What's everybody doing today?

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Came home nauseous yesterday and woke up with runs at 3:30 this morning. Doing as little as possible today!

Did you eat out? We don't eat out anymore now that so much division don't trust the food handlers at all.
Hope your better soon Snap.:huggs:

Not much but heat and work going on here, and also I've been studying scripture with daughter lately.
Did you eat out?

No, ma'am. Just my regular eating style. Also, was hot and cold with a headache part of the time. Think I caught some little thing. I'm good today!

Went to thrift shop this morning and then to nursing home to visit a friend. Then to Burke's Outlet for a yoga mat. Going to start exercises now to get rid of loose skin. Not sure how well that will go at my age, but going to try. Also, stopped by the veterinarian's to ask about flea pills for Peanut, but they won't give me any since she gets seizures. Advantix only and that's fine, just thought I would ask. And stopped by Veteran's Affairs to ask if VA will take my social security dollar for dollar against DH's VA and yes, they will so I will wait. I had already googled it, but wanted a second opinion.
Spent this afternoon at the doc's office... I can always make that man laugh... He's wants me to have a CT. Turns out it's broken and won't be fixed until next week because a hard drive went bad. Won't be the first time I repaired a CT or MRI before getting a scan... We had a good laugh about that too.

Anyway, I've done more in the last 2 weeks than the last 2 months combined. I'm exhausted, need a week of doing absolutely nothing. I knew this day was coming so I made sure my fridge is well stocked as well as my freezer... With any luck the only thing I'll have to worry about is a few dishes.

I got home from work at 5PM and got ready to go for a bike ride. I sat down in my chair to check Email and Bam! I fell asleep and woke up at 1:30AM. I guess my body just had enough of getting up at 4AM and driving 50 miles to work for a week. Now I get 8 days off so I should be recovered by the time I go back to work.
Another busy day and we went to town and DH's first psychologist's appointment today and already she is saying he is showing strong indicators of PTSD. He has a few more sessions left and she plans to refer him to some other services that may help him. We also have it booked for DH to see psychiatrist in October too.

While in town we purchased another 10 litres of hydraulic oil and a 10 litre of 10W40 as well as they had a special for 20 % off everything so it made it very cheap. Went to the hardware store and picked up 4 more food storage shelving units, curtain rods, curtain rod holders, end caps, oil pourers, funnels. We also picked up the curtain rod for the RSL club and the curtain rod holders and end caps. Then to the ag store where we purchased pvc watering system connectors and pieces. What we didn't get accomplished as we were pretty worn out by then as everything took so long to get done, was the tinned fruit shopping but we will do that next fortnight.

Tonight's dinner was the rest of our mince and vegetable stir fry and dessert was our homemade apple crumble with cream.
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Wow, that's a good deal, Timmie. Just bought some for 50 cents a lb. Last bag I bought went bad quickly.
Work today, and not much else. Another police officer came over this evening to take photos of the pry marks on the windows. Just talked to MIL and wished her a Happy 86th birthday. She got a manicure today, and read outside near the pool this afternoon. Grandkids are with our daughter at a baseball game tonight.
Round 1 of today is our friend came over to dig up the large garden beds in the back garden so we will have some beds for larger crops such as pumpkins and the like now but still more to get done in amending the soil down there.

We too are having an easier day today after having 3 days away from home there was so much to catch up on. DH soaked some white clothing overnight and stain removed a t-shirt and put a load of washing on and I ran the grey water out to the rest of the garden beds, 1 ornamental flower bed and the rest to a mulberry tree. I then put on another load of washing and DH ran the water out to the two canna lily beds at the side of the house. I then set off the grey water pump and moved the sprinkler around to water the backyard lawns. Not much lawn there as it is frost burnt but it helps to keep the water up to it to green it a bit.

Then we thought we would play and get our 20 tonne hydraulic log splitter going that we just purchased and fueled it up and put fuel and hydraulic oil in it. We popped on our ironbark hardwood logs and split about 6 large logs and I had a go too as I like to know how things work and how to use them. It did a wonderful job of splitting the logs and there will be no more manually splitting logs with a wood splitting ax for us :woo hoo:.

Shortly we will take in the 2 loads of clean laundry off the clothes line.
Round 1 of today is our friend came over to dig up the large garden beds in the back garden so we will have some beds for larger crops such as pumpkins and the like now but still more to get done in amending the soil down there.

We too are having an easier day today after having 3 days away from home there was so much to catch up on. DH soaked some white clothing overnight and stain removed a t-shirt and put a load of washing on and I ran the grey water out to the rest of the garden beds, 1 ornamental flower bed and the rest to a mulberry tree. I then put on another load of washing and DH ran the water out to the two canna lily beds at the side of the house. I then set off the grey water pump and moved the sprinkler around to water the backyard lawns. Not much lawn there as it is frost burnt but it helps to keep the water up to it to green it a bit.

Then we thought we would play and get our 20 tonne hydraulic log splitter going that we just purchased and fueled it up and put fuel and hydraulic oil in it. We popped on our ironbark hardwood logs and split about 6 large logs and I had a go too as I like to know how things work and how to use them. It did a wonderful job of splitting the logs and there will be no more manually splitting logs with a wood splitting ax for us :woo hoo:.

Shortly we will take in the 2 loads of clean laundry off the clothes line.
Splitters are a wonderful invention. Somewhere on the farm we have an old homemade one that runs off the PTO on the tractor. I don't even know if it works now, but at one time it split a whole bunch of downed trees, and then the wood was sold to raise funds for a mission trip. If that had to be done by hand I don't think it would have happened...
A quite day here hopefully...

@Amish Heart Something that's been on my wish list forever. PTO generators... Northern Tool currently has them in 7500 watts, 12,000 watts and 24,000 watts. With just a few gallons of diesel fuel I could keep my freezers, fridges cold for a couple of months.

Until he retired my neighbor had a dairy and a 10,000 watt pto generator. With just a few gallons of fuel he could keep thousands of gallons of milk cold.

@Spikedriver I agree the wood splitters are a super wonderful invention and I no longer will bounce off the wood when splitting it with a ax splitter. It is going to save so much time and gut busting work. A PTO driven wood splitter sounds amazing and probably would do the splitting in no time. Good on you for selling the wood and making money to go on your mission too.

@Amish Heart the PTO driven thrasher sounds wonderful as the PTO generator does too.

@lonewolf you can get some wonderful prepping items at the discount variety stores.
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@Spikedriver I agree the wood splitters are a super wonderful invention and I no longer will bounce off the wood when splitting it with a ax splitter. It is going to save so much time and gut busting work. Good on you for selling the wood and making money to go on your mission too.

@Amish Heart the PTO driven thrasher sounds wonderful as the PTO generator does too.
Well...it wasn't my trip. If I recall correctly, it was either for my nieces to go to Haiti or Guatemala. I can't take any credit for it.
@Peanut when we had confined hogs we had a PTO generator for power outages. Kept the ventilation going in the hog barn if electrical storms knocked out power in summer, and kept the heat on in winter. Plus it would power the house too although you didn't want to run everything you had. It took a 90 HP tractor to run it, if I recall right...or maybe our 90 horse tractor ran it because that's all we had to run it with...:rolleyes:
My eyeglasses went bad a couple days ago. The lens coatings failed, and they look like they have a coating of glaze on them. They're past the warranty too, so I went to the eye doctor and got a checkup, and picked out some new ones. Gonna be almost 700 bucks...ouch!
You should order some spare glasses from Zenni Optical online. They have prescription glasses starting at under $10. We have had excellent results with them. They are a very popular spot to get glasses.
@Peanut It took a 90 HP tractor to run it, if I recall right...or maybe our 90 horse tractor ran it because that's all we had to run it with...:rolleyes:

@Spikedriver Northern Tool claims a 48hp tractor will run their 24,000 watt generator... 25hp for the 12,000 watt model. If I remember right my neighbor used a ford 3000 to run his 10,000 watt model with no issues.

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