What's everybody doing today?

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Cauliflower tortillas did not hold together so I added 2/3 cup cornmeal and a Tablespoon baking powder, dumped in a 9X13 pan and baked for 30 minutes. The batter was just cauliflower, eggs and my seasoned salt plus the cornmeal. Turned out really good and has to be lower carb than regular cornbread! Room mate loves it and he eats regular food.

Didn't get the jeep vacuumed, but I did my exercise video a little while ago.
Biscuit making didn't happen.
Grown ups (son and his lady) had different things planned.
She had court date-divorce is final finally.
Son had sleepy, cranky daughter (she has ear infection again).
I went over to wait for cable guy while son picked up daughter.
After court and cable guy left son, cranky grand daughter and I came to my house.
Granny rocked cranky grand daughter, she sipped 7 up, ate Granny's Ritz crackers.
She having tubes put in her ears soon so hopefully it will help.
Needless to say pie didn't get made either.
Granny is tired so I won't be on here long.
Sick kids are no fun. Rocking is the way to go. We had good luck in our family with ear tubes..2 of our 5 kids needed them. Ready for bed and then TGIF. I have work tomorrow, and need to do the grocery shopping for the school. Husband is off and has a number of dr appts scheduled. Twins leave for band camp after school tomorrow and will return Sunday. We plan to live it up a little with no kids in the house. Ha.
Biscuit making didn't happen.
Grown ups (son and his lady) had different things planned.
She had court date-divorce is final finally.
Son had sleepy, cranky daughter (she has ear infection again).
I went over to wait for cable guy while son picked up daughter.
After court and cable guy left son, cranky grand daughter and I came to my house.
Granny rocked cranky grand daughter, she sipped 7 up, ate Granny's Ritz crackers.
She having tubes put in her ears soon so hopefully it will help.
Needless to say pie didn't get made either.
Granny is tired so I won't be on here long.
My daughter started having ear infections when she started eating solid foods. A friend was all about 7 grain cereal, while I was concerned about starting with one food at a time, starting with rice. Friend told me that every child she knew started with 7 grain cereal. 20+ years later, daughter diagnosed with celiac. I would not have thought ear infections would be related to eating gluten, but that is when they started. Daughter had her tonsils out at 5, I had mine out when I was 6. Her dad had his out when he was young as well. Daughter was much healthier once her tonsils were taken out, but still has more colds than I do. Being gluten free has also greatly improved her health.
Started off the morning with DH watering the newly planted canna and calla lilies and spider plants with grey water pumped from our greywater tank as it was full.

Then we set out to cut some more firewood as we noticed on the side of the road in a rest area on our way to shopping there was a huge ironbark tree that was hit by lightning and fallen. We cut near on a cubic metre of free firewood and it only cost us a little fuel as the tree was under 10 mins from home. Firewood here is super expensive at around $240 a cubic metre so we keep an eye out for newly fallen trees where we can get firewood for free. I think there will be around half a winters firewood by the time we finish cutting it in 1 more session.

About to unload the firewood and then have showers and head to the RSL club for our weekly date afternoon together.
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I don't have much planned.
There's a newish store for getting groceries that were pulled from other stores really REALLY cheap. It's advertised as wholesale but anyone can shop there.
Thinking about going there.
Daughter wants to do flower beds for me. :heart:
Clean out stuff from a bathroom cabinet.
Get storage containers for medical supplies.
Trying to get used to my new normal.

:blue truck:
I turned in an application for a "private Christian school" on Wednesday. We have to get Roo out of the public school system and this way she is 'enrolled' in a private school as far as the state is concerned. I have 90% of the third grade curriculum I want to use next year with her. I just need the math. I found a great publisher that only charges $45 total for the student workbook AND the teachers guides. I am excited and stressed about this new adventure. I have to "reprogram" Roo from all the crap the public school system filled her head with.

Roo was not allowed to go on the second grade field trip this year because she hit two students. The whole story is these two boys were bullying her and the teacher did nothing so Roo defended herself. I will never tell her but I am proud of her for defending herself.
Granny had cranky grand daughter again this morning.
We made biscuits finally. Hardtack anyone?
She loved playing with the dough.
Ever so often caught her taking a nibble of dough.
Look at me smile great big saying yum Granny.
After making biscuits we had coffee resting at the kitchen table together.
Chatting, she helped Granny mix up meatloaf too.
No telling how that will turn out.
She's such a big little girl standing up on chair helping washing dishes.
Okay, she splashing making general watery mess for Granny to clean up.
But we made memories today and that's important to me.
Way to go Grimm!
You got to do what's best for your child.
Tell Roo I'm proud of her for sticking up for herself.
Grimm, glad to see you back.
Patchouli, we all struggle to find our new normal.
Including me right now.
Hang tough, you got this.
If you need to talk, I'll listen.
Weedy, got my tonsils out at 32.
Went in on buddy system with oldest son.
He was 6 and I was 32.
He went home that night got to eat ice cream.
I got to stay in hospital for two very long weeks.
Trying to get kitchen cleaned up from mine and grand daughter's cooking adventures this morning.
Then will probably rest for a while.
Will have to figure out what to eat in case everything grand daughter and I cooked this morning is not edible.
Which is what I'm afraid of oh well there is always cereal.
Granny had cranky grand daughter again this morning.
We made biscuits finally. Hardtack anyone?
She loved playing with the dough.
Ever so often caught her taking a nibble of dough.
Look at me smile great big saying yum Granny.
After making biscuits we had coffee resting at the kitchen table together.
Chatting, she helped Granny mix up meatloaf too.
No telling how that will turn out.
She's such a big little girl standing up on chair helping washing dishes.
Okay, she splashing making general watery mess for Granny to clean up.

Patchouli, we all struggle to find our new normal.
Including me right now.
Hang tough, you got this.
If you need to talk, I'll listen.
Love your granny stories.
I do, I do have this. T.y. Sometimes I don't, I don't at all.
As most of you know I have a debilitating illness, in the spring I usually get a big bump in my energy levels. In the last two weeks I've accomplished more than I did the entire months of Jan, Feb and Mar.

The last two days... two major projects... I wasn't able to flush the radiator in my 94 Silverado last year... Giving it a good one now. I drained the radiator and added the bottle of "Flushing liquid". I ran it a full 4 hours over a couple of days.

Problem most people don't realize... when you drain the radiator... most vehicle radiators drain between 6 and 8 quarts. The cooling system of my truck and most vehicles has a capacity of 18 quarts or more. You only drain out 1/3 of the gunk and old antifreeze etc. The rest of the liquid is in the engine block! and doesn't get drained.

My solution... I run the flushing liquid per instructions... Then I refill and drain the radiator 4 or 5 more times (heating to operating temp each time) until the water I drain no longer smells like old antifreeze. Then I park my truck on the steepest incline I can find then drain it one last time... this gets several quarts of the engine block liquid to drain.

Afterwards I can add a full 8 quarts of new antifreeze/coolant and get close to a 50/50 ratio.

My other project is a plant I've posted about before... The only patch of wild yarrow withing 20 miles of here. This morning at the barber shop someone said the county isn't going to bush hog the road right of ways this year. They are going to contract to a private company... which means chemical plant killers...

This would kill this rare patch of yarrow. So using a special shovel I have, I cut out 2 circles of that patch 1 foot in diameter. I transplanted them into big pots on my porch. I've never tried transplanting a wild plant on the 2nd day of May. Yarrow is a very tough and hearty plant... I hope at least one pot lives.
Today we started off the day with DH servicing and cleaning the large chainsaw and he cleaned out the filter in it that seemed very dirty and blocked and he is waiting for it to dry before putting it back in. He also sharpened the chain as well. While he was doing this I deep cleaned the bathrooms and toilet for the week and filled up all the water bottles beside the sinks and handwashing water too.

This afternoon I swept and mopped the RSL club as a volunteer and it turns out the RSL had a large table and a 6 burner BBQ donated to them and they offered these to us for free which we will take with gratitude. The large table I have planned to use as a cutting out and sewing table in the sewing room where I am using one that is very small this will make life a lot easier. We were also looking to buy a larger BBQ too so that is now off our purchase list too.

Sitting relaxing now and listening to videos and dinner was easy sausage, spring rolls and chips and I had grapes for dessert.
just sitting here with a cup of coffee looking out the window at the rose bushes . they have been and still are loaded wit blooms this year. an orange one called tropicana really showed out. ... there was a storm last night and lightening struck a sweetgum tree . set it on fire. will see how bad it was damaged later. it was one we were thinking of cutting down anyway.
Need to finish feeding and watering and cleaning the five brooders in the house for the 2nd go around today. And the noisy African Grey (Bibi). I'll let him out later for some talking bird you tube. He likes to watch those while he's having snacks. Pretzels and Swedish fish.
Granddaughter and youngest daughter birthday party here tomorrow at suppertime. Fish tacos, hamburger tacos, and trimmings have been requested. Also angel food cake with strawberries and cream. Bought a 50 lb bag of onions at Sams today, need to start dehydrating this week. I told husband I would run the dehydrators on the patio, but he does like the smell. Had a picnic with husband for lunch. Went out for ice cream this afternoon.
Worked my local VFW pancake breakfast today.
Fairly steady, not a lot of people though.
We had a lot of leftover packages of sausage.
Stuck those in freezer for Veterans sausage, biscuits and gravy day.
My behind is tired.
Got there about 0630 got home about 1630.
Did a stint at the local Mushroom festival too.
So the ones manning the Veterans booth could get something to eat and bathroom runs.
Pancake breakfast was over by 1100, we were cleaned up and out of there by noon.
Then up to Veteran's booth, stopped by dad's got week old papers, now I'm home.
As soon as Strawberry comes in from doing her business, thinking about locking up, getting pj's on relaxing.
Had apple and table spoon of peanut butter for supper.
I'm tired.
Despite the fact it rained most of the day I did manage to get a few things done. The most important “walking shoes”. For about 20 years I’ve been buying the same “New Balance” walking shoe. Over the years the part number changes, slight style changes but basically the same shoe.

For some reason this year I could order the correct size from the big internet box store but not the correct width. I even called their customer service… evidently my width is not available with them.

So, I found it on another internet store I’ve never heard of (but has been in business 20+ years) and used paypal to order a pair. At least they don’t have my email or cc number.

The width I order is 4E. As a young man I considered a career as a clown in the circus but even their shoes weren’t wide enough… :D

At least I have new shoes on the way! ;)
Well its been raining here for over 12 hours now and we're supposed get a break in the rain in about 1/2 hour. This front stretches fron Kentucky all the way up to Boston on the map.
Needless to say hubby is chomping at the bit to get outside and do something lol
Me, I've made breakfast, started his laundry ( have it drying now) and baked a cake lol
I'm thawing the last of the cooked chicken thighs I made and I plan on making chicken chili. Good meal for a rainy day
Gonna do some reading and I have to look at the grocery store circular online to see whats on sale this week and make a list
Resting from the weekend's activities,
Sitting here reading forums, listening to nature on tv.
Crocheting on baby blanket/shawl/scarf.
Strawberry is sprawled out on my bed, she slept with me last night.
Saw a lot of friends yesterday at the pancake breakfast that I haven't seen while I was gone.
Had a good visit with several.
Kept busy filling up elderly men coffee cups, periodically placing another plate of sausage and pancakes in front of them.
Their wives just giggled as they watched me.
Held one baby so her mom could help her older siblings cut up their food.
Held the baby so she could eat too.
Have no clue what I will eat today, but don't really care either.
Will look at online grocery ads for local grocery store, Aldi's and another one in next town over.
Filled up the car today, will have to be real careful with expenses the rest of the month.
Still have to find the money to pay transportation to take me to VA this month, probably will take it out of savings.
Hopefully won't have anymore unexpected bills next month.
Have had 3 unexpected bills in the last three months, my budget has taken big hits because of this.
everybody have a good day.

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