What's everybody doing today?

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3/4 ton truck.
It made think back about 10 years ago when someone bought a house that had a large bunch of canning jars that they didn't want. They posted on Craigslist about free jars. I loaded my trunk, backseat, floorboards, front seat an front floor. I probably couldn't have gotten any more in. It took me a while to process the jars. They were in really large boxes. I wanted to sort and clean them, and then put them into smaller boxes. There were many old glass mayonnaise jars that were being used to can tomatoes. I sorted those out and used them for dry canning of things like beans, lentils, etc. I gave my cousin a couple dozen of the Mason jars.
Putting my feet up! Went and got the Sams shopping done today. Daughter has chipmunk cheeks, made her some chocolate pudding and banana pudding. Husband is requesting spaghetti for dinner, easy enough. Grandkids helped butcher 3 roosters with me. Boiled the meat, just need to strip it and freeze it. Granddaughter accidentally let the Jungle Fowl rooster out of his run this morning. Took her awhile, but got him back in. He is a stealth rooster, made to run, and mean.
I want to find a deal on canning jars!
Lucky Terri!
Sign up on Craigslist for notification of when canning jars come up. I have gotten a few batches of free jars this way. All of them involved some work. Two batches had food that was years old, so I emptied it all out, washed the jars and I had some good jars. Some of that can cause some gagging, but I got it done!
I had a productive day. I went to the farmers market in the big town. I used to sell peaches by the ton at the old farmers market, I remember helping my grandmother sell there when I was a kid.

Politicians, crooked contractors and the politically correct got involved with the old market. They want a new one where farmers couldn’t park by their tables but had to carry all their goods 100yds. Farmers could no longer carry purchases by the elderly to their vehicles. They had to put up signs that said “ethically grown, or sustainable” blah, blah, blah, blah….

The old market split in two! 50% created their own market in a different municipality. That’s were I went today… saw a few of the old guys I remember from 8 years ago. Bought a few things, a nice visit, nice to catch up.

I got a new scope for my 10/22, had it mounted and rough sited. I could have thrown the scope packaging away at the gun counter. I carried it with me to the check out line because it contained the user manual and factory warranty information.

I didn’t notice when she did it but the check out girl threw my packaging/user manual away. I called the store this afternoon, got a manager on the line. She found my packaging/user manual in the trash by the register I checked out at.

She said she would hold it for me to pick up. I informed her I lived 40 miles away and wanted it mailed to me. She agreed, so sometime next week I’ll have the user manual for my scope, else I will drive back to the store and it won’t be a pleasant visit.

I returned an air rifle I bought last week and got a full refund.

I picked up a few groceries and was home by noon. I got a lot done with only one hiccup!
I didn’t notice when she did it but the check out girl threw my packaging/user manual away. I called the store this afternoon, got a manager on the line. She found my packaging/user manual in the trash by the register I checked out at.
Isn't that just odd? Why in the world would someone do that without even asking? Good for you for having them mail it to you. Sometimes something like this can end up being a real pain you know where.
Just got home from the ER, don't ask. The main point, a med that would help me tonight is unavailable because the pharmacy is closed until sometime tomorrow. 4 hours in the ER just to drive home so I can drive back to town tomorrow.

I have a herbal alternative and took a dose as soon as I got home (cleavers).
Studied my scripture lesson this morning and went to church and had a wonderful time and got a calling as R.S secretary. Had lunch with a few people and visited a sister while I was there. We made 2 apple crumbles one for us and one to take to church for sandwich Sunday last night.

Back home where we went to the RSL club and DH picked up the club's banking to bank tomorrow when we are in town and we had a soft drink each and had a wonderful conversation with a local there. Sitting down relaxing now and we had ham and cheese rolls for dinner and I had tinned mango for dessert.
Feel better, Snappy. That's miserable.
I went to buy turkey feed and whole wheat this morning. We plant wheat and oat seed around the chicken areas instead of grass. It looks the same, just edible. The oats have taken off, just need to get the wheat grass started. Son brought home a mega box full of seed packets, all varieties of everything, mush be 500 pkts in that box. He works at a nursery and they were last seasons seeds. He said there's two more big boxes of them at work. I guess the nursery gets credit from the seed supplier on what doesn't sell, so these aren't even used. Glad to get them. I plant old seed all the time.
Stopped at the school to drop off billing (my last week!), filled the car up with gas. Husband is itching to get out, so we'll go to Krogers together. He'll stay in the car (probably) and then I bet we stopped for an ice cream.
Studied my scripture lesson this morning and went to church and had a wonderful time and got a calling as R.S secretary. Had lunch with a few people and visited a sister while I was there. We made 2 apple crumbles one for us and one to take to church for sandwich Sunday last night.

Back home where we went to the RSL club and DH picked up the club's banking to bank tomorrow when we are in town and we had a soft drink each and had a wonderful conversation with a local there. Sitting down relaxing now and we had ham and cheese rolls for dinner and I had tinned mango for dessert.
Your day sounds very enriching. It's good to visit with nice people and make connections, even if it's someone you never see again. It's refreshing to know there are still nice people out there. Don't see or hear it from the media berating negativity. Real life is much more pleasant than what it portrayed. Glad you had a good day.
Chipmunk cheeks daughter was feeling better and went home to her own place tonight. Husband and I have work tomorrow anyway. She is swollen, but feeling better. Caught up on the phone with daughter who is in Alaska working temporarily. She's halfway through, and will be home mid August. Got some shopping done, the floors mopped, the vacuuming done. We just got a call from our local little police dept. Another officer is following up on our robbery and just called and asked some questions. Said he was coming by tomorrow to talk to the neighbors and to take photos of the pry marks on the outside of the window. The original officer really did nothing. Our local weekly paper said that a robbery happened because we left our window open and jewelry out. (we didn't) and reminded the villagers to keep their windows closed when they leave their house. Husband was fuming. This officer said he'd run the serial number of the pistol to see if it's coming up anywhere.
Today we started off the morning with us banking the RSL takings at the bank and DH going to his physio appointment and he feels a lot better and not in so much pain.

Then onto doing the 5 weekly grocery shop on mainly staples this time (which rarely come on special here) but did pick up a few specials on mandarins, bananas, frozen peas, corn and carrot and kiwi fruit. I am trying to eat a lot more fresh fruits when we can find them at reasonable prices. When we got home we put all the cold items in the freezer and fridge and DH had a nap and after he woke up we dated everything and put it away in the food storage room and the fruit in either the fridge or fruit bowl.

This afternoon DH washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I wiped them and put them away and DH watered all the potted herb and fruit trees with saved rainwater from our tank stand runoff into our collapsible water tank. I then fed the cat who was immensely cuddly afterwards.

Dinner was a mince stirfry and the other half of our apple crumble with cream.
This morning I went to the bank and turned in all our change we've been saving in a bucket lol
Then went to the grocery store

Yesterday hubby finished up the railing on the back deck. I told him it was fancier than anything I've ever had.
He even found a nice new screen door for the sliding glass door on sale at Lowes
house remodel 002.JPG
He says he has enough of that black railing to do the front porch and ramp too, so I guess he'll start that sometime later this year
The house sure is getting pretty again lol

Just been regular days here. Cleaning, dehydrating things, cooking meals, reading some
Waiting on the remnants of Barry probably wednesday evening maybe
This morning I went to the bank and turned in all our change we've been saving in a bucket lol
Then went to the grocery store

Yesterday hubby finished up the railing on the back deck. I told him it was fancier than anything I've ever had.
He even found a nice new screen door for the sliding glass door on sale at Lowes
View attachment 11414
He says he has enough of that black railing to do the front porch and ramp too, so I guess he'll start that sometime later this year
The house sure is getting pretty again lol

Just been regular days here. Cleaning, dehydrating things, cooking meals, reading some
Waiting on the remnants of Barry probably wednesday evening maybe
Your deck looks great. It would be easy to find me if I lived there. I would be on the deck.
You should think about self wicking pots for your deck. I have a couple in my garden this year and I think I will make all the flowers on the porch self wicking next year, including the hanging baskets.
Nice finds Terri. Very nice.

Wife made a run of dill pickles today. I spent all day mowing. I missed it last week and with the rain we've been getting the yard was thick and tall. Had to mow slow, plus the grass was still wet.

e are dealing with the same thing it rains just enough to wet the grass and humidity keeps it wet till noon.
Just got home from the ER, don't ask. The main point, a med that would help me tonight is unavailable because the pharmacy is closed until sometime tomorrow. 4 hours in the ER just to drive home so I can drive back to town tomorrow.

I have a herbal alternative and took a dose as soon as I got home (cleavers).

Hope you get well soon Peanut.

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