I'm supposed to be loading the trailer for a trip up the mountain. But I don't feel like it, I'm tired, or lazy. Haven't decided which yet.
My daughter started having ear infections when she started eating solid foods. A friend was all about 7 grain cereal, while I was concerned about starting with one food at a time, starting with rice. Friend told me that every child she knew started with 7 grain cereal. 20+ years later, daughter diagnosed with celiac. I would not have thought ear infections would be related to eating gluten, but that is when they started. Daughter had her tonsils out at 5, I had mine out when I was 6. Her dad had his out when he was young as well. Daughter was much healthier once her tonsils were taken out, but still has more colds than I do. Being gluten free has also greatly improved her health.Biscuit making didn't happen.
Grown ups (son and his lady) had different things planned.
She had court date-divorce is final finally.
Son had sleepy, cranky daughter (she has ear infection again).
I went over to wait for cable guy while son picked up daughter.
After court and cable guy left son, cranky grand daughter and I came to my house.
Granny rocked cranky grand daughter, she sipped 7 up, ate Granny's Ritz crackers.
She having tubes put in her ears soon so hopefully it will help.
Needless to say pie didn't get made either.
Granny is tired so I won't be on here long.
...two boys were bullying her and the teacher did nothing so Roo defended herself. I will never tell her but I am proud of her for defending herself.
Love your granny stories.Granny had cranky grand daughter again this morning.
We made biscuits finally. Hardtack anyone?
She loved playing with the dough.
Ever so often caught her taking a nibble of dough.
Look at me smile great big saying yum Granny.
After making biscuits we had coffee resting at the kitchen table together.
Chatting, she helped Granny mix up meatloaf too.
No telling how that will turn out.
She's such a big little girl standing up on chair helping washing dishes.
Okay, she splashing making general watery mess for Granny to clean up.
Patchouli, we all struggle to find our new normal.
Including me right now.
Hang tough, you got this.
If you need to talk, I'll listen.