't be! I tested #1 pump before I moved it! I run outside and check the drain outlet at the ditch, no water!

Hmmmm...this requires a rethink...when I flopped the PVC piping the #2 check valve stayed with the #2 pit. Removed the piping (again) to look at the check valve. Check valve looks OK...wait...the "hinge" that holds the guts in position had broken allowing the guts to go with the flow and block the discharge side of the check valve! Pulled a spare check valve from the shelf, install, reconnected the piping, tighten the hose clamps and plugged into power...Pump empties the #2 pit in short fashion.

I had called the Office Manager to let her know I was going to be late. Because I called before opening I got her Voice Mail. I got to work a half hour late and no one had missed me and/or aware that I was late. Office Manager had called in sick and hadn't gotten my Voice Message.

Moral of the story. Don't put you cell phone on vibrate when you're sleeping. That way AT&T can wake you with a text that confirms they have removed you from any further texts.
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Wife gets up around 5:30 AM for a bladder call and usually stays up. I get up around a hour or so latter.

I come down stairs and start to fix my breakfast. Wife asks, "What's that buzzing noise?"

"What buzzing noise?" I ask.

"The buzzing noise she's heard every since she has gotten up."

"What noise is that?" I ask.

"You can only hear it from the washroom. Sounds like it's coming from down in the basement."

"Did you go down in the basement and look?" I ask.

Wife has the old deer in the headlights look, "No." she answers.

Dressed in all my glory of plaid Boxers with bouncing belly I head down the stairs. Buzzing is coming from the furnace room, high water alarm on #2 sump pump pit. Checking my iPhone (which I had on vibrate for the night) I had received a text message at 12:30 AM informing of the high water alarm.

We have two sump pump pits. #1 handles the Air Conditioner drain from the furnace and a small sink, outlet goes to the septic system.

#2 handles the foundation footer drain (option I wanted when I built the house) to insure basement stays dry and the water softener, outlet goes to the ditch behind the house.

#2 pump is running but no water is being pump. I pulled the power cord, wait a bit then plugged it back in. Pump is now pumping and the water level in the pit is going down. Something must have stuck, planets were not aligned or who knows? I go upstairs and eat my breakfast. Back down stairs to check #2. Pump is running put not pumping again!!!!!! I'm guessing the impeller has come loose from the drive shaft. On to Plan "B" but first I get dressed.

I confirm that #1 pumps. I unplug power from #1, remove the hose clamps and PVC pipes from it and install the piping I removed from #2. Lower pump #1 into pit #2, reconnect and tighten the hose clamps. Plug the power in and...motor runs but it isn't pumping any water...that can't be! I tested #1 pump before I moved it! I run outside and check the drain outlet at the ditch, no water!

Hmmmm...this requires a rethink...when I flopped the PVC piping the #2 check valve stayed with the #2 pit. Removed the piping (again) to look at the check valve. Check valve looks OK...wait...the "hinge" that holds the guts in position had broken allowing the guts to go with the flow and block the discharge side of the check valve! Pulled a spare check valve from the shelf, install, reconnected the piping, tighten the hose clamps and plugged into power...Pump empties the #2 pit in short fashion.

I had called the Office Manager to let her know I was going to be late. Because I called before opening I got her Voice Mail. I got to work a half hour late and no one had missed me and/or aware that I was late. Office Manager had called in sick and hadn't gotten my Voice Message.

Moral of the story. Don't put you cell phone on vibrate when you're sleeping. That way AT&T can wake you with a text that confirms they have removed you from any further texts.

Well glad you got it fixed.
Pulled a faucet in the wellhouse to change the washer. Easy peasey job - no more than 10 minutes max .... wrong. Somehow in the installation initially years ago the copper pipe got twisted, no idea how so I can’t pull the guts out to change the washer. Fast forward two hours, pipe and all is out, straightened the pipe enough to pull the parts out. Whole unit needs to be replaced. Obsolete style no one carries them any more. Find a replacement system, relatively simple install. Works like a charm, no more leak. Estimate 10 minutes and less than a buck for parts... actual 5 hours and 50 bucks.
Spring maintenance on my truck continues… Today I checked the liquid level in the battery cells. I took a wire brush to the terminals and used a contact cleaner. I had one packet of dielectric grease left. I even cleaned the chassis ground. Most people forget about that and it’s the most likely to get corroded. I’ll put dielectric grease on the list for my next trip to town. It’s handy, I try to keep some around.

I had a spare crankcase breather filter so I swapped it out also. Tonight I found the summit racing file folder that contained all the part receipts for when I converted my trucks engine from fuel injection to a carburetor. I was thinking I did the conversion in Jan15 or the earliest Jan of ’14. I was wrong, the part receipts are from Jan of 2013.

I have a new distributor cap purchased in 2013 in my parts box. I guess next trip to town I’ll get new plug wires and plugs to go with the new cap. I didn’t realize so much time had passed. The truck is still running fine so it didn’t occur to me… I only drive about 7500 miles a year so... Maintenance continues… :)
Glad things went well Car. I can't imagine going thru that. I hate getting my eyes just dialated for a yearly check.

Last afternoon thru this morning sucked. Yesterday I got a call from our insurance company that they were not going to cover the damage to our camper from a water leak. Assesor said it was totalled, so did the insurance. But they aren't gonna pay a dime. Got home and had a letter from a Dr informing me I had a appointment Monday about my back. All well and good except it was neither of the Dr I was suppose to get in with. Then this morning on my way to work State tropper pulls me over and gives me a ticket. I've been in a foul mood ever since. Finally got home and had to fix a flat on my tiller. But got that done and worked up 2 spots. I'm callin in work tomorrow and gonna plant all I can get in before it starts raining. Diggin in the dirt will be better than dealing with work for sure.
House has been vacuumed.
Dishes are soaking.
Finally got the grease off my hands.
Lunch is over.
Strongly thinking of nap.
My divorce was final next month and it's been 32 years.
We were married 15 years, when I found out about other woman.
Funny thing about other woman, he still hasn't married her.
He's been married 6 times after me.
I was wife number 1, and he still hasn't married her.
Go figure.
She's welcome to him .

Yea my first one was a womanizer too, it lasted 3 kids and 4 years. he passed a few years ago , so I guess I can't call him SOS aka son of satan anymore.
Pulled a faucet in the wellhouse to change the washer. Easy peasey job - no more than 10 minutes max .... wrong. Somehow in the installation initially years ago the copper pipe got twisted, no idea how so I can’t pull the guts out to change the washer. Fast forward two hours, pipe and all is out, straightened the pipe enough to pull the parts out. Whole unit needs to be replaced. Obsolete style no one carries them any more. Find a replacement system, relatively simple install. Works like a charm, no more leak. Estimate 10 minutes and less than a buck for parts... actual 5 hours and 50 bucks.

Good to see you back InnKeeper. Glad you got it fixed.:thumbs:
Not today but this weekend when we had no internet. We now have water at the mtn place and not just water but HOT water!!

@Bacpacker You are just too efficient. You got all those crummy things it takes most folks a year to do all done in one day! Now you're done with that stuff right?
@Caribou Glad you're through well enough. Also, you sooo need to work the look, blacken a tooth, carry a big club-like walking stick...... Do you have an interesting hat you can wear? How are you at growling? (I know, I'm a little warped, but I figure life's gonna happen. Might as well have fun with it:)
I'm holed up in Cheyenne, Wyoming, in a freakin' snowstorm. It's May...you'd think that crap would be over with until next winter, but I guess Wyoming has other ideas...
A friend of mine shared that it was snowing in Laramie. Colorado is getting snow right now. We are supposed to get a light snow, anywhere from 1 to 4 inches, but it will be wet snow.
@LadyLocust yes I have been called "the energiser bunny" by a number of people and so has DH and yes we get the ad here too :) . The funniest time was when we were doing the gardens for our church and needed to amend the soils with manure and compost. They were worried about DH with his back condition shovelling the manure into the wheelbarrows off the trailer. DH was going so fast they were running to keep up with his shovelling speed and telling me at the other end "can't stop he will have more ready for us" :) . We both work fast and efficiently and I will admit probably do more in a day than most people too.

We are spurred on by the fact we are in our new home and want to make it productive and homely as quickly as possible within our budget.
Woke up this morning to what appeared to be a white and ginger feather cushion emptied on the inside rumpus room door mat near the cat door and another pile outside the cat door too. It appears that our teensy Tabatha girl is beating up the large ginger male cat twice her size from next door that keeps coming over. It looks like he tried to get through her cat flap door into the house but could only get his head in the door and not the rest of him so she attacked him viciously and pulled fur out of him everywhere both inside and outside the back door. We heard the commotion earlier this morning but stayed in bed and when we woke up saw the fur and she also had fur hanging from her front paw claws too from him that we removed. A couple of days ago she also opened up the whole side of his face with her claws too. She is fiercely terriorial and fights like an Amazonian warrior and doesn't back down so hopefully the male cat from next door will learn to stick to his side of the fence or face the consequences of Tabatha's claws. Tabatha on the other hand does not have a scratch on her :).

Today we started off the day with taking the internal fencing gates out and matching up the largest pair to put on the front driveway of the second block beside us that is now amalgamated into one block. Hinges were taken off the gate posts inside the house yard and longer bolts scrounged from our grapeyard vineyard demolition. We drilled the holes through 20 - 25 cm ironbark hardwood posts, installed the hinges and hung the gates using a spirit level. Quite a long task as both gate posts were either leaning in or out of plumb so some creative hinge adjusting had to be done to get them somewhat level and our neighbour helped us with her and I on one gate levelling it while DH drilled the start of the hinge holes for the second gate. They are not completely level but they are the closest we could get to level considering the slope on the gate posts. The wood was that hard that the drill bits and wood were smoking while drilling the holes and I was afraid they would catch alight but we just took it easy and backed the drill bit out when it was smoking and worked it gradually in until we got a hole straight through the posts.

Second job up for the day is DH checked the gutters on the meat shed and the 3rd rainwater tank filter to see if they were blocked but they weren't so no cleaning necessary. We then got stuck into opening our raised metal garden beds we purchased and put two of them together and I have to admit they look fantastic and match fairly closely to the white paint of the house and metal wrought iron fretwork on the back patio area.

Tonight's dinner will be a vegetable bake with homegrown sweet potato, silverbeet and green and butter beans with rump steak.
I'm holed up in Cheyenne, Wyoming, in a freakin' snowstorm. It's May...you'd think that crap would be over with until next winter, but I guess Wyoming has other ideas...

I've been stuck in a snowstorm in Cheyenne in late June before. Sometimes, they have stronger winds than a hurricane, too.
Waiting for package deliveries for deer fencing and 30lb.s of flour from King Arthur.
Then hope to take a trip . Doing regular upkeep inside and out.

Son just called so no trip but glad he is coming here tomorrow for a few days.Thats even better, plan go down the river with a picnik lunch. He wanted to take us out to dinner but I'd rather fix our lunch.
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