What's everybody doing today?

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Having a bowl of cereal for dinner is what's going on here. I've never done that. You said something about cereal for dinner lately. Let's see. Almond milk cuz I can't do cow milk. (I still find it very odd that people drink cow milk. I used to). Amaranth flakes. And a banana.
I often eat cereal for supper. Or breakfast foods for supper or any old time.
Breaks up the routine.
I really hate getting confused… Sometimes when I’m extremely exhausted…

I do online banking, pay all my bills by the 5th of the month. I have several small regular bills like satellite tv or internet etc charged to my amx.

Something bizarre happened. Every month, aside from regular charges I might charge a meal in the big town or top off a tank of gas for my truck etc. on that card.

Last month, Apr 5, that bill was xxx.xx. This month the bill was exactly xxx.xx, the exact same amount! To the penny… This hasn't happened in 15 years.

I got very confused and had to call them. I couldn’t figure out if there was a billing mistake, a repeat bill or I had paid the same bill twice…

It took the very nice young lady on the phone 10 minutes to make me understand that the amount I owed this month, was to the penny, exactly what I paid last month…

To quote Yogi Berra… “It was like Déjà vu all over again”… :oops:

No big deal right... except for people with CFS... This used up 3 to 4 days worth of energy...
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Started off the morning with having a few warm cups of chocolate and literally thawing out as the temperatures here are plummeting really low in the lead up to winter. After thawing a little I watered the fruit trees and canna and calla lilies with saved rainwater flowing off the tank shed roof.

We then decided to go and cut the rest of the storm damaged tree we saw on the side of the road making another 1.5 cubic metres we cut and stacked. Then we drove to the RSL club to pick up the BBQ and table we were given. Decided after that after getting some local knowledge on where to cut firewood to take a drive to two different locations and found a few potential trees we can cut for part of next winters firewood.

Just got a load of washing on in the washing machine to hang out on the clothesline. Dinner tonight was ham and egg stirfry with capsicum and some homegrown garlic.

We just arked up the slow combustion fireplace for the first time in our new home and it is beautiful with a lovely fan in it to blow the nice warm air right through the house. It is currently 10 degrees hotter inside than outside.
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Am up , dressed, have had at least one pot of coffee here at home.
Got a call wasn't expecting, could I help with fireworks stand inventory.
Be right there. got there, helped with previous year inventory making sure counts were correct.
As I counted the inventory, straighten shelves, put things back where the labels were.
Found missed counted inventory on several mid priced items they missed last year.
Made adjustments to the counts, someone ego was bruised.
Came back out of building bathroom and coffee break to roaring argument.
Seems person with bruised ego didn't like his mistakes found and corrected.
This person made comment if she's working the stand count him out.
Me I never said word, kept straightening, counting.
What would have taken them 6 hours to do, I did in 3 hours.
Don't really know what to think about that. Hmm....
Seems some of the guys are tired of the BS going on at the American Legion Post.
They want some one in there that will tell them what's up.
The other gentleman that is up for the same position, left when I got there.
Told him point blank in front of witnesses, take his sexist remarks and keep them to himself.
Nobody wants to hear them especially me.
I told him if I heard those kind of remarks directed at any other woman, I would report him to the District Commander.
That didn't go over well either. He left.
Then they wonder why they can't get new members.
When female veterans ask point blank is Joe Blow still there as member. Most take a pass on joining the unit.
So I go back tomorrow, have coffee with the guys.
I don't want to cause trouble, but by the same token not taking the ******** either.
I served my country honorably, with pride.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Dishes are on the agenda today.
So is vacuuming.
Giving Strawberry extra attention, because I think she deserves it today.
Might go ahead and do some laundry.
Took all the flowers outside, gave them deep watering.
Some of them have new shoots coming up.
One of them is loosing leaves like crazy.
But it has new shoots coming up too.
I just take them out once a week give them deep soaking watering.
Sun, wipe the leaves before they come back inside.
Some of them are reblooming too.
So I must be doing something right.
Strawberry is pouting she can't go outside right now.
The guy is here mowing, about time some areas the grass was over her tail.
Went and visited with dad yesterday.
Had a good visit. Drank coffee, picked up week old newspaper.
Took him small cans of vegetables that he couldn't find.
Will have to figure out what's for lunch and supper.
Nothing really sounds good.
Oh, well if all else fails there's cereal.
Have a great day, afternoon. evening, night wherever you are in the world.
I spent the morning bent over finishing all my planting in the garden
Took a shower
folded laundry
loaded the dishwasher and started it
had lunch ( why does chili taste better the next day? lol)
Reading a little
listening to talk radio ( have to say I'm starting to burn out on it again)
gonna grill some chicken tenders and make some pasta salad
tomorrow I plan on going to the hardware store to see what plants they have left and maybe pick up some more lol
still have to plant my nasturtium seeds in my veggies. it worked great last year. I had those and marigolds and had no pests at all
Drove 65 miles (130 round trip) to check out the only high school in the county. All 12 grades in 1 building. Even though the kid should be graduating this year she is behind due to being so sick. They are going to help is get her caught up if her health permits. Just driving there and back and walking a bit in the school messed up her diastolic pressure and heart rate.
Today I finally finished flushing and repeatedly rinsing my radiator. I found a really steep incline to park my truck for the final draining so I was able to get 8 quarts of fresh antifreeze into the coolant system.

Still a pesky problem… a 50/50 water to antifreeze ratio is recommended for coolant systems. My coolant system is 18 quarts… 8 quarts is about a 40/60 ratio. So, tonight in the big town I bought another gallon of antifreeze. I’ll pour it in my coolant reservoir. Over the hot summer months, I’ll lose a little coolant from time to time… to be replaced by antifreeze from the reservoir. Cross this one off the list!

Has anyone heard of “plant shade cloths”? I found some on the net. My porch is a concrete slab backed by a brick wall and faces south. In July and August my porch plants suffer. The brick and concrete heat up from the summer sun until about 2pm when a water oak finally begins to shade them. Still the brick and concrete have absorbed enough heat to bake my plants through the evening.

Plant shade cloths reduce UV rays anywhere from 30% to 80% depending on what you buy. What I’m thinking of ordering is 8ftX20ft, a 50% UV reduction… only about $30.

I'm growing about 30 medicinal plants on my porch this year… and a few spices for the kitchen.

Anyway, has anyone used or know anything about “plant shade cloths”? :)
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Started off the morning with putting on DH's load of washing and he hung it on the clothesline to dry. Made a few phone calls on prices for garden fittings etc and then headed to the post office to pick up our auger pieces that arrived today.

In to big smoke where we picked up lots of poly pipe and fitting for starting the garden beds with, a trailer load of horse manure and some organic fertiliser for the fruit trees and vegetable gardens. Back home where we unloaded the car and put everything away and unloaded the horse manure and later this afternoon we took both loads of washing off the clothesline and brought them inside.

Dinner tonight was toasted ham and cheese sandwiches.
Miracle years, its a miracle people put up with each other, its a miracle anybody lives through some stuff, its a miracle the in-laws were actually wrong, its a miracle there is a love that strong that even at times when you're not so sure...happy anniversary to everybody that has one to celebrate and still cares.
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